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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #25 on: November 09, 2012, 03:17:35 PM »
Angering Paulbots the really nice lovable intelligent but slightly misguided gentlemen and ladies who support the Great, Magnificent Intellect of the Ages, Ron Paul.???  What inneffable twaddle.

Sorry but the repubs just didn't get their guys out to the polls as it was thought would happen.  Romney didn't even get the ## of votes McCain did in '08.

Angering Paulbotsthe really nice lovable intelligent but slightly misguided gentlemen and ladies who support the Great, Magnificent Intellect of the Ages, Ron Paul?!?!  This is the silliest theory I've seen yet.

Edited to apologize for violating forum niceties.
Since, as you mention, the Romney campaign failed to get out the vote, that counts for all potential voters.  Paul supporters might not have swung the election, but it was one component of the apparently many potential Republican voters who decided to stay home.  It was obvious what the GOP leadership thought of Paul and his supporters.  What did they do or fail to do behind the scenes to other voter groups? 
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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #26 on: November 09, 2012, 03:43:30 PM »

For some reason, what pops into my mind as I review current trends is Idiocracy.

Only instead of hillbilly-ignorant, beer-swilling, gun-shootin', good ol' boys, it will be the college-educated, gimme-what's-mine, legalize-dope, I-vote-for-you,-you-take-care-of-me, pseudo-intellectual effete crowd.

Reminds me of that movie, The American President, where all the moral memes are inverted along party lines.  I remember looking at that and remarking, "yeah, the idea is right, but your party characterization is backward."

So here we are again.

At the rate we're going, it won't be Joe-Bob and Brawndo, but Lindsay and Diet Pepsi.
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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #27 on: November 09, 2012, 03:57:18 PM »
Remember the rules about anecdote and data now...

Something I found odd while watching the live election results stream in was Virginia. Romney had been maintaining a 50-100k lead all the way up until it was reported that "99.2%" of the votes had been tallied. And then Obama streamed ahead to a from down 50k, to ahead 100k votes in only a few minutes and with a the "reported" only going from 99.2 to 99.4%. File that one under things that make me go "hmmm...."  =|

Now on to this:

Not to godwin the thread, but that Obama is keeping his campaign staff structure and connections intact after he ostensibly doesn't need them anymore (not going to be running for election again), strikes me as very brownshirt'ish. He's keeping his own personal Sturmabteilung on the job "to assist him in his battles with Republicans as he seeks to drive forward his second term agenda."


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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #28 on: November 09, 2012, 06:08:00 PM »
Angering ******** the really nice lovable intelligent but slightly misguided gentlemen and ladies who support the Great, Magnificent Intellect of the Ages, Ron Paul.???  What inneffable twaddle.

Sorry but the repubs just didn't get their guys out to the polls as it was thought would happen.  Romney didn't even get the ## of votes McCain did in '08.

Angering ********the really nice lovable intelligent but slightly misguided gentlemen and ladies who support the Great, Magnificent Intellect of the Ages, Ron Paul?!?!  This is the silliest theory I've seen yet.

Edited to apologize for violating forum niceties.

Yeah, well done...  ;/  Not convinced that satisfies the letter of the rules, let alone the intent, but I'm not a mod and will leave it at that.
{note - additional edits done by me, so *I* won't violate the rules by quoting you}

