Today Dad brought home some christmas loot from the bank ladies. Normally this loot consist of candy and cookies.
Today its an entire precooked spiral cut ham.
While, I do love the gesture, I have to wonder if the women relize that a. He does not actually starve when they don't feed him, and b. If not for me, he would have stuck it in the fridge, munched on it till it started going off and given the rest to the mutts. Considering that we are both a bit paranoid about old food going bad, that means the dogs would have likely gotten over half of the good meat.
So, most of it is now in the freezer in baggies, with the exception of the bag for our neighbor and a tidy pile for munching and the bone, which are in the fridge.
Another guy he works with told him to save the bone and make soup. I was already think in that direction, but lacking an approprieate pot, I figured it would just go to the dogs.
But dad wants soup, and is willing to go buy the pot.
So I can make soup.
Unfortunatly, while I understand the principles involved, the process of turning a bone in a pot of water into tasty soup is not something I have done before.
My previous soup making involves swanson with stuff chucked in.
So, he wants beans and cabbage, and I don't do celerey. I'm pretty much open to any other seggestion. Please focus on spices and such, since that's my real weak point.
We both like salty and he loves spicey, which ham, I would consider pepper... ?