Author Topic: Chances of a New AWB?  (Read 27540 times)


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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #125 on: December 15, 2012, 05:51:08 PM »
So how many here believe Adam Lanza, specifically, had an absolute RKBA?

I'm your huckleberry.  Yes.  Adam Lanza had an absolute right to RKBA.  Same with Aurora guy.  And Columbine guys.  And VA Tech guy.

But, I am an extreme radical that believes that released felons should be able to own firearms, or else shouldn't be released.  It's simple from my perspective to say that non-accused, non-convicted people are allowed to have weapons.  My 4th dimensional predictive kung-fu is not strong.


How many believe his mother was a responsible parent? How many that his family was an island of stability in an uncertain world?

"Responsible" in terms of "responsible" for this atrocity, sure.

She's the straw purchaser, or the yahoo that left the guns unsecured at home.  Whatever you call it.  Yes, she is "responsible" for this in the classical sense of the word.

She's dead though, so she cannot face responsibility for this in the court of public opinion.  So, someone else will have to. 

This will be another case of "Privatize gain, socialize loss."  But rather than the economic side, this will be on the liberty side.  The responsible party cannot pay, so we get to socialize the loss to all other gun owners and potential gun owners and future gun owners.
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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #126 on: December 15, 2012, 05:55:39 PM »
I'm your huckleberry.  Yes.  Adam Lanza had an absolute right to RKBA.  Same with Aurora guy.  And Columbine guys.  And VA Tech guy.

But, I am an extreme radical that believes that released felons should be able to own firearms, or else shouldn't be released.  It's simple from my perspective to say that non-accused, non-convicted people are allowed to have weapons.  My 4th dimensional predictive kung-fu is not strong.

I agree.  It is the price for living in a free society.

As for felons, I am ok with some violent felons having rights restricted if it is part of their sentence.  Many people that are paroled face some conditions upon release.  I think it should only be used in very narrow circumstances, be able to challenge, and expire.
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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #127 on: December 15, 2012, 05:59:49 PM »
Wow, you're a scary dude, aren't you?  Calm down, you'll live longer.  This is a parlor, not an octagon last time I checked.

This may be a surprise to you, but when you're a prick to people, they tend to get angry about it.

I don't think immersing yourself--that's you plural--in violent videogames is great for the psyche, but I never said there was a direct, inescapable causative effect between them and actual violence.

No, YOU didn't. Hawkmoon did, and then you agreed with him, by saying "This.  Precisely my thoughts."

So now you're playing games about what you said. Seriously, dude, just stop the bullshit.

Your Bureau of J statistics do not talk about videogames, do they?  No, I didn't think so.  Nor do they address any of the other things I've brought up.

No, but they definitely contradict your contentions (see links above) that video games correlate with a (non-existant) increase in crime.

But if you want some more, you could try this meta-study, which concludes that "Results from the current analysis do not support the conclusion that media violence leads to aggressive behavior. It cannot be concluded at this time that media violence presents a significant public health risk."

Or perhaps You can try this meta-study, which found there are no increases in real-life aggression that can be linked to video games.

Either way, you have shown absolutely no evidence for your position, other than meandering rants. And you continue to refuse to do so. Where I come from, people who can't show their work are usually wrong.
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Perfectly symmetrical violence never solved anything. - Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth


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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #128 on: December 15, 2012, 06:04:13 PM »
I'm not talking about ALL guns. Just the black ones with high cap magazines

You sound like a gun grabber

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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #129 on: December 15, 2012, 06:28:15 PM »
And there will be a lot of so called responsible gun owners, including some on this forum, who will gleefully support such measures. Then, definitions will slide as they always do, PTSD will become a disqualifier, and I'll be *expletive deleted*ed

Yup.  You, me, and a metric buttload of other vets, Fitz.  Not a pleasant prospect...  =|
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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #130 on: December 15, 2012, 07:26:57 PM »
I'm going to state this one last time for the slow amongst us...

There aren't any "slow" people on APS. You must have this forum confused with another.


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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #131 on: December 15, 2012, 08:13:40 PM »
I'm going to state this one last time for the slow amongst us: I'm not talking about ALL videogames or videogamers, I'm talking specifically about violent shoot-'em-ups that glorify fantasy mayhem.  If some of you want to play the idiot that's your business.  To really believe that this kind of "entertainment" is harmless, especially for fragile sensibilities, is naive.  I am far from alone in thinking this.  And I'm not generalizing about books and movies. It depends on the book and on the movie.  I gather some of you digest anything, are cultural omnivores, see no problem with anything that appears on the market.  Odd that you see some slants but not others.  Well, enjoy the slow disassembling of your society.

Perhaps a lot of people disagree with you, that doesn't make them slow.
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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #132 on: December 15, 2012, 08:14:40 PM »
Just like an anti, those who disagree are idiots

I have reached a conclusion regarding every member of this forum.
I no longer respect any of you. I hope the following offends you as much as this thread has offended me:
You are all awful people. I mean this *expletive deleted*ing seriously.



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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #133 on: December 15, 2012, 09:14:30 PM »
Annnnnnd there we go.

This just in . . .

The killer was on psych meds.  Therefore in the care of a psychiatrist (a psychologist can't prescribe).

And therefore the source of the problem has got to be ANYTHING other than the treatment, the meds, or any of that.

Yet another psychiatric failure that's not their fault.

Quick -- blame the guns and video games.

Will no one ever hold these charlatans to account?  Probably not.  Government depends on them too much.

Oh please. The anti-psychiatry folks have already be spewing their pseudoscience.  To them it won't matter what else may have caused this...nope, it has to be meds.

