Author Topic: Am I too cynical?  (Read 1792 times)


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Am I too cynical?
« on: November 22, 2006, 08:37:31 PM »
So for the last few years, I've moved out of working in the field, but instead have worked in our dispatch center.  It worked better with my school schedule while I was going to school full time, and i've stayed there since then.   

For the last two years, the county that I dispatch for requires that I actually work at the county's 911 center.  So I get to hear a lot of the raw, unfiltered, 911 calls.  Now, I had already started to come to this conclusion when I worked in the field, but it's been really reinforced by working up at the 911 center....    911 allows people to live who really are too stupid to live.  While this call is more humorous than frustrating, it went something like this:

911:  911, what's your emergency?
Caller:  My nose is dripping.
911:  Is your nose bleeding?
Caller:  No, it's dripping.
911:  Is your nose dripping blood?   Or a clear liquid?
Caller:  Well, I was outside, and now it's dripping.  (Keep in mind, it was about 40 degrees outside this morning)
911:  So your nose is dripping a clear liquid, or is it actually bleeding?
Caller:  I can't tell for sure.  It looks pretty clear.  BUT IT'S DRIPPING!
911:  Sir, you were just outside.  It's 40 degrees outside.  Your nose is dripping SNOT.  (At this point in time, I'm laughing hysterically about 3 positions down from this calltaker.   You can actually hear me laughing on the 911 tape....  Ooops)
Caller:  Well, I guess that's what it is.  But it's DRIPPING! What should I do?
911:  Sir, I recommend Kleenex.  But there is nothing 911 can help you with.  I have 911 calls holding.  Goodbye.

While this one is admittedly rather amusing, it did tie up a 911 calltaker while there were other 911 calls holding. 

Unfortunately, it seems that the majority of 911 callers have an IQ around 90, and lack any shred whatsoever of common sense.   Survival of the fittest, and therefore improving the human race, seem to have fallen by the wayside thanks to 911.  People rely on the government and its agents to resolve petty disputes that were once solved by two neighbors talking over the back fence.   Now, people call 911.  And wait for someone else to come solve their problems.

That's not to say that 911 hasn't helped millions of people.  But from talking to the folks there at 911, it seems that over the last decade, the "quality" of the caller has dropped off drastically.  They still get the real emergencies.   But now it seems that there are just idiots galore calling for every little thing.
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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2006, 09:09:50 PM »
Even before I read the topic, my reply was that, if anything, you are way too optimistic.

After reading it, the same.  It should be legal to slap people like that.  I don't think it would help, but I know that I would feel a lot better.
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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2006, 01:45:29 AM »
I've heard one played on the radio, I can't swear it wasn't a joke/prank call/spoof by the radio station -  where the woman was angrily demanding police be sent to settle her quarrel with the drive through attendant as to whether her bacon-cheeseburger or some such was done right.

Assuming it was real, she deserved to have had the police show up and issue her a nice fat ticket for abusing 911.
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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2006, 02:06:12 AM »
Just to really make your day, remember that these people are allowed to vote. And spawn. sad

RT Refugee


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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2006, 06:58:58 AM »
TC, I think that's the biggest part of the problem.  The people who we're "saving" will raise their children to think, and act, in the same way.  So we're perpetuating the problem.  And so the number of these people keeps increasing.  And the problem just continues to get worse...
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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2006, 07:44:00 AM »
I've gone to our 911 center and listened in on calls before. Some sad, many hilarious.

Makes me feel fine about low voter turnout.


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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2006, 01:10:11 PM »
Has anybody got that link to the recording of the guy that picked up what he thought was a dead deer.  It came to in his car and ultimately the guy wound up in a phone booth calling for an amboolance after the deer had kicked the snot out of him and then a dog went after him because he smelled like the deer.  I'd like to listen to that one again.

Speaking of people with numbness where their brain is supposed to be...When I was in the insurance business I had people call me every day and tell me they had a bill for their insurance and just what was it they were supposed to do with it, when was it due, as well as ask how much is it for.  All of that info is on the bill. rolleyes
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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2006, 02:15:40 PM »
Nope.  Can't be too cynical.  Not possible.

Bob F.

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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2006, 05:18:26 PM »
AD: I'm an ER Triage nurse. It ain't the 911 system, man. The problem started way before most areas had 911. "De gubmint will fix it!" mentality may have started with "a chicken in every pot" but even I'm too old to remember that first hand. The real trouble comes from "needing a license to fish... but not to breed."
Sad to say, and don't take this wrong, but a patient that's really in need of the ER and moderately intelligent (IQ<age) is a joy!

Hang in there.
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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2006, 09:41:03 AM »
Bob, I hear you.  I never minded running the real calls when I was in the field.  The cardiac arrests, the traumas, the unusual medical calls.   I didn't even mind my first dozen or two overdose calls.  But after a while, it did come to the point that I was more tempted to strangle a patient than to treat them.  Literally, running code 3 responding to someone with a toothache.  Or a stubbed toe.  I really got sick and tired of seeing people doing things to each other.  Assaults, robberies.   I felt bad for the victims.  But then I saw that there were times that the "victims" were just as guilty as the perps.  Drug deals gone bad.  Mutual combat.  Gang fights. 

