Author Topic: The Seditious Dementia of Conspiracy Theories  (Read 11734 times)


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The Seditious Dementia of Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #50 on: September 19, 2006, 06:56:01 AM »
Quote from: Warbow
Where is the groupthink? Can you point it out?
He's kidding; we had a troll on here the last week that was rabidly accusing everyone of "groupthink."

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« Reply #51 on: September 19, 2006, 07:19:33 AM »
I wasn't kidding, Marnoot.  It's pathetic the way we never entertain disagreement around here.  Tongue
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« Reply #52 on: September 19, 2006, 07:48:46 AM »
Quote from: fistful
I wasn't kidding, Marnoot.  It's pathetic the way we never entertain disagreement around here.  Tongue
My apologies, I mistook it for troll mimicking/mocking, but apparently you've got that out of your system. Tongue I'm all for entertaining disagreement. My support for Bush extends as far as he's better than Kerry would be, which isn't too far. But in the interest of disagreement I'll have to echo Warbow, where is the Bush-supporting groupthink in this thread? On topic, I believe Bush incapable of masterminding or maintaining any large conspiracies. I believe the government as a whole too incompetent and inefficient to succesfully maintain any large conspiracies.

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« Reply #53 on: September 19, 2006, 07:52:08 AM »
I agree, Marnoot, but I favor Bush a little more than you do.  I was kidding about not kidding about the groupthink.  Is that clear?  Yeah, the original groupthink comment was a joke.
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« Reply #54 on: September 19, 2006, 08:08:10 AM »
Quote from: fistful
I agree, Marnoot, but I favor Bush a little more than you do.  I was kidding about not kidding about the groupthink.  Is that clear?  Yeah, the original groupthink comment was a joke.
My support for Bush waxes and wanes. It's waned at the moment, on a few topics at least. I do support him strongly on several others, so don't be surprised if I rip him in one thread and defend him in another. Yeah I thought that might be the case about groupthink, but I'm feeling extra "thick" at the moment. I blame the corporate indoctrin.... I mean training I had to sit through this morning.

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The Seditious Dementia of Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #55 on: September 19, 2006, 08:40:53 AM »
Blackbjorn moved me.  He was right.  You are all victims of group-think, mere sheep.

Anyway, there are no films of Israelis jumping up and down celebrating because there were never any films of that.  Some neighbor thought she saw them doing that and called FBI.  What they were actually doing is anyone's guess.  Excited their camera worked?  I dunno.
There are no films of Muslim workers at Krispy Kreme or 7-11 or whatever it was supposed to be either jumping up and down celebrating because, equally, it never happened.
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« Reply #56 on: September 19, 2006, 11:37:25 AM »
Ooo!! Ooo!! Can I be the BLACK sheep? It's the role I'm most comfortable with... Tongue
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« Reply #57 on: September 19, 2006, 01:58:22 PM »
Quote from: Marnoot
Quote from: Warbow
Where is the groupthink? Can you point it out?
He's kidding; we had a troll on here the last week that was rabidly accusing everyone of "groupthink."
Ah, my mistake! I missed the whole troll episode here.

The Rabbi

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The Seditious Dementia of Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #58 on: September 19, 2006, 04:04:10 PM »
Quote from: Warbow
Quote from: Marnoot
Quote from: Warbow
Where is the groupthink? Can you point it out?
He's kidding; we had a troll on here the last week that was rabidly accusing everyone of "groupthink."
Ah, my mistake! I missed the whole troll episode here.
No.  You didn't miss anything.
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« Reply #59 on: September 20, 2006, 01:47:45 AM »
Quote from: The Rabbi
As for Palestinians jumping up and down celebrating, this was videotaped and photgraphed.
Yes - it was. But it was produced where and by whom. Funny, matters of faith just sprung up in another thread. All those "rejoicing palestinians" could have been a paid group of choreographed actors, or even footage of some palestinian arabs celebrating five years earlier about something else.

Anyone remember Chalabi's paid thugs parading along some streets in Baghdad? To give the impression that the streets of Baghdad were filled with throngs of joyful Iraqis freed from misery? Or the selective camera work covering the crowd when Hussein's statue was pulled down in Baghdad square? How co-operative of the "we-hate-bush-liberal-left-oppose-the-war" media.

Anytime CNN & Co generate a presention of some supposedly significant event in trouble spots around the world, conspicuously absent are televised interviews with independent journalists who might in turn interview people at randon on the spot. It would not matter if it was in arabic or cyrillic - an truly independent translation of the conversation could verify any subtitled material.

