Author Topic: Evil Roommate/Housemate Stories  (Read 1702 times)


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Evil Roommate/Housemate Stories
« on: July 23, 2006, 10:25:42 AM »
It was suggested and I say, why not. Let the stories begin and the healing process continue.

My first bad experiance with roommates was downright absurd.  I was a freshman so the college I went to shoved me in a closet size space with 3 other guys.  Imagine a 30 hours a week of classes physics major with a 6 hour pasty faced African Studies Major (on the ultimate frisbee team of course), and two Comm major jocks.  One of the jocks quickly developed a nasty alchohol and drug problem and took to assaulting people in their sleep.  First I knew was when he gave the other jock a black eye to which the black eyed roomie then went 'Yah, he does that'.  I was doing everything I could to get out of that room (no money of my own, full scholarship) with the housing office, completly blown off.  The housing person would schedule meetings with me on days she didn't come in.  Well, surprise surprise, I got attacked one tuesday morning as I lay sleeping on my bottom bunk.  Kicked my face in.  Took two years of reconstructive surgery, couldnt breath through my nose for a year.  The college sent the police, who were called, away.  Shredded all records pertaining to the psycho's diciplinary/drug problems as well as anything that showed I lived on campus.  Threatening phone calls from their legal team, two worthless lawyers on my side (first never mentioned she was a Fordham grad, the second decided it wasnt worth the effort).  My parents were sadly no help in this whatsoever, they simply told me to put it behind me and not worry about it.  Signed a settlement for not even a half a semester's tuition, was still drugged up, going through surgeries, and quite frightened at their talk of having me blackballed from colleges and whatnot.  Evil Evil People.

Next roomie I had was a suicidally depressed Irishman.  His name was Patrick, best roommate ever.  Only bothersome thing was he would also be in, just laying in bed staring at the ceiling.  Not sleeping, watching tv or anything, just laying there.  Quiet, not too messy, and I was able to drag him out for some fun every now and again.  His complete disregard for his own safety really helped with the having fun part.

Next roomie was an honest to god Aryan Brotherhood member.  Rather startled me to notice the tattoos one day.  Beat his girlfriend.  Hated the guy, but he never actually bothered me and was really neat so it wasn't too bad.  

Latest run with shared housing can be seen in thread Duplex Duplicity.  Two connivers I met through the roommate list for law school who claimed not to know eachother.  Said the verbal agreement we had about rooms and rent never existed (as tho I'd sign a lease with others without that worked out).  Lied to the Broker and Landlord to get the keys earlier than the contract states (planning on taking what rooms they wanted and sticking me with the leftover).  Lie to cover eachother's lies, and signed out my key from the management office, leaving me with no way to move in if I wanted (besides calling emergency services, but that would be ridiculous).  I'm going to chat with the landlord management people monday, see if they will work with me in getting out of this nightmare.  The other two are rich spoiled brats and I've got my life savings invested in the damn place.  Wish me luck with that.

I dare say that was a solid start.
Now cheer me up with your own tales of woe :}

Qui vivens laedit morte medetur.
He who hurts in life, heals in death.

K Frame

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Evil Roommate/Housemate Stories
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2006, 10:55:53 AM »
I lucked out with roomies for the most part, although one was a bonafide devil worshiper who, during the summers, worked at a camp for young kids.

Carbon Monoxide, sucking the life out of idiots, 'tards, and fools since man tamed fire.


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Evil Roommate/Housemate Stories
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2006, 11:17:01 AM »
Dude, you need to listen to your gut!


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Evil Roommate/Housemate Stories
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2006, 11:18:02 AM »
Guess I've been mostly lucky then.

Oddest thing that really happened was in my 3rd year, two of my friends and I tried to grab a triple room, but it was taken by our turn, so we took a quad, and took on a random freshman.  He was ok, quiet guy, but being a football player among 3 computer science types, we didn't have much in common.  We barely talked at all, and in restrospect I could have been a bit more outgoing.  He had some friends on the team down the hall, so it wasn't so bad for him.  One weekend, his sister (who looked like 12-13 years old) came to visit, and would cuddle up with him in his bunk.  We had no idea who she was at frist, since she just showed up, with no announcement from our freshman roommate.  Scratched my head a few times until I figured out what was going on.


