Author Topic: H.R. 1 Puts America In A Giant Bird Cage  (Read 2634 times)


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H.R. 1 Puts America In A Giant Bird Cage
« on: January 13, 2007, 04:30:15 AM »
 H.R. 1 Puts America In A Giant Bird Cage
January 12, 2007
Vox Populi, Politics

By Chuck Baldwin

The very first bill passed by the House of Representatives this year was H.R. 1 named, Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations Act. The vote was 299 Ayes, with 68 Republicans voting with the majority, and 128 Noes.

Drafted by the 9/11 Commission following the terrorist attacks on Washington, D.C., and New York City, the report proffered 41 recommendations to the federal government ostensibly for the purpose of making the United States more secure against future terrorist attack. The implementation of this report was new House Speaker Nancy Pelosis first priority for the 110th Congress. She succeeded. The House of Representatives easily passed it. The Senate is expected to do the same, and President Bush will doubtless sign it into law. But what, exactly, does this bill accomplish? Does it make America more secure? And if so, at what cost?

I well remember my father telling me, A bird in a cage is safe, but it is not free. That proverb pretty much summarizes H.R. 1. When fully implemented, the new law will create a federal police leviathan that will place the American people into a giant bird cage.

As many have already observed, a close analysis of the 9/11 report reveals the creation of Homeland Security identity checkpoints on Americas roads and highways. Mandatory biometric iris and finger scanning systems at all American airports and seaports. The creation of a national I.D. card. The expansion of no-fly and watch lists. The implementation of special screening for all airline passengers, which paves the way for invasive body scanners. The federal takeover of publicly owned communications networks and increased government surveillance of Americans financial records and activities.

In addition, H.R. 1 mandates that America becomes increasingly meddlesome in the internal affairs of foreign nations, thereby pushing the United States further down the road of international governance. For example, one recommendation requires that the U.S. defends Muslims against tyrants and criminals . . .

Of course, nowhere in the 9/11 Commission Report is there a call to defend Christians against tyrants and criminals. And the truth is, the most rampant and bloodthirsty acts of tyranny and criminality are committed against Christians. In The Sudan alone, Marxist and Muslim warriors have tortured, murdered, and enslaved more than two million people, mostly Christians, over the past twenty years. However, their suffering is mostly ignored by the international community and by our own government.

Yet, back to the issue. How many nations must we invade and how many governments must we overthrow in order to defend Muslims? Furthermore, are we also obligated to defend Buddhists and Shintoists?

Another recommendation wants the United States to generously [support] a new International Youth Opportunity Fund for the purpose of building and operating primary and secondary schools in . . . Muslim states . . . How many billions and even trillions of taxpayer dollars will be required to build and operate Muslim schools? Schools that will no doubt teach Muslim doctrine. There is certainly no shrill cry against the separation of Mosque and state heard here, Martha.

Yet another recommendation requires global border security using extensive international cooperation. What the heck is this all about? What, pray tell, is global border security? Does this mean using foreign troops to guard our borders?

Are we supposed to believe that our own National Guard and Border Patrol are unable to protect our borders, and, therefore, we need foreign troops to do the job? Balderdash! The fact is, the Bush administration simply does not allow our forces to protect our borders. Perhaps this recommendation in the 9/11 Commission Report helps explain why.

Still another recommendation requires the federal government to set standards for the issuance of birth certificates and sources of identification, such as drivers licenses. In other words, a national, or maybe even international, I.D. card or computer chip.

One of the most egregiously extreme recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Report is this next one. Without specifically naming it, this recommendation calls for the implementation of President Bill Clintons former Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbotts brainchild. It is called Continuity of Government (COG). COG has strong support from many notables such as former GOP Senate Whip Alan Simpson, Clintons former Secretary of HHS Donna Shalala, former House Speakers Democrat Tom Foley and Republican Newt Gingrich, former GOP Minority Leader Robert Michel, and Kweisi Mfume, President and CEO of the NAACP.

In a nutshell, proponents of COG envision a terrorist attack that would precipitate the suspension of the U.S. Constitution. Specifically, COG would authorize Congress to appoint its own members, including those in state legislatures, without a vote of the people. COG even envisions the enactment of such authority for reasons of incapacitation (whatever that is) even if no emergency exists.

As one should easily be able to see, the passage of H.R. 1 simply continues the policies of both Democrat and Republican administrations to put the bird in its cage. Of course, the bird is the American people and the cage is a national, even international, curtain of total control.

Aldous Huxley called it a Brave New World. George Orwell outlined it in his book 1984. Bible theologians call it the Revived Roman Empire. Whatever one calls it, both George W. Bush and the Democrats in Congress are pushing hard and fast to implement it. And unless the American people offer the strongest resistance quickly and loudly, our children and grandchildren will find the cage locked shut with no chance of escape.