You did nicely prove AZRedhawk's point, though.  When the mainstream-R "meh" candidate (the guy who couldn't beat the guy who couldn't beat Obama last time, and who it turns out couldn't beat Obama himself this time) and his staff and his support structure and his Party and their supporters all consistently deride and insult one or more substantial groups of possible additional votes for *MONTHS* through the primary-campaign season and into the election-campaign season, they have no legitimate right to turn around and expect, let alone demand, the support of those they've spent so long deriding and insulting. This was all on Romney and his supporters - and they shot themselves in the foot, like they were TRYING to alienate possible supporters. And not just Paul supporters and libertarian-minded individuals, either, as was pointed out upthread. Would Romney have gotten the votes of those you continue to deride if he and his campaign had been civil and honorable to them, rather than insulting them for months and cheating them out of their legitimate voice at the convention? Certainly not all of them (plenty of us would have compromised by voting for Paul on the Republican ticket, but given any other R, turned to Johnson over on the Libertarian ticket - Romney was NEVER getting our votes, even if there was no Libertarian on the ballot, because he's just as antithetical to our beliefs as Obama is), but he'd have gotten a significant fraction of them, and just maybe would have gotten enough from that one group to squeak out a win instead of a loss. Certainly if you'd added that to even just a marginally-better campaign to pick up the female vote - denouncing the freaking morons like Akins and Mourdock just a little more convincingly might have gotten Mitt several more percent of the female vote. Add that to a base of freedom-lovers who had not been insulted for months, and you might be talking about President-elect Romney tonight.

Hope it was worth it for your side to get your petty little insults in against Paul's supporters and other libertarian types.

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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #29 on: November 09, 2012, 06:15:48 PM »
wait! are the faithful really butt hurt over OTHER  folks being insulting?  that is ironic
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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #30 on: November 09, 2012, 06:29:40 PM »
wait! are the faithful really butt hurt over OTHER  folks being insulting?  that is ironic

When someone (or rather, lots and lots of someones) spends months insulting Paul supporters and cheating them out of the voice they *EARNED* at the R primary convention? You bet they're pissed. The Rs coming back and not just asking for but EXPECTING that they'd ignore that and vote for them anyways after that is just rubbing salt in the wound. The word schadenfreude comes to mind...


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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #31 on: November 09, 2012, 06:56:07 PM »

Well, in any case, we now have what we have.

Yes, some of it was certainly due to massive vote fraud, but a better showing of actual voters would have overridden that.

Big-O has his "revenge" and Valerie Jarrett gets her "payback."

The question for me will be, can I hold out until 2014, or more likely 2016, when we might get a shot a fixing this?

I mean, well done.  Everybody made "their point" (whatever their "point" was), and now we have four more years -- but this time without the moderating effect of another election to temper whatever his ultimate plans are.

The good news:  he didn't get the House.  The bad news:  he kept the Senate and the Oval.  More bad news:  he lacks anything resembling a conscience.

Now we get to find out what "flexibility" means.

I don't know how many more shots we're going to get at this.  Clearly, if he continues with the policies he has now, the economy is going to take a major hammering, and government will provide employment for the favored sons, who will in turn be able to afford to back their next avatar.  The rest of us will have to get really inventive and creative if we mean to have any kind of prayer of getting back in the game.

I have no plans for giving up, but I'm gettin' kinda old for this [crap].
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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #32 on: November 09, 2012, 07:04:46 PM »
Take that, Romney and the Statist GOP.  Take it in the sphincter, like a rough-cut 2x4 with big splintery shards.

Neil Smith's 2% solution.  I'll try and find the original essay where he proposed that as an explicit strategy for Libertarians.  Leverage -- whack some sense into the elephant party.  Except I sometimes wonder if the R. people likes the role of fall guy.

Don't like it, don't run RINOs.  If they have trouble identifying them, ask and we'll help.
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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #33 on: November 09, 2012, 07:57:47 PM »
Nicknames. Knock it the *expletive deleted* off.
Continue breaking a clear cut forum rule and see how it works out for ya.

OK OK OK, geeesh, I get it.   :angel: 
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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #34 on: November 09, 2012, 08:30:49 PM »
The Paul supporters are only a part of the whole story. Contrast the 2010 and 2012 elections, and it becomes clear that plenty of us will vote for a conservative candidate, a small-government candidate, a Tea Party candidate, but NOT a milquetoast RINO. And we aren't necessarily Ron Paul's biggest fans.

