Author Topic: PBS "Documentary" on Banking - 2008  (Read 882 times)


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PBS "Documentary" on Banking - 2008
« on: April 26, 2012, 03:56:12 PM »
Last evening, Mrs. B. was sort of watching a "documentary" the local PBS channel about the banking mess in 2008. They focussed particularly on AIG and Lehman, and the shenanigans both pulled and the strategic and tactical blunders that ocurred.

What was amazing to me is that they managed to put such a left-wing spin on the "reporting" of events that they portrayed Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Tim Geithner and (then candidate) Barack Obama as the guys who rode in and fixed the mess that the Republicans caused. And they did it with a straight face! If anyone had a bigger hand in causing this whole mortgage cluster than Barney Frank, I don't know who it was.

If one hadn't paid attention to what *really* went on, it seemed credible. I was too angered to watch, so had to leave the room. (SWMBO gets really PO'd when I yell at the TV.)

Jon has a long mustache. No, really; he does. Look at that thing!