Author Topic: President Ford RIP  (Read 597 times)


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President Ford RIP
« on: December 27, 2006, 09:20:09 PM »
Interesting that we have a thread dedicated to James Brown but nothing to a President.  While I know a little about Ford's time in the White House, I was 9 when he left office, I think the public never gave him a chance to show what he could do.  Hell, even President Clinton said tha Ford had courage to pardon Nixon and do what he felt was right for the country at the time.  The other problems Ford had during his little time in the office is that there was a Democratic hold on both houses.  One article I read said he used his veto a total of 36 times in his short tenure.  Image what could have been if he had either a majority or had been elected in 76.  Amazing that he is the first and only person to be President without being elected to the office or to Vice President.  While he may not have been perfect he is still one I have admired along with Reagan.
President Ford RIP, you earned it.
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Re: President Ford RIP
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2006, 03:08:49 AM »
James Brown died a day or two ahead of Ford.  Now, Ford's time has come (or gone) and you started the thread.  There, now it's even. 

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Re: President Ford RIP
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2006, 03:34:29 AM »
President Ford inherited a train wreck when he took office. I think he was able at least put it back on the track again.
Then Americans were dumb enough to elect Carter.
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