So you can say Romney lost because he alienated Ron's Regiment, but it wasn't just about him or his people. I've thought of it (and will continue to think of it) as being a matter of alienating the Tea Party, of which Ron Paul's faction is only a part.

Just my take on it.
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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #35 on: November 09, 2012, 08:51:25 PM »
The Paul supporters are only a part of the whole story. Contrast the 2010 and 2012 elections, and it becomes clear that plenty of us will vote for a conservative candidate, a small-government candidate, a Tea Party candidate, but NOT a milquetoast RINO. And we aren't necessarily Ron Paul's biggest fans.

So you can say Romney lost because he alienated Ron's Regiment, but it wasn't just about him or his people. I've thought of it (and will continue to think of it) as being a matter of alienating the Tea Party, of which Ron Paul's faction is only a part.

Just my take on it.

Oh, I certainly agree that it wasn't ALL Paul supporters or "just us wacky libertarians". But we were nearly enough BY OURSELVES to have turned this around for Romney, barring his campaign's efforts to alienate us. Add any other voting contingent, and you probably could have picked up enough support from the two groups, writing off us idealist types from each, for Romney to have won it if his campaign hadn't screwed the pooch.

Why weren't they even TRYING? ???

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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #36 on: November 09, 2012, 08:51:53 PM »
If the GOP put up Ron...Reagan he would have trounced Obama. Unfortunately he's dead and is there anyone like him in the GOP? Given that the candidates since RR were G. Bush, Bob Dole, G. Bush jr., McCain and Romney  I'd have to say no.

I like Ron Paul and all but he is not charismatic or as good as a speaker like RR was. Sure you could say that lends authenticity to RP but authenticity can only take you so far. You have to be able to sell your vision.
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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #37 on: November 09, 2012, 09:47:10 PM »
When someone (or rather, lots and lots of someones) spends months insulting Paul supporters and cheating them out of the voice they *EARNED* at the R primary convention? You bet they're pissed. The Rs coming back and not just asking for but EXPECTING that they'd ignore that and vote for them anyways after that is just rubbing salt in the wound. The word schadenfreude comes to mind...

and the irony is in layers
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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #38 on: November 09, 2012, 11:42:29 PM »
and the irony is in layers

Y'know what, CSD? Even IF every single Ron Paul supporter and libertarian type was the sort of person you seem to be snidely implying (when the actual number of such individuals in that group is *FAR* lower), ultimately it's not their job to be likable to him, or you. It *WAS* Romney's job to gather votes from as many people as possible, including as many of those supporting other Republican-primary candidates, and the way to do that is *NOT* to insult and cheat a substantial group of those people out of their legitimate voice in your primary convention (which was, at that point, THEIR primary convention too), ESPECIALLY if you might need their votes during general election season. I mean, I suppose he (and his campaign) had the RIGHT to treat them in a manner designed to drive them away. It just seems pretty freaking stupid to me, for someone who did not at that point have an ironclad lock on enough votes to take the upcoming general election. :facepalm:

Why is this such a bizarre notion to you?

Well, the fact remains that he did just that, and as a direct result lost out on a likely-substantial fraction of a MILLION votes, which certainly helped him lose a general-election campaign that was the Republicans' race to lose. Like I said - hope someone in that camp got enough out of such counter-productive behavior, since it did NOT get them the election.


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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #39 on: November 09, 2012, 11:57:53 PM »
The only way to get elected president in the USA these days is forsake liberty and embrace some form of statism.

It is what the people demand.

For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity, that they may be without excuse. Because knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, and didn’t give thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #40 on: November 10, 2012, 12:01:55 AM »
Well, the fact remains that he did just that,

wait    ROMNEY did all that?  how?  was romney running the convention?  party?

yet again it becomes clear how a revolution dies aborning
It is much more powerful to seek Truth for one's self.  Seeing and hearing that others seem to have found it can be a motivation.  With me, I was drawn because of much error and bad judgment on my part. Confronting one's own errors and bad judgment is a very life altering situation.  Confronting the errors and bad judgment of others is usually hypocrisy.

