Author Topic: They never miss a beat  (Read 583 times)


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They never miss a beat
« on: November 12, 2016, 11:20:07 PM »
The liberal gun-grabbers, that is. Within four days after the election, I've already received two e-mail requests for donations from a Democrat U.S. senator who somehow put my name on his e-mail list. I wouldn't vote for him if I could, and I would have to think hard about giving him a quarter if he was begging on the street, but I don't ask to be removed from his list because I think it's wise to know what your enemies are up to. Make no mistake -- this guy and his pals ARE the enemy, primarily because they regard US as the enemy.

The first one (which I unfortunately deleted before realizing I should share it) was far more directly anti-gun. This one is more anti-Trump, but the guns and the [evil] NRA are in there:

[Hawkmoon] -

Over the past few days, I’ve received a lot of notes from people across the country who are upset and scared about what a Trump presidency will mean for their families.

These are difficult times, but I want all of you to know that you have an ally in the Senate who will never stop fighting to protect and preserve the values we share: opportunity, diversity, safety, and respect.

I’ve been clear that I will work with Donald Trump if he proposes policies that are good for my state and our country [translation: policies I agree with]. But if Donald Trump takes action to tear families apart [Note: I believe Connecticut has two sanctuary cities within its tiny border, and state law effectively makes the entire state a sanctuary state], take away health care from women or poor people, loosen our gun laws or worse, I will resist. We will resist. Together. I can promise you that.

Of course, that will make us a target. And if there’s one thing I learned from this last election, it is to prepare for everything. There’s no doubt the NRA is coming for us, and you can be sure the emboldened Republican Party has its sights set on this seat.

Our election is up next, so I have to ask:

Can I count on you to make a $3 contribution to my re-election campaign as a way of saying you will never stop fighting with me to protect and advance the values we share?

It is important in this moment to say that we do not allow our despair to turn into disinterest. We may have taken a step backward on Tuesday, but that doesn’t have to be our fate in the weeks, months, and years ahead. I am committed to the fight [What "fight"?], and am endlessly thankful that we’re in it together.

Every best wish,

Chris Murphy
U.S. Senator, Connecticut
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