Author Topic: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor  (Read 16213 times)


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Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« on: April 27, 2012, 10:08:09 PM »
First, a bit of background:

  My wife & I purchased our 5 acres east of Dallas a bit over 4 years ago.  It's an understatement to call the condition of the property a jungle, it was more of a combination jungle and landfill.  There were weeds over 10' tall, 8 year old trees with the tops bent to the ground because the vines had pulled them over, piles of trash both buried and above ground, old/trashed boats - a real mess. 

  Because of this we were unaware that a portion of the property is flooded for most, if not all, of the year.  We didn't become aware of the problem until about 1 1/2 years ago, when I'd finally gotten that portion of the property (mostly) cleared.  The only time I'm aware of this area being dry was during last summers' drought.  The problem is caused by a neighbor.  This neighbor lives across the street, east of us.  He also recently purchased the 5 acres south of us on our side of the street. 

There is a drainage creek that starts somewhere to the west of our property, meanders east along the south fence line staying mainly on our property but it does cross onto his southern property and back onto ours again.  The creek also has a large bend in it that cuts off approx. 1/4 acre of our property; we can't access that area without either going off our property and onto his, then back onto ours or by building a bridge across the 2 1/2 feet deep creek or wading the creek.  The creek then crosses under the county road onto his eastern property where he has a dam across the creek, creating a large pond on his property.  The county road runs north/south between his eastern property and ours, and has a drainage ditch alongside of it, on our property.

The problem is that the overflow pipes on his dam are too high, by about 2 1/2 feet.  This causes the water to back up under the county road and flood not only the creek on the southern edge of our property, but also a large area of our property near the road (about 50 yds x 15 yds) and about 100 yards of the drainage ditch along the county road.  The high water level also contributes to the county road flooding during any moderate to heavy rain.

I've talked with the neighbor about the situation 4 or 5 times.  His answer each time has been to accept responsibility, say he'll remedy it, but can't do it right now - for various reasons, whatever seems appropriate at the time.  He has said that the overflow pipes were that way when he bought his property; the previous owner had the dam rebuilt and the contractor installed the pipes incorrectly.

I've sent letters to and/or talked with numerous state and federal agencies, every response but one has been that I'd need to take him to court.  The one more positive response has been from the County Commissioner; he's indicated that, because the road is being impacted, he'll do something about it.  The problem there is that he's running for reelection, he even stated that it wouldn't look good for him to be taking one of his constituents to court during an election year.

I recently sent the neighbor what basically amounted to a "cease & desist" letter which he ignored.

The only lawyer I talked to said it would cost at least $250 for a "cease & desist" letter from him and if we went to court it would require a $5,000 retainer and $250 per hour.  Way out of my ability to pay.

There are numerous reasons I'd like to get this resolved: it's a breeding ground for mosquitoes, it's killing my trees (two of which fell onto the power lines 2 winters ago), I can't access part of my property, I can't maintain my property as I'd like, and I've gotten injured as a direct result of the flooding while trying to work around that area.  That mud is slippery, when mixed with power tools, things can go wrong in a hurry.

One more complication is that we live in the county just outside of a small town - about 1,300 people.  The neighbor is a LEO on the local force.  He's told stories of his work that have my wife & I concerned about retaliation.  I'm considering a GPS data logger, just in case.  Since I'm (now-a-days) a careful driver, any ticket(s) would be bogus & proof would be nice.


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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2012, 10:34:46 PM »
Could you offer to cut the tops off the spillway pipes for him?  (how hard could that be?)

Be careful, the .gov may declare your property a "wetlands"
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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2012, 10:50:35 PM »
Actually, the government may be interested in the fact that he has damed the creek - you vould spend an hour or so at the courthouse looking up the permit for him to do that.  The clerks there should be willing to give you some assistance, if only by helping you find the legal description of the property.  If the self-help route leaves you stimied, you could invest in a Realtor's assistance.  It might not cost you more that what the lawyer wanted for the letter.

Another avenue to explore is your title insurance.  If the deed and description of the property do not match what is actually going on they should offer you some courses of action to consider.

If the neighbor has in fact admitted responsibility and "promised" to remedy the situation, you could sue for damages based on the loss of use/enjoyment of the property.  I'm sure you had some plan for that corner of your property that you cannot bring to fruition because of the neighbor's refusal to remedy his willful damage.  Check to see if that might be something you could do in small claims court.  (I'm thinking either make him buy the land from you or escrow the cost of remediation plus your expenses in getting estimates on those costs.)