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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #41 on: November 10, 2012, 12:38:46 AM »
So. Ron Paul supporters are butt hurt that they didn't get the attention they think they deserved and in turn helped give the election to Obama. Hmm.  Like I have said to numerous third party supporters in the past, "it ain't gonna happen all at once and all during a presidential election". Not. A. Chance. Now I support a creation of a third party. But you have to start local and build it. That will take years if not decades. This election was "get Obama and his ilk as far the *expletive deleted*ck away from DC as possible. Thanks for the help.
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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #42 on: November 10, 2012, 12:41:19 AM »
So. Ron Paul supporters are butt hurt that they didn't get the attention they think they deserved and in turn helped give the election to Obama. Hmm.  Like I have said to numerous third party supporters in the past, "it ain't gonna happen all at once and all during a presidential election". Not. A. Chance. Now I support a creation of a third party. But you have to start local and build it. That will take years if not decades. This election was "get Obama and his ilk as far the *expletive deleted* away from DC as possible. Thanks for the help.

Uh, dude, they were working within one of the major parties, and the complaint is that they didn't get a fair shake within the rules/structure of that party. Third parties have *&%$ to do with it.
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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #43 on: November 10, 2012, 12:48:50 AM »

Uh, dude, they were working within one of the major parties, and the complaint is that they didn't get a fair shake within the rules/structure of that party. Third parties have *&%$ to do with it.

Understood. But dude, Ron Paul. Again, Ron Paul has ran how many times?  Supporters rally behind him each time!  He speaks good ideas, then he goes all whacktard with foreign policy. And the RP supporters get butt hurt. You'd think they would have learned by now.
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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #44 on: November 10, 2012, 12:53:34 AM »
So. Ron Paul supporters are butt hurt that they didn't get the attention they think they deserved and in turn helped give the election to Obama. Hmm.  Like I have said to numerous third party supporters in the past, "it ain't gonna happen all at once and all during a presidential election". Not. A. Chance. Now I support a creation of a third party. But you have to start local and build it. That will take years if not decades. This election was "get Obama and his ilk as far the *expletive deleted* away from DC as possible. Thanks for the help.

Could you give one good reason to vote for Romney without using the word "Obama"?  (I didn't think so)  

I voted for Johnson.  I don't like his position on abortion, but I agree with most everything else -- but the main reason I voted for him was to help him try to get 5% of the vote (an impossible task with the barriers the D's and R's and the media have put up) so the Libertarian Party will be guaranteed access to ballots next cycle.

I'm not responsible for your vote, or anybody else's, and I resent the notion that Romney was *entitled* to my vote because I registered as a R (to participate in the delegate process.)  And if that really were the case, they should have run Ron Paul and then you and all the other crybabies would be obligated to vote for him.
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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #45 on: November 10, 2012, 01:12:26 AM »
Understood. But dude, Ron Paul. Again, Ron Paul has ran how many times?  Supporters rally behind him each time!  He speaks good ideas, then he goes all whacktard with foreign policy. And the RP supporters get butt hurt. You'd think they would have learned by now.

Fair enough.
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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #46 on: November 10, 2012, 01:34:45 AM »
Could you give one good reason to vote for Romney without using the word "Obama"?  (I didn't think so)  

I voted for Johnson.  I don't like his position on abortion, but I agree with most everything else -- but the main reason I voted for him was to help him try to get 5% of the vote (an impossible task with the barriers the D's and R's and the media have put up) so the Libertarian Party will be guaranteed access to ballots next cycle.

I'm not responsible for your vote, or anybody else's, and I resent the notion that Romney was *entitled* to my vote because I registered as a R (to participate in the delegate process.)  And if that really were the case, they should have run Ron Paul and then you and all the other crybabies would be obligated to vote for him.

This, a billion freaking times.

