Author Topic: Trumping Hillary  (Read 692 times)


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Trumping Hillary
« on: August 04, 2016, 12:52:32 PM »
Trumping Hillary

Read as the fluffy bleeding heart puppydog of bunny-hugger of science fiction makes his case in favor of the Trumpening.

Sadly, the Kratman Excruciating Death Penalty Index (KEDPI) is quite low and there is no mention of crucifixion or impalement.   

You know, I’m not quite ready to march in the streets shouting, “Viva Trump! Viva la Junta! Viva! Viva! Viva!” On the other hand, for many a year now I’ve wanted to dance along the yellow brick road with the munchkins while singing, “Ding dong; the wicked witch is dead.”

So I am against a woman being president, right? No, not really. I am against this woman being president...

But Hillary? Look, if Hitler and Hillary were on opposite sides on the same ballot, I’d have to say, “Well, I’m only a quarter Jewish; how bad could Hitler be?”

So, let’s look at Trump, shall we? Yeah, Trump’s vulgar and tacky. Yeah, he’s an adulterer. Yeah, he’s used bankruptcy – though quite legally, be it noted – as a business tool, even though he, himself, has never declared personal bankruptcy...

Here’s one thing, though; while the Clintons are in politics for the graft and the girls...Trump has all the money he needs and doesn’t have a lot of trouble acquiring trophy wives and girlfriends infinitely better looking than, say, Monica Lewinsky and surely close matches to Elizabeth Ward Gracen.

And there’s another thing; Trump is pissed – dare I say “royally pissed”? – at the DC establishment that wants his money but shuns him. There’s a better than fair chance, and a better chance than we’ve had since Reagan who, at the time, had bigger sturgeon to slice, for us to have someone in the White House who may actually purge the bureaucracy that’s taken over the country. Oh, no, he won’t do everything we need and stand the upper echelons of the Agency and State, EPA, Justice, etc., against a wall with the Old Guard providing the firing squads...

And then there’s what I think is the most important thing, the answer to the question of why Trump is even running. To me, it’s obvious: He doesn’t need graft or girls; he wants a better place in the history books than the one he’s earned so far as “slumlord to the elite...”

Conversely, I suspect Hillary intends to, and is sure she can, dictate what the history books will be allowed to say...

So you still don’t like Trump. I understand; as suggested, there’s a lot there not to like. On the other hand, you’re a reasonable and thoughtful citizen. In other words, you would not trust Hillary dead without a stake being driven through her tiny, tiny heart and her brain being taken out to use as a prop for a remake of Young Frankenstein...

What to do; what to do? You could sit it out, but, as mentioned by many others, sitting it our may help Hillary get at the White House china again. You could vote Johnson, but, Libertarian delusions aside, he’s not going to win and, if he did, his open borders, no offensive military capability platform would be a national disaster...

Here’s what I suggest: First, check the polls for your state carefully and conscientiously. Indeed, check the most recent polls – more than one of them; use – the day before the election. If it’s a very safe state for Hillary or a very safe Trump state, you can either stay home in more or less understandable disgust or you can go to the polls and vote for Johnson, Stein, Mickey Mouse, and I’ll say, “Onward, brothers and sisters!” Indeed, in that case, I’d encourage you to vote for Johnson. Why? To remind a President Trump that there are some things he needs to do and that he’s not as invulnerable as all that.

But what if it’s not a safe state for anyone? That’s tougher. I can tell you what I’m going to do; I’m going to cast an effective vote against Hillary by voting for Trump. You can let your conscience be your guide. Flip a coin if you like. Just remember that one side of that coin you flip says, “Hillary for President; Death of the Republic.”

More a the linky.

For my part, I think Kratman is optimistic.  Too optimistic about what Trump will have success doing.  And too optimistic about a Hillary administration.  The former I still give a 10% chance of doing anything helpful to America.  The latter I see as putting the final touches on the progressive power grab and replacement of Americans with lumpenprog orcs.  Best outcome is then "Balkan Civil War, Continent-Scale."  Which would greatly disturb the place in society I have made for myself and result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands.  (If we're lucky, since Yugoslavia lost ~10% of it's population due to deaths during WWII.  Ten percent  would put causalities in the US Second Civil War at about 3million.)


“Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.”
----G.K. Chesterton