I was born left handed but my mother, bless her heart, didn't want any of her kids to suffer from living in a right handed world, so she forced me to do all the "normal" things right handed. I write right handed, but can do almost anything else with either hand. It is natural for me to shift a tool, or a gun, to my left hand rather than move to a different spot to use it.
Our young horse trainer is especially observant and offers me a lot of insight into how I handle things horse related. This morning she watched me trying to get a halter on the mare we are checking out and when I asked her why I have so much trouble getting a horse to stand still while I put it on, her answer stopped me cold. I was doing it from the "wrong" side. I never have paid any particular attention to which side I am standing on, or if I am directly in front of the horse. I don't recall ever having it be a problem before.
I guess I will have to pay more attention to how a particular horse responds to me doing things from either side, or from the front. Apparently the majority of horses are trained by righties for righties. Any of you lefties out there ride horses? Ever had a problem like mine, I would like to know.