Put a wanted ad on Craigslist,check e-Bay for a local table to turn up so that it doesn't have to be shipped(that's how I aquired both my Technics & Pioneer tables),& see if there is a record store in your area.Ask them.Also sometimes electronic repair shops will have tables that were never picked up & can be had for the repair price.
Any family who still think "That Seventies Show" is current events?Maybe they still have their old table collecting dust in the basement.If you're lucky it'll be a Denon DP-62L.*sigh*
Plan on a new stylus & prolly a whole new cart for an older table.
Check out audiokarma dot org.LOTS of good input there.All encouraging.Those folks are the reason I now have a stack of vinyl shotgun targets spinning in the background.
Turntables are just...cool.
Good luck.