Where is Brad Johnson when he is needed?  Someone please check the phobe booths to see if there is someone changing into a superhero costume.

stay safe.
If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of a constitutional privilege.

Hey you kids!! Get off my lawn!!!

They keep making this eternal vigilance thing harder and harder.  Protecting the 2nd amendment is like playing PACMAN - there's no pause button so you can go to the bathroom.


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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2012, 11:05:22 PM »
I've offered to bring my tools over and help him do the work and/or do the work myself.  Every time has been "I'll get to it later".

I could take him to small claims court.  I'm not sure that I can sue in small claims for an action; I'm pretty sure he could only be sued for costs.  I've looked into/gotten estimates for filling in the low spots, but that would still leave the creek and ditch flooded, and still adversely impact the use of the areas - not to mention drowning the trees near the creek.  The Commissioner was going to contact one of his Justice of the Peace buddies to see if a suit for action can be brought in small claims, but I haven't heard back from him on that; and I've called since he said he'd check on it. 

The neighbors' admission was only in front of his wife, my wife and myself - no independent witnesses. 

Come Monday I'll check into the title insurance and permits.  Might take a while on those, but I'll take the first steps then.

vaskidmark  Were you suggesting to have a Realtor do the research on the permit(s)? 


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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2012, 11:10:14 PM »
Two routes to choose from.  Nice and helpful neighbor, or call out the tile crawlers.

A couple years ago I was out deer hunting.  A nice 4x4 mulie came into range.  I shot first but missed (turns out what I thought was maybe 200-250 yards was more like a bit over 350).  Another hunter then started firing, along with his son.  I hit the deer first but not fatally - if I'd had the range right it would have been a perfect boiler room shot but instead went under the belly and hit a leg.  The other guy got a neck shot and put it down.  Rather than fight over the deer I let him have it and even helped drag it out.  I got a quarter for my troubles, and am now friends with that guy and have a reputation of being a great dude to hunt around among all that guys buddies.  

Take that story for whatever its worth.
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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2012, 11:33:04 PM »
If there was any advantage to leaving things as they are I'd do so.  But all of the impact on my property is negative.

In my research I did find that the Texas Water Code, section 11.086, makes it unlawful for any person to divert the natural flow of waters or to impound surface waters in a manner that damages the property of others.  That is a direct quote from the letter sent to the neighbor - and from the TWC. 

BTW, the folks in charge over at Tex Water said they couldn't do anything.  I have requested an inspection of the dam by the state, but they said they're pretty backed up and don't know if/when they can perform the inspection.


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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2012, 11:44:14 PM »
I never suggested leaving things as they are.  The analgous reaction to that in the hunting story would have been to just walk off and never even talk to the other hunter.
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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2012, 04:40:34 AM »
vaskidmark  Were you suggesting to have a Realtor do the research on the permit(s)? 

If you are willing to pay them for their time and expertise, and they will take the job, then "Yes".

Realtors are more than real estate sales agents - just watch their commercials. =D

I am not an attorney, certainly I am not your attorney, and I just spent 5 minutes reading the Texas Water Code which may make me more or less versed than anybody in Texas regarding those laws.  But, to my untrained mind you may have three courses of action:

§ 11.0842. ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY.  (a) If a person
violates this chapter, a rule or order adopted under this chapter or
Section 16.236 of this code, or a permit, certified filing, or
certificate of adjudication issued under this chapter, the
commission may assess an administrative penalty against that person
as provided by this section.
        (b)  The penalty may be in an amount not to exceed $5,000 for
each day the person is in violation of this chapter, the rule or
order adopted under this chapter, or the permit, certified filing,
or certificate of adjudication issued under this chapter.  The
penalty may be in an amount not to exceed $1,000 for each day the
person is in violation of the rule or order adopted under Section
16.236 of this code.  Each day a violation continues may be
considered a separate violation for purposes of penalty assessment.

File suit for a Writ of Mandamus to make the TWC asses the penalty(ies) allowed under this section.

§ 11.0843. FIELD CITATION.  (a) Upon witnessing a
violation of this chapter or a rule or order or a water right issued
under this chapter, a watermaster or the watermaster's deputy, as
defined by commission rule, may issue the alleged violator a field
citation alleging that a violation has occurred

File suit for a Writ of Mandamus for the TWC to a) send a watermaster/watermaster's deputy to the property to witness the alleged violation and b) to then issue the field citation.

person may divert or impound the natural flow of surface waters in
this state, or permit a diversion or impounding by him to continue,
in a manner that damages the property of another by the overflow of
the water diverted or impounded.
        (b)  A person whose property is injured by an overflow of
water caused by an unlawful diversion or impounding has remedies at
law and in equity and may recover damages occasioned by the

Pay out of pocket to mitigate and repair the damages and sue for recovery of costs (remedy in equity) and/or swear out warrants alleging intentional destrucyion of property or other acts as recognized by Texas law.

