What you are describing is a true democracy, which unfortunately is equivalent to bolshevism.
Uh,.... no. Bolshevism is/was a branch of the Russian Communist Party, (or more properly, its anticedants). which was supposedly strictly democratic
within itself; hardly a true democracy.
Thankfully, our form of government is a constitutional secular republic
Got to disagree with you about the secular. You use the word as though it and theocratic were mutually exclusive polar opposites. They are not. While the United Sttates was not, and is not, a theocracy, it is also, (or at least, wasn't founded) as a secular nation. Numerous quotes of the Founding Fathers reference the fact that not only is this to be a Christian nation, but that the form of government would fail with any other kind of citizens. WHich seems apt, as we are now in the proces of failing....
that is set up specifically to make certain the majority does not dictate over the minority, at least on the most fundamental issues, at least in principle. Also, the founding fathers being Christian in no way should be used as a basis for preferential reference to christian viewpoints in gov policy, mean like national holidays for Christ's birthday, for thanksgiving to the Lord, having "In God We Trust" on the money, chaplains for the armed services AND the Congress, swearing in on the Bible, etc, etc, etc? If we are NOT a Christian nation, pray tell, what are we? All the listed actions contraindicate secularism, and there is certainly no compelling evidence for Buhdism, Shintoism, paganism, the Moonies,...
just as them being slaveowners does not add any more credibility to KKK, or them being white to supremacist ideals. I'd like to believe our constitution transcends religious and racial boundaries, if not by intent then by effect.
The Constitution did not "transcend" religious and racial bounderies - it pushed them down to the state and lower levels. Thats all it could do.