There's a difference between intelligence and wisdom. Intelligence can give you the ability to do a thing, wisdom tells you if you should or not.
In my experience many progressives are profoundly stupid and all of them are profoundly unwise.
The more intelligent progressives become opinion leaders and ranking politicians and media types, the dumber ones join anti-fa and post commie crap online and such.
So this guy with his new hashtags could be smart enough to be an engineer or a chemist or whatever (probably not, though) but yet he's so unwise that he cannot grasp the consequences of what he is doing.
They are all like this in terms of wisdom. As politically cunning as they may be they cannot see more than a few steps down the path. A path, that if continued down, will lead to a mass amount of violence and destruction. All because they cannot control themselves.
I know we have some hotheads on our side. Unwise louts that mouth off and do things they shouldn't.
Our guys are amateurs compared to theirs. Also there's far fewer on our side than theirs and it seems we have better control over our louts then they do over theirs.
Of course whatever happens, they'll blame us. But when everything is unpacked by the historians whenever the conflict ends there will be a line from progressive actions straight to the unpleasantness.
And the most frustrating thing about it all is that they're too stupid to talk to! They simply do not, and cannot understand.
We're being lead to a chasm by a Conga line of fools, idiots, and barbarians.