The American people need to heed the warning of Winston Churchill who said, If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no chance of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.

America, are you listening?

(c) Chuck Baldwin


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Re: H.R. 1 Puts America In A Giant Bird Cage
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2007, 05:56:44 AM »
Another recommendation wants the United States to “generously [support] a new International Youth Opportunity Fund” for the purpose of “building and operating primary and secondary schools in . . . Muslim states . . .” How many billions and even trillions of taxpayer dollars will be required to build and operate Muslim schools? Schools that will no doubt teach Muslim doctrine. There is certainly no shrill cry against the separation of Mosque and state heard here, Martha.

Yet another recommendation requires “global border security” using “extensive international cooperation.” What the heck is this all about? What, pray tell, is “global border security”? Does this mean using foreign troops to guard our borders?

These will be two issues thrown right into "a stronger U.N.". The former is UNESCO turf, the latter right smack in the middle of the U.N. as a global military force - whether you want to call it a police force, or an army - with a centralization of the "co-operation" between member states on "issues of border security".

And yes, much of the money will be expected to come out of our pockets. Look forward to the global tax coming to the forefront real soon.

Just remember too, who set us up for all this; ".... peace and prosperity in every land."  Wink



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Re: H.R. 1 Puts America In A Giant Bird Cage
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2007, 07:11:08 AM »
a close analysis of the 9/11 report reveals the creation of Homeland Security identity checkpoints on Americas roads and highways

what an ideal location in which to detonate a suicide car bomb ...  rolleyes
Freedom is a heavy load, a great and strange burden for the spirit to undertake. It is not easy. It is not a gift given, but a choice made, and the choice may be a hard one. The road goes upward toward the light; but the laden traveller may never reach the end of it.  - Ursula Le Guin


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Re: H.R. 1 Puts America In A Giant Bird Cage
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2007, 12:37:51 PM »
I'm surprised the obligatory Benjamin Franklin quote hasn't been posted yet.

Matthew Carberry

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Re: H.R. 1 Puts America In A Giant Bird Cage
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2007, 01:05:47 PM »
"...and then the bitch wigged out on me." - B. Franklin

That one?
"Not all unwise laws are unconstitutional laws, even where constitutional rights are potentially involved." - Eugene Volokh

"As for affecting your movement, your Rascal should be able to achieve the the same speeds no matter what holster rig you are wearing."


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Re: H.R. 1 Puts America In A Giant Bird Cage
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2007, 01:16:19 PM »
No the one that goes like this, "The Power is YOURS!" - B. Franklin.
Or was it "Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight!" - B. Franklin?
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Re: H.R. 1 Puts America In A Giant Bird Cage
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2007, 01:22:32 PM »
All right you guys, you know which one I'm talking about. Wink

Matthew Carberry

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Re: H.R. 1 Puts America In A Giant Bird Cage
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2007, 01:43:32 PM »
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

Done and done.  grin


Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
This statement was used as a motto on the title page of An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania. (1759) which was attributed to Franklin in the edition of 1812, but in a letter of September 27, 1760 to David Hume, he states that he published this book and denies that he wrote it, other than a few remarks that were credited to the Pennsylvania Assembly, in which he served. The phrase itself was first used in a letter from that Assembly dated November 11, 1755 to the Governor of Pennsylvania. An article on the origins of this statement here includes a scan that indicates the original typography of the 1759 document, which uses an archaic form of "s": "Thoſe who would give up Essential Liberty to purchaſe a little Temporary Safety, deſerve neither Liberty nor Safety." Researchers now believe that a fellow diplomat by the name of Richard Jackson is the primary author of the book. With the information thus far available the issue of authorship of the statement is not yet definitely resolved, but the evidence indicates it was very likely Franklin, who in the Poor Richard's Almanack of 1738 is known to have written a similar proverb: "Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power."
Many variants derived from this phrase have arisen and have usually been incorrectly attributed to Franklin:
"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
"Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither"
"He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security"
"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither"
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both."
"If we restrict liberty to attain security we will lose them both."
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."
"He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither"
"Not all unwise laws are unconstitutional laws, even where constitutional rights are potentially involved." - Eugene Volokh

"As for affecting your movement, your Rascal should be able to achieve the the same speeds no matter what holster rig you are wearing."


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Re: H.R. 1 Puts America In A Giant Bird Cage
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2007, 02:56:16 PM »
It is ironic that one of the main reasons people at THR and here didn't vote for the Republicans was because they were trashing all our rights. Privacy of course one of the big ones that had folks up in arms.

So you go from frying pan into the fire.


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Re: H.R. 1 Puts America In A Giant Bird Cage
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2007, 10:10:54 AM »
"Operation Honeymoon" was successful - just a different flavor?

and cello sonatas flow through the air. . .

"Diversity is our strength!"