And so back to the Israelis.
The Israelis were doing something "that was interpreted" as rejoicing.  Interpreted by whom?  Doesnt say.  What were they rejoicing over?  Doesnt say.  What was their connection at all?  Doesnt say.
Right. So you would think that after a reasonable period of time, and news attention, some conclusive information could have been aired. Instead, we are left with a trail of dissappearing news articles.
Invoking Tuskegee is worthless.
No more worthless than someone invoking "holocaust deniers" - and someone else expressing mutual appreciation. But having addressed that issue, there it will lie. The fact is, the Tuskegee affair ran right into the year 1972 - and it was exposed. Eventually. For every serial or significant spree murderer that get's caught, how many do not?
The fact that one time somewhere maybe there was subterfuge does not mean every act by the gov't is subterfuge.
Yes, I think everyone is aware of that.
And in any case, the truth about Tuskegee came out because, tada, people do talk.
Right. Again. And during the time that the first people began to talk, to the point of official acknowledgement, I wonder what silly invectives were thrown at those who were talking.

This thread, had the means been present at the time, could have been run in 1967 almost verbatem; 9/11 replaced with Tuskegee.



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« Reply #60 on: September 20, 2006, 02:29:24 AM »
Quote from: jfruser
I can still access video and images of Palestinians jumping & cheering the WTC collapse.  Why should I not be able to do the same for the Jewish version?
Because the "jumping palestinians" were the subject of some syndicated news item; you know, the "we-hate-bush-liberal-left-oppose-the-war" syndicated media. The same ones whose footage and co-operation was essential early on in making during the invasion of Iraq, and giving the appearence of thronging joy among the population of Baghad at their "liberation".

The Israelis (haven't seen any reports that they were Jews) were the ones doing the filming of the burning towers and wreckage. No one, that I know of, filmed them. But a number of people were concerned enough about their uh .. "puzzling behavior" to call the police.
Also, the reason we knew they were Palestinians cheering was the location of those taking the video and, in some cases, those doing the cheering letting slip (AKA, "shouting") their identity.
Yes, I have no doubt that footage would deliver all the goods on cue.
Just how would one tell a jumping Jew from a jumping Gentile, anyways, in NYC?
The reason their nationality is known is because they were arrested - or detained - whichever you care to call it. Some for a considerable length of time. It is clear you did not take the trouble to read the posted stories - even what is still available on the web.
So, who is suppressing the video evidence of jumping & cheering Jews?  What are their resources?  
Linking to a few print articles that only vaguely support your assertions (if viewed sideways and effort is made to read in meaning) does not evidence make.
They were detained (or arrested) and held for a considerable period, some deported, some left the country rapidly of their own accord. That much has been publicized. This was widely reported in the days after 9/11. Some independents have posted more information since - but nothing from any of your syndicated talking heads and writers. That means that there is, a paper trail. There are the police reports, and Kerry Gill in New Jersey no doubt could be interviewed by CNN and asked to produce the INS records and information  
I provide analysis for my company and our customers and am required to back up my analysis.  When I do so, I provide input data, algorithms, (to include verification & validation of the data & algoritms), limitations, assumptions, and methodologies by which I came to my conclusions.  

So, when I see the fevered writings of the tinfoil beret brigade and they can only produce what you have produced, I am less than impressed with the power of the argument.
Anyone who automatically, impulsively, associates Israeli citizens with Jews has not analysed much in middle east history and geography.

And you need a big - thick - tin foil hat to miss (or perhaps turn a blind intellectual eye to) the patterns in our foreign and domestic actions and policies, news reporting, the geo-political world and the events of the last several decades.

They are like Hollywood re-runs and re-makes. In cycles of five to ten years. And like the movies, they are similarly becoming very predictable. But in addition to analytical skills, one must have an attention span longer than one season of any pop tv series - and no aberrations or distractions such as amnesia.


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The Seditious Dementia of Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #61 on: September 20, 2006, 02:40:25 AM »
OK, so your contention is that when an event like Palestinians jumping up and down is widely photgraphed and distributed, it is a set up by the major news media.  But when an event has no evidence other than hearsay then it is reliable.  WTF?
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« Reply #62 on: September 20, 2006, 02:50:40 AM »
Very simplistic three liner - which doesn't begin to address what I have stated.

Do you recall the staged parading crowds in Baghdad? The "V" signs, the cheering? Baghdad square, the selective filming that gave the impression that Baghdad square was full of Iraqis overjoyed at their liberation? Specifically arranged by (surprize surprize) that crook, handpicked for us by the British - Mr. Chalabi?

Or not?

There is a history, a pattern, of deliberate media falsification evident throughout the Serbian campaign and the current one in Iraq. It has been and is evident elsewhere as well; but let's follow these two through to some kind of concusion for the sake of objectivity.



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« Reply #63 on: September 20, 2006, 04:10:42 AM »
giving the appearence of thronging joy among the population of Baghad at their "liberation".
I never made it Baghdad, but everywhere I did go in Iraq I was surrounded by Iraqis, who praised us and Bush at every chance they got. What I heard most were things like "Saddam donkey." Yes Bush, No Saddam!" And always a thumbs-up sign and a huge smile.

