Author Topic: Well, more happenings are happening here...  (Read 1411 times)


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Well, more happenings are happening here...
« on: November 10, 2015, 12:01:45 PM »
Yesterday, the Moderates officially changed their immigration/asylum politics - a full 180 degrees turnaround from their previous insanity. I'll provide a translation of their press conference:

"Today, the Moderates suggests new ways to tackle the refugee crisis
  • Temporary border checks and denied entry to asylum seekers who have arrived from a safe country
  • The return/repatriation process should be expedited and effectivized
  • Sweden should demand to pay a lower membership fee to the EU

What does this mean?

Temporary border checks and denied entry for asylum seekers from other EU countries.
  • Temporary border checks should be put in place to control over who arrives to Sweden.
  • Those asylum seekers who arrive from another EU country and who are not registered according to the Dublin convention are to be denied entry to Sweden.
  • During the period of temporary border checks, Sweden must look into the laws of other EU countries and work to harmonize our rules with for example those of Germany.

The government must now work on all levels to ensure that those whose applications have been denied are deported.

  • Police must be given the necessary support.
  • The government must work for repatriation agreements internationally on a different level than what's currently being done.
  • We want to see a schedule for how the government should handle this issue.
  • Swedish foreign aid should be used as a leverage when dealing with certain countries.

Sweden should demand a lowered EU membership fee.
  • Today, Sweden is a net giver to the EU. At the same time we have taken a much larger responsibility than other EU countries and our public finances are now affected by cost increases of billions of kronor. According to the prognosis of the EU commission published last Thursday, the budget effect for migration will be the biggest in Sweden.
  • Sweden's responsibility in this issue must be seen also in our membership fee to the EU. The government should work for lowering Sweden's fee to the EU for the following years due to the enormous responsibility we've taken upon us.

My comments:
Despite my feelings of despair in the last few weeks, I still expected this to come...just not this soon. Now it remains to see how the other parties and media will handle this. I'm thinking of that quote by Schopenhauer: "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
I think we're just inches away from the third stage here. Let's see: parties who officially aren't walking around with their heads up their asses: Sweden Democrats, Moderates, and also the Christian Democrats. I remain doubtful that the Liberal People's Party will turn around, despite some positive-ish noises made about it recently, and also the Centre Party. Can't put my finger on why, just gut feeling. Considering the statements done the other day by a sitting minister (Social Democrat) about Sweden possibly facing a system collapse...the Social Democrats will be the next to turn around. I remain doubtful about the Green Party and also the Left Party. The first is full of trice-damned hippies, the second is now full of people masturbating over identity politics and made-up genders. As for Feminist Initiative turning around...bwahahahaha. I'd sooner expect a lion to embrace veganism.

An interesting scenario would be if the rest of the former Alliance (Centre Party and Liberal People's Party) turned around - then, as long as they can manage to get everyone to vote according to the party line in the Riksdag, the Sweden Democrats and the Alliance could get a majority in favor of a referendum about immigration. Times sure are getting interesting.
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Re: Well, more happenings are happening here...
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2015, 04:10:11 PM »
So is that now the .gov policy toward the invaders refugees or is this merely a policy point for one party?
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Sweet memories to drive us on,
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Re: Well, more happenings are happening here...
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2015, 04:25:09 PM »
So is that now the .gov policy toward the invaders refugees or is this merely a policy point for one party?
Policy point. The Moderates are in opposition. They could've been running the show...if they had just swallowed their pride pulled their head out of their ass last September and invited the Sweden Democrats into their alliance. Current administration has around 40% of the votes.

Been poking around a bit. Noticed that there's a dearth of "racist", "fascist", "brownshirt" and other similar epithets being thrown in their direction. I imagine that just a year ago, this would've caused the most epic of political shitstorms. Now it's just...nothing, really.

