Author Topic: A Social Conservative Case for Trump  (Read 1101 times)


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A Social Conservative Case for Trump
« on: February 20, 2016, 04:39:10 PM »

The author does not support Trump.  He is a socon, but the very definition of a crunchy-con, and is temperamentally, viscerally, at odds with most of what folk find attractive about Trump.  Thing is, he is honest and intellectually muscular enough to make the socon case for Trump.

FTR, I do not necessarily agree with the author or his case, but I do like reading a well-crafted argument by someone who can honestly make the case of the opposition.

Why would a social conservative vote for Donald Trump, who is the least socially conservative of all the Republican candidates? I can think of a few reasons...

4. Religious liberty is where the real fight is, specifically the degree to which religious institutions and individuals will have the freedom to practice their beliefs without running afoul of civil liberties for gay men and women. This is where having a friendly administration matters most to religious and social conservatives. And this is an area where religious and social conservatives are in the most danger of being bamboozled by the GOP Establishment.

Why? Every single one of the GOP candidates will say the right thing (from a social conservative point of view) on religious liberty. But will they deliver? Don’t you believe it. The Indiana RFRA fight was the Waterloo of social conservatives. Big Business has come down decisively on the side of gay rights, and forced Gov. Mike Pence and the state GOP lawmakers to back down. They forced Gov. Asa Hutchinson in Arkansas to back down. As I cannot repeat often enough, I was told last fall by multiple sources in a position to know that the Congressional Republicans have no intention of making religious liberty an issue going forward. For one thing, they don’t want to be called bigots, and for another, the donor class is against it. I don’t doubt that Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz (at least) would like to protect religious liberty, but I am convinced that they are too beholden to the donor class to do anything more than make speeches.

5. That brings us to Donald Trump. He has said publicly that he will make protecting religious liberty a priority. Does he mean it? I have no idea, and you don’t either. He is no religious conservative. But he is a populist who doesn’t care what the donor class thinks, because he is not indebted to them. It is reasonable to think that religious liberty stands a better chance with Trump in the White House than any other Republican. Mind you, that’s the soft bigotry of low expectations, but that just goes to show you how weak the position of us religious and social conservatives has become within the Republican Party...

But just be clear that on the political issues that have mattered most to social conservatives — abortion, gay marriage, and religious liberty — it is by no means obvious that the non-Trump Republicans are going to be any better, and they may be worse.

More at the linky.

I think the author misses a few, but he does present a reasonable case.

As with many other Trump strengths, the GOPe brought "socons voting for Trump" from an absurdity to the realm of reasonable.  Why?  Because GOPe has brought ZERO socon priorities home despite having the political power and offices to make it happen.  And GOPe has folded in the face of evil, totalitarian hedonism too many times to have any confidence that they will transform from cowardly losers into bold winners on the socon front.


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Re: A Social Conservative Case for Trump
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2016, 06:23:06 PM »
My issue is based on what I have heard Trump say: the idea of letting people do their own thing or letting the states decide the issue probably won't happen.  He will be after federal laws for everything he thinks he has a solution to. 
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Re: A Social Conservative Case for Trump
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2016, 04:10:13 PM »
And the other side of the coin:

5. He’s unpredictable. There is no reason to believe that he really does believe what he says, because his past is so erratic. Second, he is deeply undisciplined. When the president of the United States shoots off his mouth, trying to be a tough guy, wars start. Social conservatives ought to know in their bones how destructive people like that can be.

7. He’s from New York City. Another reader, a native New Yorker, wrote overnight to say:

I think you’re really, really wrong that Trump might do as much to protect religious liberty as any of the other candidates. Now, of course, I hate Trump. But I’m just saying this as a New Yorker. Even what passes for a “conservative” in most of Manhattan has zero support for religious liberty. None. Moreover, they really can’t fathom why you would want it. As long as you get to say whatever prayers you want at church on Sunday, you have no right to complain. And really, they probably wouldn’t get too exercised if the government started policing sermons, either–only for really important things like racism and homophobia, of course, and are you really saying that the right to liberty includes the right to be homophobic while enjoying a tax exemption? Are you nuts? They wouldn’t infringe your right to believe those things, just for a pastor to say them in a tax exempt institution. The only people on the East Coast who are going to sign onto a religious liberty fight are Catholics and Orthodox Jews.

As president, or for that matter, as a general election candidate, Donald Trump is going to do nothing to advance religious liberty.  In fact, it’s one of the first issues that I’d expect him to hurl overboard as he goes hunting for a bigger coalition. Trump is interested in policies that poll majorities but the elite of both parties is refusing to touch–what you might call the Gilens policies. Immigration and trade are on that list. Religious liberty is not. He will not act to protect religious liberty, he will not look for judges who will do so, and he won’t really understand why anyone would expect him to just because he said he would earlier in the campaign.

Point #5 is the big one for me.  Everything Trump says and does is theater.  He waffles from one moment to the next.  I don't really trust anything the guy says, he represents a special interest of one- himself.  Unfortunately, it looks as if I may have to hold my nose and vote for a buffoon over a lying criminal.  God help us.


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Re: A Social Conservative Case for Trump
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2016, 05:03:24 PM »

  Unfortunately, it looks as if I may have to hold my nose and vote for a buffoon over a lying criminal.  God help us.

We're hosed either way,  Trump elected puts the stake in Hillary's political ambitions forever,  AND has the benefit of snubbing the GOP establishment and being entertaining at the same time.
"Leftism destroys everything good." -  Ron

There is no fixing stupid. But, you can line it up in front of a wall and offer it a last smoke.

There is no such thing as a "transgender" person.  Only mental illness that should be discouraged.

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Re: A Social Conservative Case for Trump
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2016, 06:51:24 PM »
We're hosed either way,  Trump elected puts the stake in Hillary's political ambitions forever,  AND has the benefit of snubbing the GOP establishment and being entertaining at the same time.

That is why I would, if he's nominated, most likely vote for him. Even if he is Hillary Clinton's Manchurian candidate, the GOP would get what they deserve for feeding us so much DoleBushRomney, and failing to support their Cruz's and Paul's. (Not to mention teaching a similar lesson to all the Trump supporters that should know better.)
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Re: A Social Conservative Case for Trump
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2016, 07:24:13 PM »
That is why I would, if he's nominated, most likely vote for him. Even if he is Hillary Clinton's Manchurian candidate, the GOP would get what they deserve for feeding us so much DoleBushRomney, and failing to support their Cruz's and Paul's. (Not to mention teaching a similar lesson to all the Trump supporters that should know better.)

Yep.  Can't argue with any of that.
"Leftism destroys everything good." -  Ron

There is no fixing stupid. But, you can line it up in front of a wall and offer it a last smoke.

There is no such thing as a "transgender" person.  Only mental illness that should be discouraged.


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Re: A Social Conservative Case for Trump
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2016, 08:46:48 PM »
Agreed.  I would take Trump over any of the Democrats.  Probably over Rubio also.
“It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones.”  ― Calvin Coolidge