And we are still awaiting the arrival of Brad Johnson.  Did anybody check the phone booth out in front of The Daily Planet?

stay safe.
If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of a constitutional privilege.

Hey you kids!! Get off my lawn!!!

They keep making this eternal vigilance thing harder and harder.  Protecting the 2nd amendment is like playing PACMAN - there's no pause button so you can go to the bathroom.

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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2012, 08:12:03 AM »
Skid pretty much summed up what I was going to suggest.  The TWC route will have the most teeth, it's just a matter of figuring out which way to best approach it.  You might want to give your state rep a call and have him/her contact the TWC office.  A call from a state senator carries a lot more weight than a call from Joe Citizen.

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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2012, 10:43:58 AM »
Detcord ...?  ;)
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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2012, 10:48:42 AM »
Doesn't the Army Corps of Engineers have to sign off on dams and creek diversions?

My fathers neighbors dammed a creek and built a nice pond. This was on unincorporated land but the county eventually found it and came a knocking. I seem to recall the county making them get the Army Corps involved, checking it out as part of the process of keeping it in place.

May want to get them involved.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 10:52:15 AM by Ron »
For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity, that they may be without excuse. Because knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, and didn’t give thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.


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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2012, 11:14:53 AM »
Doesn't the Army Corps of Engineers have to sign off on dams and creek diversions?

My fathers neighbors dammed a creek and built a nice pond. This was on unincorporated land but the county eventually found it and came a knocking. I seem to recall the county making them get the Army Corps involved, checking it out as part of the process of keeping it in place.

May want to get them involved.

I think the Army Corps only comes into play when the water way is navigable.
Do you have a department of environmental protection down there? or something like that? Is he damaging the breading grounds for some sort of endangered species? (red necked bud sucker)

Is it possible to send some debris (the dead trees) down stream in the next heavy rain that will damage the dam?
I needed a mod to change my signature because the concept of "family friendly" eludes me.
Just noticed that a mod changed my signature. How long ago was that?
A few months-mods


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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2012, 01:26:09 PM »
I could take him to small claims court.  I'm not sure that I can sue in small claims for an action; I'm pretty sure he could only be sued for costs.

Correct; small claims can only get you recovery of actual damages.  Even your labor would be hard to get reimbursed for there.

The neighbors' admission was only in front of his wife, my wife and myself - no independent witnesses.

Voice recorders are small and cheap, and in TX, only one party to a conversation has to know it's being recorded for it to be admissible.  In a situation like this, proving that he was aware of the problem and did nothing about it would be the clincher for getting punitive damages.  A recorded admission can be priceless.


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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2012, 11:30:31 PM »
Thanks for all the suggestions.  Some I'll have to pass on; although I have thought of a few, shall we say, hi-powered options, it's probably best to follow more legal channels.  Even sending trash downstream won't work, it'd have to pass through a 3' culvert pipe and travel around 100 yds. to get to the dam. 

The paperwork from the purchase of this place is fairly handy, I'll spend part of tomorrow doing some more research.

I'm a bit hesitant to call in either my State Rep or Senator.  The Commissioner might construe that as going over his head, which could cause problems with this and/or other situations.  Then again, he has been dragging his feet.  I knew we should have bought property on top of a mountain somewhere.......

Speaking of hesitating to call on someone, I think I'll stay away from the EPA for now.  Certainly don't want to have the property classified as a "wetlands".

ETA:  I'm tempted to contact his boss (the Chief LEO) (possibly anonymously) to inform him that one of his employees is in violation of the Tex Water Code.  Don't know the boss at all, so I've no idea how he'd react to the info.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2012, 11:33:45 PM by Cliffh »


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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2012, 05:15:24 AM »
ETA:  I'm tempted to contact his boss (the Chief LEO) (possibly anonymously) to inform him that one of his employees is in violation of the Tex Water Code.  Don't know the boss at all, so I've no idea how he'd react to the info.