Now it remains to see if they stick to their guns.
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Re: Well, more happenings are happening here...
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2015, 04:05:03 PM »
So. Two days ago (10th of November), PM Stefan Löfven dismissed the idea of border checkpoints. Yesterday, "Border checkpoints will be put in place starting at noon.". And today, I see a public radio tweet about "border checkpoints have been under preparation for a long time now".

Also, new poll today has the Sweden Democrats at almost 27%. Together with the Alliance, they'd have 57 or 58% of the votes if the elections were held today. Something for them to ponder. This also means that they've now doubled in size in just one year. I wonder if there's ever been a party increasing in numbers like this here.
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Re: Well, more happenings are happening here...
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2015, 05:02:38 PM »

This place seems to be lefty in outlook but the article is not a shrieking mess, rather it's an examination of what is happening and giving a warning as to what might start happening.

Commenting on the police's encouraging people to join vigilante groups, social commentator and former Refugee Ombudsman Merit Wager wrote:

    "So, the Swedes are supposed to arrange and pay for their own and their families' security and keep their farms from being subjected to theft, even though that has up to now been included in the social contract -- for which we pay high taxes, to have police we can count on to protect us and apprehend criminals?! When did the social contract expire? October 2015? Without any notice of termination, since the tax-consuming party is not fulfilling its part of the deal? This should mean that our part of the deal - to pay taxes for public, joint services -- has also become invalid? If the social contract is broken, it is broken. Then it is musical chairs (lawlessness, defenselessness, without protection), and that means that each and every one of us should pay less taxes."

A general tax revolt would go a long way in solving the issue. If the immigrants can't get the welfare they'll go somewhere else which is great for Sweden as a whole or they'll riot which is great for those Swedes who want a more.....cathartic end to this issue.
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Re: Well, more happenings are happening here...
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2015, 06:06:05 PM »

This place seems to be lefty in outlook but the article is not a shrieking mess, rather it's an examination of what is happening and giving a warning as to what might start happening.

A general tax revolt would go a long way in solving the issue. If the immigrants can't get the welfare they'll go somewhere else which is great for Sweden as a whole or they'll riot which is great for those Swedes who want a more.....cathartic end to this issue.
I'm guessing that "shoot, shovel & shut up" is going to be the standard procedure in rural Sweden. Handguns aren't common here. Hunting rifles & shotguns are. And farmers tend to have excavators...
“The modern world will not be punished. It is the punishment.” — Nicolás Gómez Dávila

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Re: Well, more happenings are happening here...
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2015, 06:08:55 PM »
A group of determined folks with spears and axes can manage to do quite a deal as well. #oldschool
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Re: Well, more happenings are happening here...
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2015, 09:11:27 PM »
So how has France affected happenings there?
AKA Navy Joe   

I'm so contrarian that I didn't respond to the thread.


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Re: Well, more happenings are happening here...
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2015, 04:59:22 AM »
Increased threat levels. Although what that'll accomplish is another thing. Lot of police officers are leaving, because a few years ago during the previous administration, they (the politicians) got it into their heads (finally) that more police officers were needed. Rather than increasing the police's budget to pay more salaries (can't have that, we have asylum seekers to pay for...), they instead slashed benefits, wages are if not frozen then stagnated and they aren't very well-paid to begin with. Oh, and overtime because even with new officers, it isn't enough, so overtime all the time and the rank and file is getting tired of doing shitty work for shitty pay and always getting criticized by the dindunuffin crowd (yes, we have them here as well). Considering the response times (if there even is a response at all), I've come to the conclusion that Sweden isn't a state that is descending into "failed state" status, Sweden is a failed state with small pockets of sorta-functionality (bigger cities) when it comes to general law and order (general law & order = police will probably atleast respond to calls about burglaries, robberies etc, even if they'll just file the report under "no clues found, can't do anything about it" later on). I assume that if I were to call the police and report that I had just beaten a burglar to death, they would respond. Probably.
“The modern world will not be punished. It is the punishment.” — Nicolás Gómez Dávila