Author Topic: NEED HELP QUICKLY! I promised to teach my wife about computers.  (Read 1314 times)


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In another thread, I mentioned that my wife has finally gotten out of her horrible job, and will be going to work for the plumbing/AC/HVAC company owned by her sister and her husband.

When it comes to book-keeping, my wife has always been 100% accurate. We've been through three IRS audits, two WI Dept. of Revenue audits, and I believe three WI Department of Workforce Development (otherwise known as "unemployment compensation") audits.

Every single time, the auditors couldn't find a single error.

Now, however, my wife will be doing the books for her sister/BIL's company...on a computer. She'll probably need to learn Quicken.

And she's asked me to teach her how to use a computer. This weekend.

She doesn't even know how to use a mouse.

Help! Please! How can I best train her on computers in such a short timeframe?


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NEED HELP QUICKLY! I promised to teach my wife about computers.
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2006, 07:15:42 PM »
Try and see whether some of those online courses can help.  Also do a search for "learning to use a computer" or "how to use a computer" and see what pops up.  There are plenty of resources online.

I don't know about Quicken, but Quickbooks tutorials are available at that Web site - and that's a better package than Quicken for small businesses, anyway.  See for details.
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« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2006, 08:10:32 PM »
Start hwer with the instruction manual for the program. Hopefully she already knows pretty much how to do books. SHow her how to install the program and then let her rip. Explain the nescessities as she comes across them. Kind of like OJT. Just my $0.02 though.
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NEED HELP QUICKLY! I promised to teach my wife about computers.
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2006, 10:07:19 PM »
Your wife sounds smart, so with an hour's worth of instruction and four hours with of experimentation she'll have all the basics down.  Sit her down in front of a PC, walk her through starting it up and launching a few programs, navigating the start menu, opening and closing directories, what an email program looks like, etc.  Do everything you show her the most intuitive way possible.  Some of us close programs with alt+F4, some double click the icon in the top left, some right click and close from the task bar, but none of those make anywhere near as much sense as clicking the red X in the top right.  When you maximize something, click the boxes in the top right instead of double clicking the bar itself.  Don't use the home and end keys when you highlight something, use the mouse.  Copy and paste from the edit menu or by right clicking, instead of ctrl+c/v.

The point is to teach her how to figure things out herself, not to teach her a lifetime worth of shortcuts in 48 hours.  Ingrain in her that you can't break a computer--ok, it's not really that true, but don't let her be afraid of trying something just because she doesn't know what it will do.  Teach her Edit-Undo.  If she asks a question you don't know the answer to, load up google and wikipedia so she'll have some places to find answers when you're not around.

Teach her a bit about filesystems--what the C drive is, what the Windows directory is, where should she be saving her files so she can find them later, things like that.  I'd start in word, have her mess around a bit, and then ask her how she could do various things.  (That is, once she's typed something short, have her use the spell check.  Ask her how she would save the file, print it, close out of word completely, and then go back to the same file.  If she goes manually to the directory and double clicks the document, ask her if there are any other ways that she might be able to do it in the future.)

The worst thing about learning computers is the mental block that computers are hard--it's not the exact same situation, but my younger brother once complimented me on how fast I typed.  I told him that if he'd stop looking at the keyboard when he typed, he could to.  I asked him to just try the next time he was on AIM to type out as much as possible without looking at the keyboard.  Within a week he was touch typing.  He just had a mental block that typing without looking down would be something hard to learn, and a bunch of boring memorization.

On the second day, the two of you can figure out Quicken together.

(Although, if she's used to doing books by hand, she may end up liking something like Excel more, but Quicken will be a lot quicker to get started in if she only has a day.)

Oh, and since you've got the chance right at the beginning, teach her how to RTFM and use the Help file Smiley


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NEED HELP QUICKLY! I promised to teach my wife about computers.
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2006, 01:29:53 AM »
Some of us close programs with alt+F4, some double click the icon in the top left, some right click and close from the task bar, but none of those make anywhere near as much sense as clicking the red X in the top right.
Yea, I've always had a BIG problem with all the redundancies in these programs. WHY do you need 3 ways to do everything. Seems like a lot of wasted space to me. MEanwhile, just reading Vodka's post I learned a few things. If only I could type without l,ooking down. (and with more than two fingers) shocked
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« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2006, 03:45:33 AM »
There's a couple of things that husbands should NEVER teach a wife.

1) How to drive a stick shift
2) How to hang wallpaper
3) How to shoot a gun
4) How to use a computer

You're better off, IMO, finding a buddy to do it for you.



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« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2006, 04:01:58 AM »
Quote from: TarpleyG
There's a couple of things that husbands should NEVER teach a wife.