But Bob, here's one you can appreciate.   My partner was a bit of an "abrasive" type.   We got along pretty well, but he could really tick you off in a hurry.  Had an ER nurse that had butted heads with him earlier in the day, really pissed him off.   Well, sure enough, we went on a heroin OD just a few blocks from this hospital.  For those who don't know, one of the drugs in our toolbox is called Narcan.  This is a NARCotic ANtagonist.  It reverses the effects of true narcotics, specifically opioid narcotics.  Like heroin.   So if you give enough of it, it puts the person into essentially instant withdrawal.  Not fun.   Our protocols called for 2mg IV/IM of this medication.  We, however, would do what is called titrating to effect.  Basically, we gave enough narcan to reverse the effects of the OD (i.e. get them breathing again) but keep them niiiiiice and mellow.  So now that this is all set up, we responded on this overdose near the same hospital.   We give the guy enough narcan to make him breathe again on his own, but kept him nice and mellow....   We get to the ER, and sure enough, that same nurse is the one that's coming to take report.   This guy's breathing is starting to slow down again, which means he's gonna need another dose of narcan soon.  It's about this time that I notice the syringe in my partners shirt pocket.  I begin to get the impression that revenge is on the way.  We get the guy on their bed, and when the nurse is about 15 feet away, my partner hits this guy with the full dose of narcan in his IV.   He hands her the chart, gives a quick report, and just about the time this guy starts moaning, he lets the nurse know that the patients breathing had slowed down, so he just hit the guy with a full 2mg narcan IV.  Right about now, this guys moans turn into an air raid siren, and he starts trying to levitate off the bed.  We practically run from the ER, amid the chaos we have just unleashed.  Needless to say, both the ER supervisor and the field supervisor had a chat with my partner.  Granted, he *was* following protocol so he didn't get into actual trouble, but we were told to avoid that ER for a while if possible.....
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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2006, 11:19:49 AM »
grampster, it's on a Bob and Tom album.  I forget which one.
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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2006, 07:49:40 PM »
It's very aptly titled "Joe vs. the Deer".  I first heard it on the first day of EMT-Basic class.  The instructor presented it as a case of the "strange" things you can expect to run into.
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Sylvilagus Aquaticus

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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2006, 08:31:26 PM »
In the ER one weekend a group of about 7 adults came in at 0300 with a 2 year old. Chief complaint- "He (the 2 year old) ain't walkin' right".

All the adults smelled of ethanol, among other substances. Child was given a thorough physical workup by the attending, blood looked fine. Eyes, ears clear, neuro grossly intact. Kid was tired, sleepy, irritable.

Final diagnosis- "Well child with Medicaid card".

Of course he "ain't walkin' right". He's two, and he's sleepy, and you drunks are keeping him up!

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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2006, 08:16:01 AM »
I've gone to our 911 center and listened in on calls before. Some sad, many hilarious.

Makes me feel fine about low voter turnout.

I have always felt this way.  If people are too stupid to register to vote, know it is election day, find a polling location, and cast a vote, I don't care if they never vote.  At some point you have to leave it to people's own responsibility to do what they need to do to vote. 
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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2006, 08:43:11 AM »
When I was a reserve cop on a town of 15K I got put on dispatch one evening when we had a fire and a major vehicle accident simultaneously.

Our city had a regular fire dept AND a volunteer reserve.  The reserves had their own trucks, equip, etc.

The fire chief called me on the radio and told me to activate the reserve firefighters.  Less than 10 seconds after I hit the switch on the "Fire Whistle" the 911 board lit up...."Where's the fire?".  I logged 27 "WTF" calls on the dispatch log.  My response to the "WTF?"!
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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2006, 09:17:06 AM »
Here in Utah, people are now being billed for back country rescues.  Not all of them, mind you.  Those that are legit are often not charged.  You know, guy breaks leg, has phone, gets 911 and a helo-lift off the side of a mountain....but when Bubba and Rufus get drunk and stick thier snowmobile in a drift 20 miles from civilization, they're gettin a bill  grin

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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2006, 11:24:16 AM »
Jockey, that's the kind of stuff that I like to hear.   Unfortunately, Bubba probably will skip on the bill when he gets it....  "$10,000?Huh?  JUST TO GET ME OUTTA THE SNOW DRIFT?"

No.  $10k to get the specialty rescue folks together, the SAR team, the helicopters, the snowmobiles, and all the other equipment needed to pull your sorry arse outta the snowdrift.
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Re: Am I too cynical?
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2006, 11:35:01 AM »
My belief is that if you spend any time in any kind of call center or customer service position, you will realize that most of the "general public" are even worse than you think they are.

I don't think, in this day and age, that there is such a thing as "too cynical".
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