For someone who is so big on personal responsibility, why are you so quick to blame medication. A crazy, disturbed person takes medication and does something bad. It has to be medication, not the fact that they were crazy or disturbed.
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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #134 on: December 15, 2012, 09:37:17 PM »
She's the straw purchaser, or the yahoo that left the guns unsecured at home.  Whatever you call it.  Yes, she is "responsible" for this in the classical sense of the word.

Responsibile?  Many parents purchase guns to be used by their children.  That is not normally called a straw purchase.  She was probably trying to stop her son and he shot her in the face.
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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #135 on: December 15, 2012, 09:45:20 PM »
I think we should all cool our jets for another couple of days and let some facts get settled. There's still plenty of confusion being circulated by the media. One item is whether he used the handguns or an AR-15 (or M-4) as his weapon. Most reports say he had three weapons: a Glock, a SIG, and a Bushmaster. The Bushmaster was reportedly recovered from the vehicle he drove to the school so that should leave two handguns. But other reports say the school was littered with .223 casings, and the state medical examiner said all the bodies he examined were killed by rifle fire.

Three weapons, or four?

Some reports said "someone" was killed at his home and that his mother was killed in her classroom at the school. Later reports have it that his mother was a former classroom aide at the school and that it was she who was killed at the home.

Police now claim they have developed "good" evidence pertaining to a motive -- but they aren't saying what that motive might have been. I guess it's better to wait until they have a degree of certainty, but there's no question that an entire nation is waiting to learn what could have set this off.

Was he wearing a "bulletproof" vest, as some reports claim, or was he wearing a combat-style cargo vest?

Some reports say he didn't stay in public school past the 10th grade, yet there have been interviews with people who say they were in his class through graduation. (Except that some reports say he didn't graduate ... despite being the smartest kid in the school).

I want to know more about this purported motive ...
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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #136 on: December 15, 2012, 09:52:39 PM »
There has been a lot of inaccurate information.  The corner said that 7 of the children he examined were shot with a long gun.  This of course would be the gun that reportedly was found in the car... or was it?  I was thinking that maybe the press were reporting what they wanted to be a fact at this point about the rifle rather than what was the case.  But the corner pretty much confirmed it for me that the press was reporting that a rifle was found beside the perps body.

Police now claim they have developed "good" evidence pertaining to a motive -- but they aren't saying what that motive might have been. I guess it's better to wait until they have a degree of certainty, but there's no question that an entire nation is waiting to learn what could have set this off.

At this point, I see little reason to not provide these speculations by the police.  They know there was only one shooter.   Case closed.
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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #137 on: December 15, 2012, 11:44:47 PM »
Just like an anti, those who disagree are idiots

For the record...I was not the one who led with personal insults.  That is not my practice.
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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #138 on: December 15, 2012, 11:46:38 PM »
I think we should all cool our jets for another couple of days and let some facts get settled.

Incredibly good advice. Tempers are starting to flare here and it does no good when we don't yet have all the facts, and when the facts we do have seem to be a moving target.
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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #139 on: December 15, 2012, 11:53:44 PM »
This may be a surprise to you, but when you're a prick to people, they tend to get angry about it.

No, YOU didn't. Hawkmoon did, and then you agreed with him, by saying "This.  Precisely my thoughts."

So now you're playing games about what you said. Seriously, dude, just stop the bullshit.

No, but they definitely contradict your contentions (see links above) that video games correlate with a (non-existant) increase in crime.

But if you want some more, you could try this meta-study, which concludes that "Results from the current analysis do not support the conclusion that media violence leads to aggressive behavior. It cannot be concluded at this time that media violence presents a significant public health risk."

Or perhaps You can try this meta-study, which found there are no increases in real-life aggression that can be linked to video games.

Either way, you have shown absolutely no evidence for your position, other than meandering rants. And you continue to refuse to do so. Where I come from, people who can't show their work are usually wrong.

I am not going to respond further to your childish name-calling.  I offered my views on  certain videogames and you made it personal.  Own up to that and get over yourself.  You admit you love violent video games.  Fine.  But don't tell me I am acting like a prick because we have different opinions or you believe I am not giving you what you want as proof.  You are out of line and you should be called out for it--but you won't be.  Why is pretty obvious to frequenters of this forum..

Opinions may vary regarding the role of violent video games in crime but there appears to be a definite link to rude behavior from what I am witnessing right here firsthand.

« Last Edit: December 16, 2012, 12:01:48 AM by longeyes »
"Domari nolo."

Thug: What you lookin' at old man?
Walt Kowalski: Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have messed with? That's me.

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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #140 on: December 16, 2012, 07:04:58 AM »
I am not going to respond further to your childish name-calling.  I offered my views on  certain videogames and you made it personal.  Own up to that and get over yourself.  You admit you love violent video games.  Fine.  But don't tell me I am acting like a prick because we have different opinions or you believe I am not giving you what you want as proof.  You are out of line and you should be called out for it--but you won't be.  Why is pretty obvious to frequenters of this forum..

Opinions may vary regarding the role of violent video games in crime but there appears to be a definite link to rude behavior from what I am witnessing right here firsthand.


You want to know when the name calling started? Right here, on this post:

And your problem is a childish clinging to your beloved videogames.  Enjoy.

My arguments are not like the gun-grabbers because, read carefully now, videogames are not like guns AT ALL.

You can try and hold the high ground all you want, but the fact of the matter is the direct insults started with you.
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Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. - William Pitt the Younger

Perfectly symmetrical violence never solved anything. - Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth


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Re: Chances of a New AWB?
« Reply #141 on: December 16, 2012, 08:46:02 AM »
I wouldn't normally do this in a thread I've participated in to this extent, but this one is just the gift that keeps on giving.  Gonna hafta put a fork in it.

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