1) How to drive a stick shift
2) How to hang wallpaper
3) How to shoot a gun
4) How to use a computer

You're better off, IMO, finding a buddy to do it for you.

Agree 100%
But i gotta ask.
it's 2006, and she's never touched a computer?

Honestly, she's going to struggle.  In my experience New users (or older people who didn't grow up on computers) struggle.  They think every keystroke is going to blow up the computer.  Also computers have moved on to just expect you to know how to get to some things (double clicking for example is hard to explain, or the file structure, or whatever).

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« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2006, 09:11:09 AM »
LOL...when I got my first computer I had to call customer support and have them explain "double clicking". I was doing it too slow. Cheesy
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NEED HELP QUICKLY! I promised to teach my wife about computers.
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2006, 01:07:37 PM »
BozemanMT, I did have her using the internet on my Mac for a little bit.

I'm not a wizard with Windows, but the OS is similar enough to a Mac that I can usually figure things out.

She's a fairly quick learner, and she knows that she has to learn to use a computer. That's pretty strong motivation.

I have Windows XP installed on my Mac, and access it using Virtual PC. There aren't any important files on the virtual C: drive, so I don't have to worry about her accidentally deleting something.

280plus, if you think that the redundancies in Windows are ridiculous, you should try Mac OS 10. If you select "Shut Down," a window pops up that asks "Are you sure you want to shut your computer down?"

Imagine if, every time you touched the brakes on your car, a screen on the dash would appear that said "are you sure you want to apply the brakes?"


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« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2006, 05:12:22 PM »
As I was reminded by "The threat of pain" can be an extremely useful learning tool.  Be sure to check your local DA's flexibility on spousal abuse first of course.  

I always thought some of those handy behavoiral science lessons should be integrated into school programs.  While a smile and a gold star from teacher is an excellent positive reenforcement, a dissapointed look and meaningful glance at the car battery...


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« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2006, 02:30:40 AM »
Imagine if, every time you touched the brakes on your car, a screen on the dash would appear that said "are you sure you want to apply the brakes?"
LOL... my standard answer would be, " YES I DO YOU STUPID WORTHLESS POS!!"

But that's just me...

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NEED HELP QUICKLY! I promised to teach my wife about computers.
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2006, 12:40:38 PM »
Well, the first two-hour lesson seemed to go well. She had a heck of a time using the mouse at first, but caught on after a bit.

I taught her how to open programs like Notepad, type stuff in, edit (copy, paste, etc), save or "save as," and other simple tasks. I then let her go on the internet and look at New Orleans sites just to give her more mouse experience, and getting used to clicking and double-clicking.

It's going to take time, but she was patient.


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NEED HELP QUICKLY! I promised to teach my wife about computers.
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2006, 09:08:38 AM »

One thing that I used to do when teaching people who were unfamiliar with computers (and, specifically, mice) was give them a task to do that they were already familiar with, but on the computer.  Handily, the perfect tool for this is bundled with Windows:  Solitaire.

Go in yourself and set up the options so that they're equivalent to the game she's used to (everyone knows solitaire, right?), and then let her play it.  Since the game is one she's used to, she won't have to worry about the mechanics of how to play it; all she'll need to focus on is how to use the computer and mouse to play it.  Once she gets the hang of it, it'll help her a lot with eye-mouse coordination.  Clicking, dragging, dropping, it's all there.  Make sure that "Outline dragging" is turned off; that way she'll see the card itself moving when she drags it, and it'll feel more intuitive.

It's worked well for me in the past.

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NEED HELP QUICKLY! I promised to teach my wife about computers.
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2006, 12:53:13 PM »
Thanks for the suggestion, BrokenPaw, but she doesn't like playing cards.

She's obsessed with New Orleans, so letting her navigate around various French Quarter real estate sites and look at the photos seemed to give her the mouse experience. She was so focused on the photographs that she almost forgot about the mouse.

It will be interesting to see how much she retains of what she learned when we have our next session.

I guess she really appreciated the tutoring. When I came in from mowing the lawn last night, she had a cold, damp towel ready to put around my neck, and a tall glass of icewater.

Then she brought out the deviled eggs she made. Nobody, and I mean nobody, makes deviled eggs like she does. Smiley


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NEED HELP QUICKLY! I promised to teach my wife about computers.
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2006, 08:44:42 AM »
There's a couple of things that husbands should NEVER teach a wife.

1) How to drive a stick shift
That is so true.  I do not remember when I have ever channeled more pure rage than when the ex-boyfriend tried to teach me how to drive a manual.   (The short version is that due to his use of the Italian mobster accent and the fact the clutch was really worn out, I ended up walking 11 miles home rather than ride in the truck with him).

Some things are best taught by a disinterested third party.