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Evil Roommate/Housemate Stories
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2006, 11:29:08 AM »
Quote from: tokugawa
Dude, you need to listen to your gut!
I think experiance has shown me I never should have considered anything but a single.  I figured past bad experiance was simply making me biased against them, not more perceptive.  I'm bound to have some forthcoming goodluck... right?... Right?!?
:considers openly weeping, goes to make a sandwitch instead:


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Evil Roommate/Housemate Stories
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2006, 11:36:29 AM »
I have been fortunate, I have only had a roommate once in my life. Unless you count the other 135 or so people  crammed into a space the size of a small bedroom on a carrier.

While stationed in San Diego my roommate and I would occasionaly imbibe in intoxicating spirits. I know, hard to believe two sailors would do that. Only when he got drunk, I swear he would go on the prowl for the fugliest girl he could find and bring her home!

There were many mornings that I felt so bad for him, I felt like chewing off my arm in sympathy!

At least none of them ever moved in, thank god for small favors!



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Evil Roommate/Housemate Stories
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2006, 12:14:59 PM »
Huh, and I thought my roommates were bad.
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Evil Roommate/Housemate Stories
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2006, 12:28:11 PM »
I was probably the evil roommate wherever I lived.

6 of us guys rented a house off campus during college. We had 1 major rule: if something is left in the sink for more than 1 day, it goes into that person's bed. I truely enjoyed enforcing that rule and at least 4 out of the 6 guys were total slobs.  It usually only involved pizza pans or plates, but at the end of the spring semester we had a doozey on our hands.   One of the guys in the house (the biggest slob btw) hit a deer with his car during finals week. The idiot brought the deer home because he knew that a few of us hunted and knew how to butcher a deer- of course he did not.  Me and another roommate cut the backstraps off the deer and grilled them out that night, the guy who hit the deer, Jon, decided to take a smashed up hindquarter, put it in the sink and try to cut any good meat off it. He was trimming away for about an hour when his boss called him into work. Jon, went to the corner store, got a bag of ice, and iced the hindquarter in the sink, then went to work.  2 days later, Jon had not returned yet, and there was a decaying hindquarter sitting in a sinkful of bloody water in the kitchen. We took a vote amongst us guys on how it should be handled, and I was the executioner. Whne Jon got back, a day later, and found out what I had done, he was pissed and never talked to me again.
"now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb" -Dark Helmet

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Evil Roommate/Housemate Stories
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2006, 02:58:00 PM »
I have only had one bad room mate.  I kicked his butt out on a dark and stormy night, and never heard from him again.


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Evil Roommate/Housemate Stories
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2006, 08:18:23 PM »
My worst roommate was not evil - far from it - but he was the worst snorer I've ever heard in my life.

My freshman year of college started in the fall of 1994.  I am a life-long New Englander but I hadn't spent nearly enough time in the Boston area to satisfy my 17-year-old urge for urban adventure.  That sentiment was magnified to unhealthy levels by my junior and senior high school years which were spent in Middle Of Nowhere, Maine, so by the time I was choosing colleges the Boston area was the prime consideration.

While a good 45-minute drive northeast from Boston, Gordon College was my first choice.  A small Christian college on the North Shore of Boston, I was already familiar with the campus as my father had attended an associated (and proximate) school, Gordon-Conwell Seminary, from 1982-1986.  I was thrilled to be accepted, and moved in with my very first roommate upon arrival on campus.

I didn't like my first roommate much at all.  I thought we had little in common and our musical tastes were not agreed upon.  We'd also made different friends during an orientation sessin months earlier, and while I did meet one friend of his through the theatre department, he was not enough encouragement to remain.  A friend of mine had no roommate by accident so it was easy to switch to his room during winter break.

I completely failed to recon the situation and my friend never mentioned his little "problem."  His snoring was so bad that all four of his neighbors had requested either to be moved elsewhere or have him moved.  I found out about it the first night of spring semester, January 1995.

Imagine someone with a fatally deviated septum who has somehow survived and become an Old Testament major.  I don't know what the decibel level was on the back of his throat but I would have preferred sleeping inside of an active range, as the required foam earplugs would have made the latter more comfortable.  I slept very poorly for a few weeks until my body actually adjusted to the racket.