Well, the fact remains that he did just that,

wait    ROMNEY did all that?  how?  was romney running the convention?  party?

yet again it becomes clear how a revolution dies aborning

If you need me to explain to you that "he", in this context, includes his organization (especially when he himself clearly benefited from it via the silencing of voices with different points of view, and he himself said NOTHING about the underhanded acts involved in preventing Paul's earned delegates from participating), then I'm not sure there's a whole lot of point in continuing to spar with you, because you'll just continue to misconstrue everything I post. If I want to continue tilting at windmills, there are much better targets out there than you. Besides, my donkey's getting a little tired, and wants a break.

So. Ron Paul supporters are butt hurt that they didn't get the attention they think they deserved and in turn helped give the election to Obama. Hmm.  Like I have said to numerous third party supporters in the past, "it ain't gonna happen all at once and all during a presidential election". Not. A. Chance. Now I support a creation of a third party. But you have to start local and build it. That will take years if not decades. This election was "get Obama and his ilk as far the *expletive deleted* away from DC as possible. Thanks for the help.

Nope. ROMNEY (and his campaign and his party, to head off CSD's next objection) failed to act in a manner to attract a voting bloc which might have helped put him over the top, and in fact deliberately acted to alienate them by insulting that bloc and keeping them from having their earned place and voice "within the system". HE failed, and thus handed the election to Obama.

Saying that RP supporters and libertarians gave it to Obama puts the blame in the wrong place. Romney failed to EARN our votes, so he didn't GET them. It's a simple notion, and one which has been stated repeatedly before. I'm pretty sure that Paul's supporters would have been just fine with not being insulted by "the establishment" for months, with having the delegates they EARNED seated at the table during the convention (knowing that those few delegates would not have resulted in Paul's winning the primary) - without those insults, I'd wager that a lot of them would not have "defected" to either write-in votes for Paul or to the Libertarian Party. That a lot of them would have then answered Romney's desperate pleas for their votes. Once again, the failure here is not on the part of RP and libertarian supporters. It's Romney's and the Republican Party's. If they can't learn from their failures, then perhaps the Republican Party needs to die and make room for someone else.

Oh, and "building" a third party? The LP's been around since 19-freakin'-71 - it wasn't exactly born yesterday. It's the largest third party we have, and has elected hundreds of lower-level candidates over the last 4 decades. When are they "entitled" to choose to run for national office, anyways? ;/ Perhaps if the two wings of our Modern American Political Machine weren't so afraid of being supplanted that they rigged the system against anyone daring to try to offer another viewpoint by preventing them from participating in the process (making them fight to get on the ballots, locking them out of debates, and so forth), and followed that up with spurious ballot-access challenges to make the LP spend even more of their comparatively-meager resources on nonsense rather than on getting the word on their position out to the public, they might actually be able to get the attention they deserve. It's not that they are not or have not been working for it, for the past 40 years.

Though more and more, I'm thinking that Ron (upthread here, not Ron Paul) has the right of it.

The only way to get elected president in the USA these days is forsake liberty and embrace some form of statism.

It is what the people demand.

Which is an awfully depressing notion.


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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #47 on: November 10, 2012, 02:33:17 AM »
I still think it would be hilarious if a coalition of Greens and Libertarians organized, and subverted the primary process. Register as D or R, and vote for the absolute worst possible candidates. Making the third party choices that much more attractive...
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Re: Romney lost at least 5 States due to angering Paul supporters
« Reply #48 on: November 10, 2012, 07:10:47 AM »
Did Romney ever have many activists working for him? I think that may have hurt him. Having a boring guy that offends few can possibly mean they wont inspire many to campaign for them.

Because everyone keeps bringing up the issue of Libertarians running for president: Keep in mind that it raises a lot of money, gets a lot of publicity, helps push libertarian issues and ideas, and that helps gain party members. It also took a huge effort to get the laws changed so that they could get on the ballots.
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