This is gererally a Bad ThingTM, unless you are reporting actual criminal wrongdoing*.  It's also difficult these days to be truely anonymous, and since the dam thing has no relationship to neighbor's performance the boss may just tell him of the complaint and it would not be difficult to figure out who made it.  It also has the ring of juvenile behavior.

stay safe.

*As best I can tell, most of the violations of TWC are civil, unless we are talking about TWC folks refusing to do their job.
If cowardly and dishonorable men sometimes shoot unarmed men with army pistols or guns, the evil must be prevented by the penitentiary and gallows, and not by a general deprivation of a constitutional privilege.

Hey you kids!! Get off my lawn!!!

They keep making this eternal vigilance thing harder and harder.  Protecting the 2nd amendment is like playing PACMAN - there's no pause button so you can go to the bathroom.


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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2012, 05:41:51 AM »
Detcord ...?  ;)

That wouldn't be....unprecedented. 

Back in 1960s parts of my hometown flooded due to a lack of drainage culverts under the railroad tracks, which have a good six foot tall (and maybe higher) foundation under them in places. The railroad company either refused to do anything about it or didn't respond fast enough, so some miner got himself a heap of explosives and simply blew a hole in the tracks to release the water.
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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2012, 09:43:38 AM »
Where east of Dallas are you? Just curious, I live southeast of Dallas.
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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2012, 10:16:10 AM »
It also has the ring of juvenile behavior.

Curious criticism ...
Formerly sumpnz


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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2012, 10:37:17 AM »
I did some reading of the TX Water Code last night.  Chapter 7, Enforcement has a lot of "the Commission may" statements but nothing definite on how the Code is to be enforced.  Since they've already told me their policy is to not interfere in disputes between neighbors I believe that route is a dead end.

We're located about 10 miles north of Canton.

Jamie B

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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2012, 10:52:36 AM »
ETA:  I'm tempted to contact his boss (the Chief LEO) (possibly anonymously) to inform him that one of his employees is in violation of the Tex Water Code.  Don't know the boss at all, so I've no idea how he'd react to the info.
And how will he not immediately know that it was you?

Honesty and direct approach always best.
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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #20 on: April 29, 2012, 11:09:22 AM »
Truthfully, I'm about pissed enough to walk in and make a report in person.  Figure that as an officer of the law the Chief should be interested.

Of course, his being "interested" would be in a perfect world.  Taking personalities and politics into consideration, making a report probably wouldn't bring about the desired outcome.


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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #21 on: April 29, 2012, 11:36:10 AM »
Forget going to his boss.  Nothing good will happen there.  You have three possible courses of action:

1.  Go and make yourself a flaming PITA at the TWC.   Continue to dance on bureaucrat's desk(s) until one takes action.  Threaten to bring in the media/press/TV if "Something Isn't Done!"  (Do as VA said and check permits, if the dam is incorrectly built as to the permit, that's a huge problem, If the county doesn't do anything, you may then to directly to #3 below.)

2.  If 1. above doesn't work, threaten to go to your State Rep/Senator about how they are not doing their job.

3.  There is always the Army Corps of Engineers.  The have jurisdiction over every "navigable waterway"(#) in the US.  They get real pissy when people screw with "Navigable Waterways". Don't ask me how I know.

(#) "Navigable Waterway" being anything slightly larger then a car park puddle, although they may well be included.   IIRC, from my dealing with the ACE, anything that's squishy more than it is dry is a "Navigable Waterway".    
« Last Edit: April 29, 2012, 01:52:57 PM by scout26 »
Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.

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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2012, 01:15:14 PM »
I shouldn't have even brought up the Police Chief.  My better half had already put the kabosh on it, even after 20+ years she's still trying to civilize me.

I suppose that one person, loud enough and with enough time, could possibly get a State organization to change their policy.

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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2012, 02:18:44 PM »
n email to the obvious folks with a cc to various newpapers etc sometimes generate activity.  even more if you get a reporter to make a followup call
It is much more powerful to seek Truth for one's self.  Seeing and hearing that others seem to have found it can be a motivation.  With me, I was drawn because of much error and bad judgment on my part. Confronting one's own errors and bad judgment is a very life altering situation.  Confronting the errors and bad judgment of others is usually hypocrisy.

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Re: Would like advice on legal problem with neighbor
« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2012, 04:12:43 PM »
The creek I spoke of earlier is smaller than the one you describe.

The Army Corps of Engineers were very much involved in determining the impact of the illegally built dam (or demanding the impact be studied or determined).

If there is flooding caused by the dam they may very well be interested in knowing.  
For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity, that they may be without excuse. Because knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, and didn’t give thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.