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The Seditious Dementia of Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #64 on: September 20, 2006, 05:21:54 AM »
Quote from: LAK
Very simplistic three liner - which doesn't begin to address what I have stated.

Do you recall the staged parading crowds in Baghdad? The "V" signs, the cheering? Baghdad square, the selective filming that gave the impression that Baghdad square was full of Iraqis overjoyed at their liberation? Specifically arranged by (surprize surprize) that crook, handpicked for us by the British - Mr. Chalabi?

Or not?

There is a history, a pattern, of deliberate media falsification evident throughout the Serbian campaign and the current one in Iraq. It has been and is evident elsewhere as well; but let's follow these two through to some kind of concusion for the sake of objectivity.
Quote from: The Rabbi
OK, so your contention is that when an event like Palestinians jumping up and down is widely photgraphed and distributed, it is a set up by the major news media.  But when an event has no evidence other than hearsay then it is reliable.  WTF?
You havent addressed this apparant contradiction.  I wont argue that some photographers have staged events.  But all of them were found out.  All of the photos had evidence of the tampering.  In every case it was one photographer and one photo or series.  In the case of the Palestinians it was many photographers, virtually all the news media covering it, including video footage plus eye witness accounts.  And if you want to say the event was staged.  Who would stage the event?  And it was not one isolated incident, but happened many different places.
OTOH, the mythical celebrating Israelis were never captured on film.  There were no eyewitness reports of the event, only anonymous statements afterwards.
But the Israeli reports are credible and the Palestinian reports are not credible.  WTF?
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The Seditious Dementia of Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #65 on: September 20, 2006, 06:27:22 AM »
Rabbi, this is an unusual amount of patience for you.  Feelin' mellow?
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The Seditious Dementia of Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #66 on: September 20, 2006, 07:58:20 AM »
Quote from: fistful
Rabbi, this is an unusual amount of patience for you.  Feelin' mellow?
It is too easy.  It is like target shooting with a panoramic site.  I am sure I will get bored of this soon as there is no challenge.
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« Reply #67 on: September 22, 2006, 03:28:05 AM »

I do not doubt you were. Do you know what exactly was on their minds - each and every one of them?

I further do not doubt that some Iraqis have been glad to see our presence there. However I am addressing two aspects to what was an organized and extensive operation by our gov and syndicated media using people like Chalabi to give an impression that things were alot different from what they actually were when Baghdad was "liberated".

So let me ask again, not just the Rabbi, but anyone following this; do you not remember the staged CNN presentations of the shouting cheering "crowds" parading through the streets of Baghdad, showing "V" signs etc that were eventually exposed as rather small groups organized by Mr Chalabi and the media for our gov propaganda?

Of Chalabi's little merry band in Baghdad square when Hussein's statue was pulled down filmed to the total exclusion of just how little the group was, and that Baghdad square was all but empty? Save the tanks and troops ringing the place?

Yet CNN & Co perpetuated the lie - in carefully edited and focussed audio-visual - that half of Bagdad was celebrating enmasse in the streets, and in Baghdad square when the statue was pulled down.

I do, very clearly.

But for those with amnesia, or just too young to remember - and those who prefer to play dumb - some people have archived some of the relevant material:

The Rabbi,

I do not say the celebrating Palestinians is patently false - but I have doubts based on what has been blatantly obvious about syndicated media and the current ongoing geo-political agenda.

The Urban Moving Systems story is not hearsay. It was mainstream news for awhile, and as is the common denominator in truly politically embarrassing or contrary stories, most of the material held by mainstream sources is no longer accessible. This is very common. But I'll bet every syndicated rag on the web will have a big story, editorial or column on the "celebrating Paletsinians" easily accessible.

I'll give another example. In the weeks following 9/11, I viewed American and United Airlines corporate websites where they had both published the official AA and UA flight manifests for the hijacked planes. Pilots, co-pilots - the entire flight crews - and all the passengers were named. Named; from the manifests. On none of those pages did a single name of the alleged hijackers appear. Not one.

Does that mean they were not on the planes? Perhaps. Perhaps they were. But the point is - it is more than a "minor discrepency" and can not be a simple "error". Most people do know, that one can not embark on a commercial sheduled flight in the United States without buying tickets, and being issued a boarding pass - which lead to becoming listed on the flight passenger manifest.

So when questions arose like, "..  how exactly does one board a commercial flight in the United States without being on the passenger manifest?" these pages disappeared. AA and UA took these pages down rather quickly.

So while it is popular, and encouraged, to address people like kooks who are not prostrate in support of the official fairytale, there exists some common elements among the fairytale believers. Where through a combination of amnesia, general convenience, and perhaps an element of fear, what is known (or what they used to know) about the official storytellers - their recent modern history - is detached or set aside.

