These idiots are the reason we're facing gun bans. They're so stupid they believe whatever the pols tell them (including free phones and cars and homes).
Several years back I was doing an artsy studio photo of one of my guns. My sales rep--a five-star liberal--looked at the set. All she said was, "But, Dick, it's a gun!" She said the word gun with the same horror one might use for "tarantula" or "guillotine".
"Well," I said. "That explains the loud noise when I pull the trigger."
It struck me that she was in her mid-40's, but had never even touched a gun, and never would. She had no idea how they worked, what they can or cannot do, or anything else about them, and she would never know. The media could say that guns can fire themselves, and she would believe it (well, maybe she wouldn't, as she was pretty intelligent).
There's really a stark divide in this country over guns and capitalism. Not everyone who believes in the former believes in the latter, but the overlap between the groups seems sufficient to say that the anti-gunners and the capitalism opponents are on one side, and the pro-gun people and pro-capitalism people are on the other. I really wish we could be separate countries.