Author Topic: Report: Emergency rooms overburdened  (Read 1195 times)

Phantom Warrior

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Report: Emergency rooms overburdened
« on: June 14, 2006, 07:38:12 AM »
WASHINGTON - Half a million times a year  about once every minute  an ambulance carrying a sick patient is turned away from a full emergency room and sent to another one farther away. It's a sobering symptom of how the nation's emergency-care system is overcrowded and overwhelmed, "at its breaking point," concludes a major investigation by the influential Institute of Medicine.

That crisis comes from just day-to-day emergencies. Emergency rooms are far from ready to handle the mass casualties that a bird flu epidemic or terrorist strike would bring, the institute warned Wednesday in a three-volume report.

"If you can barely get through the night's 911 calls, how on earth can you handle a disaster?" asked report co-author Dr. Arthur Kellerman, Emory University's emergency medicine chief.

That ERs are overburdened isn't new. But the probe by the IOM, an independent scientific group that advises the government, provides an unprecedented look at the scope of the problems  and recommends urgent steps for health organizations and local and federal officials to start fixing it.

Topping that list is a call for coordinating care so that ambulances don't waste potentially lifesaving minutes wandering from hospital to hospital in search of an ER with room. The idea is to set up regionalized systems that manage the flow much like airports direct flight traffic. That also should direct patients not just to the nearest ER but to the one best equipped to treat their particular condition  making sure stroke victims go to stroke centers, for example.

Other recommendations:

_Congress should establish a pool of $50 million to reimburse hospitals for the unpaid emergency care they provide to the poor and uninsured.

_Congress should ensure that more of the nation's disaster-preparedness funding goes to the hospitals and emergency workers who will provide that care. Typical government grants to hospitals for bioterrorism preparation are $5,000 to $10,000  not enough to equip one critical-care room. When it comes to getting ready for a bird flu outbreak, few hospitals even have the ventilation equipment needed to isolate patients. And emergency medical services received only 4 percent of the $3 billion distributed by the Department of        Homeland Security in 2002 and 2003 for emergency preparedness.

_The board that accredits the nation's hospitals should establish strong guidelines to reduce crowding and ambulance diversion.

At the root of the problem: Demand for emergency care is surging, even as the capacity for hospitals, ambulance services and other emergency workers to provide it is dropping.

There were almost 114 million emergency room visits in 2003, up from 90 million a decade earlier. During the same time, the total number of U.S. hospitals decreased by 703, and the number of ERs by 425. And the total number of hospital beds nationwide dropped by 198,, as hospitals strive toward more outpatient care  which in turn leaves fewer beds for ER patients to move into when they're seriously ill.

Too often, busy ERs stabilize those patients and then have to leave them lying on gurneys in the hallway for 48 hours or more until a room becomes available and they can be admitted to the hospital. That's not only a time of misery for the patient, but it means less timely care and potentially poorer care, without the specialized equipment and expertise available to inpatients, the report found.

Children have even scarcer help. They make up more than a quarter of all ER visits, yet one survey found only 6 percent of emergency departments had all the supplies needed, such as child-size equipment, to treat them.

Before getting to the hospital, the EMS system  emergency medical services that include ambulances and paramedics  is fragmented. How well-trained and prompt local paramedics are varies greatly; there are no nationwide standards. Many ambulance services can't even effectively communicate with hospitals or other first responders because of antiquated equipment.

The American College of Emergency Physicians called the report groundbreaking but said Congress must heed recommendations to fund the necessary improvements.
Article source here.

I was intrigued by this article.  I'm curious what your thoughts on the story are.


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Report: Emergency rooms overburdened
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2006, 09:07:40 AM »
It appears that the study's co-author is Dr. Arthur Kellerman (of the "a gun in the home is 43 times more likely...." fame). Based solely on that, I'm disinclined to believe much of what it says. There may be some valid points, but he has certainly over-hyped his causes in the past.

Also, I tend to really dislike when folks use statistical sensationalism such as "Half a million times a year  about once every minute  an ambulance carrying a sick patient is turned away from a full emergency room and sent to another one farther away." It would be far more genuine to state simply "On average X% of patients are diverted from one ER to another." The first method is nothing but alarmist claptrap.