They seem to have been so shock and awed (remember that phrase?) by the presentation of the events that somehow what they did know - they used to know - in the past no longer applies. All the instances of State sponsored and instigated terrorism - actual or planned, foreign and domestic - and media co-operation, cease to exist.

Somewhat like women who cling onto men that are unfaithful to them - and beat them up. They keep going back when the right cues are given, and despite the increasing magnitude of the beatings, are always just as obstinate in their defense of their oppressor.

Here's another from the Memory Hole - an orchestrated and fake propaganda performance to gather support for the invasion of Kuwait:

"I saw the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns. They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor. It was horrifying." -- Nayirah, Kuwaiti Citizen, testifying before Congressional Human Rights Caucus, Oct. 10, 1990.

A video of weeping Nayirah performing before members of our Congress  was on the web and is probably still there for those who missed it years ago. Performing Nayirah - right in front of Congress. A complete fraud. No repercussions, G H W Bush used the lie for his speeches, and he never retracted it.

Celebrating Palestinians? Maybe; and that's final.


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The Seditious Dementia of Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #68 on: September 22, 2006, 04:39:17 AM »
I'm sure Dr. Zinn isn't naive enough to think that every cheering Iraqi was sincere.  What is important is that his comments demonstrate that "cheering Iraqi crowds" don't need to be staged by the media if the locals do it themselves.

Quote from: LAK
The Urban Moving Systems story is not hearsay. It was mainstream news for awhile, and as is the common denominator in truly politically embarrassing or contrary stories, most of the material held by mainstream sources is no longer accessible. This is very common. But I'll bet every syndicated rag on the web will have a big story, editorial or column on the "celebrating Paletsinians" easily accessible.

I'll give another example. In the weeks following 9/11, I viewed American and United Airlines corporate websites where they had both published the official AA and UA flight manifests for the hijacked planes. Pilots, co-pilots - the entire flight crews - and all the passengers were named. Named; from the manifests. On none of those pages did a single name of the alleged hijackers appear. Not one.
For the first example, is it possible the stories were removed because they were later discredited and therefore embarassing?

Did the hijackers use their own names?
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The Seditious Dementia of Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #69 on: September 22, 2006, 05:01:14 AM »
Once again, LAK demonstrates his belief that if something is well-documented it is obviously fraudulant but if something is merely rumor and hearsay it is to be believed.  Once again I ask "WTF"?
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« Reply #70 on: September 22, 2006, 07:24:21 AM »
Do you know what exactly was on their minds - each and every one of them?
I'm no more telepathic than you are, but I'd bet it went something like this:

Hey, you Americans have finally taken that ahole Saddam out of power. Cool.
Now, this was early on and we haven't handled everything well since. I haven't been back so I can't speculate as to average Iraqis' opinion now.


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« Reply #71 on: September 22, 2006, 08:56:02 PM »

Did the hijackers use their own names? I don't know - if they did, they did not appear on the manifests. If not, why not? If they used other names - which names specifically did they use? There has never been an official explanation for this.


Nayirah's performance was very big news and well written about. It was a key story and publicity tool used to convince both the American public, and Congress, that it was necessary to go into Kuwait. G H W Bush referred to her story directly several times publicly, as did Quayle. It was widely published, and still is a widely accessible item on the web even from mainstream sources.

All commercially syndicated news, for most people, can be considered hearsay by it's nature of collection, production, distribution and dissemination.

But perhaps we should heed the Rabbi now, and remember that we should take anything published by Ha'aretz with a pinch of salt.



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The Seditious Dementia of Conspiracy Theories
« Reply #72 on: September 23, 2006, 05:51:46 AM »
Quote from: Art Eatman
... And always remember:  Dr. Goebbels was absolutely correct with his statement, "If you tell a big enough lie, often enough, people will begin to believe it."

LOL! This demonstrates LAK's point.

 The official explanation is a "conspiracy theory". Otherwise, four planes being hijacked at the same time would have to be coincidental.

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« Reply #73 on: September 23, 2006, 06:47:27 AM »
mr, the 9/11 conspiracy was demonstrable.  LAK's aren't.  Even the 9/11 conspiracy had already provided enough information to stop it, except that the info hadn't been correlated from the many disparate people who knew the bits and pieces without knowing the big picture.

Secret conspiracies cannot survive as secret without an incredible level of smarts and attention to detail--and an absence of human flaws.  Booze talk, pillow talk, bragging talk, and just plain sell-out for money.  It was hard enough in the pre-electronic eras.  Nowadays, not only a paper trail but a computerized trail.  Too many people know too much about who comes and goes, where--and with whom they talk.

"Two people can keep a secret--if one of them is dead."

The American Indians learned what happens when you don't control immigration.