Fortunately I had begun looking for a new roommate the first morning of spring semester, quickly accepting my short-term fate and looking ahead to the next fall.  This allowed me plenty of time to discuss the possibilities with other friends and enter into an agreement, this time with proper intel and disclosure.  I ended up moving in with a friend I'd initially made looking for a computer capable of playing Doom, and we lived happily ever after... at least until a year later.  By then I'd become best friends with the guy I'd met through the theatre department, and I went from a good roommate to a great roommate.  He and his wife are my best friends to this day.

The funny thing is that he'd always insisted that my very first roommate was a great guy, and only after enduring weeks of hell did I realize he was right.
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Evil Roommate/Housemate Stories
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2006, 08:38:49 PM »
I don't have too many because I learned early on to only room with known friends (most of whom are married now) and if I can't have a friend as a roommate, and I need a roommate, I will live with my parents (as I currently do) before I find a stranger as a roommate.

My first roommate situation was Army Basic Training.  We had squad bays (room for 8 people in 4 bunk beds).  The guy in the other bunk in the same bunk bed was your assigned buddy.  You were supposed to help each other out with just about everything.  Mine was a confirmed neo-Nazi (not a good match for a nice Jewish boy).  Instead of helping me he made it his mission to make things as difficult as possible for me- no longer how long I waited for him to leave before I'd leave he could wait longer (he didn't mind if the drill sergeants got pissed at him for being late).   After I left he'd mess up my bed so I'd get in trouble with the drill sergeants.  He'd also often tell me in intricate detail how he'd murder me if he ever had the chance.  I loved Basic Training, but I hated him.

My first college roommate was terrible.  Incredibly sleezy (ok, most guys that age may own porno mags and movies, but the kinds of titles he owned, and the number) :shudder:, stupid (and thus very annoying), he wouldn't ever shut up, and he stunk.  This guy REALLY stunk- I think he may have showered once a week.  I also know exactly how often he did laundry since he didn't have his own soap and had to ask to borrow my laundry detergent- near the beginning of the fall semester he asked to borrow my detergent to do laundry because his parents were coming to visit, again near the end of the semester I gave him my detergent and a roll of quarters for the washers and told him to wash his laundry and at least wash his sheets because I couldn't stand the smell any longer (his laundry really stunk up the room, though he pleased himself often enough that his sheets really smelled horrible and made the rest smell almost tolerable- I've had to change 80yo psych patients' diapers and now work with eating disorders patients and often have to clean up vomit and I've to this day never smelled something as foul).
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Evil Roommate/Housemate Stories
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2006, 12:54:52 PM »
ok I'll chime in here.

Several years ago I had a nice place in an area I couldn't afford to live in.  But it was just a few blocks from my work and I thought getting roomates to fill the large house was going to be easier than trying to move and commute.

I first lived with a longtime friend of many years whom is a brother in Christ, a brother in arms, and well someone I consider a brother from another mother, as the saying goes.
We decided to bring on a third party to help relieve the high cost of living in the large home in that area.

So I used several online roomate matching services.

We went through several good guys both divorcees making that transition.
Then came THE roomate of point. I'll call him Bob.

I first talked to Bob via email, he seemed pleasant and kind. His backstory was believeable and honest.
He was an IT guy like me and was looking to move to my area due to his company taking on a contract with a local powerhouse IT consumer.  He and his wife lived in TX where she was a school teacher.. he was to move here first and then she was going to follow once the school year was up, upon which he would be moving out.

So it's set up and we have another new roomate.  

Then I met him.   Now I know this may sound rude or crass or bigoted.  But if you have never lived with a 450lb plus man then please researve your judgement of my experience.

Bob was the nicest guy you could meet, a true geek through and through (like me) but Bob was a human BLOB  you can not imaging the odors and bathroom disasters that a man of his stature can leave behind.
(Let's just say, I don't think I could have obtained that kind of coverage on ceramic using a 90psi paint gun!)
The hour is fast approaching,on which the Honor&Success of this army,and the safety of our bleeding Country depend.Remember~Soldiers,that you are Freemen,fighting for the blessings of Liberty-that slavery will be your portion,and that of your posterity,if you do not acquit yourselves like men.GW8/76