IMO, the IOM has a long history of proclaiming that the sky is falling and then trying to get the feds to break out the checkbook.

Nathaniel Firethorn

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Report: Emergency rooms overburdened
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2006, 01:29:21 PM »

Announcing a breakthrough in the treatment of STDs. Cheesy

- NF
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Standing Wolf

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Report: Emergency rooms overburdened
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2006, 02:02:26 PM »
Congress should establish a pool of $50 million to reimburse hospitals for the unpaid emergency care they provide to the poor and uninsured.
Yeah. Right. Steal from those who work to reward those who don't for not working.
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Brad Johnson

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Report: Emergency rooms overburdened
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2006, 02:07:28 PM »
Based on my little trip to the ER last year, I can tell you EXACTLY what the problem is.

The waiting room was brimming full of indigent-care patients waiting to see a doctor for what should have been a corner-clinic issue. Sniffly noses, scrapes and bruises, upset tummies, etc. While I was waiting to sign out I actually overheard more than one person saying that they were just to get the ER slip so they could keep claiming disability/workers' comp/sick leave, etc.!

It's the American way - why go to the corner clinic when you can visit the ER on the taxpayers' nickel or get your employer to keep sending you checks for sitting at home on your butt.

It's all about the pancakes, people.
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Phantom Warrior

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Report: Emergency rooms overburdened
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2006, 11:24:52 PM »
Congress should establish a pool of $50 million to reimburse hospitals for the unpaid emergency care they provide to the poor and uninsured.
And leaving the moral/ethical/philosophical issue aside, does anyone think $50 million dollars will cover all the unpaid emergency care?  I thought this was a crisis.  A crisis usually costs more than $50 million dollars.

Art Eatman

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Report: Emergency rooms overburdened
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2006, 05:14:38 AM »
think about THIS little tidbit:  "During the same time, the total number of U.S. hospitals decreased by 703, and the number of ERs by 425."

This sorta backs up what I saw in an LA Times article around a year back:  In the greater LA Basin, some 64 hospitals or emergency rooms have been closed, with the probability of another 25 closures.  The cause is the cost of indigent care.  Interviews with staff doctors and nurses showed a belief that some 50% of the indigent were illegals.

Leaving out the issue of illegals, US Govt policy over the last 15 or so years has caused the closure of small hospitals all across the country.  Some of it is higher standards for the buildings; some of it is that the Medicare/Medicaid reimbursements for rural hospitals is less than for major city hospitals.  The M/M reimbursements leave no cusion to help pay for federally mandated indigent care.

$50 million?  That doesn't even rise to the level of chump change...

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Headless Thompson Gunner

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Report: Emergency rooms overburdened
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2006, 07:02:11 AM »
So, umm...

Wouldn't the obvious solution be to stop requiring hospitals to give free service to people who won't pay for it?


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Report: Emergency rooms overburdened
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2006, 07:09:45 AM »
Quote from: Brad Johnson
Based on my little trip to the ER last year, I can tell you EXACTLY what the problem is.

The waiting room was brimming full of indigent-care patients waiting to see a doctor for what should have been a corner-clinic issue. Sniffly noses, scrapes and bruises, upset tummies, etc. While I was waiting to sign out I actually overheard more than one person saying that they were just to get the ER slip so they could keep claiming disability/workers' comp/sick leave, etc.!

It's the American way - why go to the corner clinic when you can visit the ER on the taxpayers' nickel or get your employer to keep sending you checks for sitting at home on your butt.

I went in a couple years ago at 2 AM when my heart started skipping beats.  I was 22 at the time, so it worried me more than a bit.  The ER was full of Mexicans coughing and sniffling.  I can only assume they were mostly illegal.


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Report: Emergency rooms overburdened
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2006, 04:13:05 PM »
The waiting room was brimming full of indigent-care patients waiting to see a doctor for what should have been a corner-clinic issue. Sniffly noses, scrapes and bruises, upset tummies, etc.
Yep, Can't say the last few times I was there I didn't see a lot of nothing.  

Seems that lots of people think that everytime I twist my ankle or cut myself, I need a specialist.  It has all turned out good so far.
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