Author Topic: The Neoconservative Empire - Ron Paul  (Read 1375 times)


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The Neoconservative Empire - Ron Paul
« on: February 16, 2007, 06:44:16 PM »
Statement on the Iraq War Resolution
Before the U.S. House of Representatives February 14, 2007

This grand debate is welcomed but it could be that this is nothing more than a distraction from the dangerous military confrontation approaching with Iran and supported by many in leadership on both sides of the aisle.

This resolution, unfortunately, does not address the disaster in Iraq. Instead, it seeks to appear opposed to the war while at the same time offering no change of the status quo in Iraq. As such, it is not actually a vote against a troop surge. A real vote against a troop surge is a vote against the coming supplemental appropriation that finances it. I hope all of my colleagues who vote against the surge today will vote against the budgetary surge when it really counts: when we vote on the supplemental.

The biggest red herring in this debate is the constant innuendo that those who dont support expanding the war are somehow opposing the troops. Its nothing more than a canard to claim that those of us who struggled to prevent the bloodshed and now want it stopped are somehow less patriotic and less concerned about the welfare of our military personnel.

Osama bin Laden has expressed sadistic pleasure with our invasion of Iraq and was surprised that we served his interests above and beyond his dreams on how we responded after the 9/11 attacks. His pleasure comes from our policy of folly getting ourselves bogged down in the middle of a religious civil war, 7,000 miles from home that is financially bleeding us to death. Total costs now are reasonably estimated to exceed $2 trillion. His recruitment of Islamic extremists has been greatly enhanced by our occupation of Iraq.

Unfortunately, we continue to concentrate on the obvious mismanagement of a war promoted by false information and ignore debating the real issue which is: Why are we determined to follow a foreign policy of empire building and pre-emption which is unbecoming of a constitutional republic?

Those on the right should recall that the traditional conservative position of non-intervention was their position for most of the 20th Century-and they benefited politically from the wars carelessly entered into by the political left. Seven years ago the Right benefited politically by condemning the illegal intervention in Kosovo and Somalia. At the time conservatives were outraged over the failed policy of nation building.

Its important to recall that the left, in 2003, offered little opposition to the pre-emptive war in Iraq, and many are now not willing to stop it by de-funding it or work to prevent an attack on Iran.

The catch-all phrase, War on Terrorism, in all honesty, has no more meaning than if one wants to wage a war against criminal gangsterism. Its deliberately vague and non definable to justify and permit perpetual war anywhere, and under any circumstances. Dont forget: the Iraqis and Saddam Hussein had absolutely nothing to do with any terrorist attack against us including that on 9/11.

Special interests and the demented philosophy of conquest have driven most wars throughout history. Rarely has the cause of liberty, as it was in our own revolution, been the driving force. In recent decades our policies have been driven by neo-conservative empire radicalism, profiteering in the military industrial complex, misplaced do-good internationalism, mercantilistic notions regarding the need to control natural resources, and blind loyalty to various governments in the Middle East.

For all the misinformation given the American people to justify our invasion, such as our need for national security, enforcing UN resolutions, removing a dictator, establishing a democracy, protecting our oil, the argument has been reduced to this: If we leave now Iraq will be left in a mess-implying the implausible that if we stay it wont be a mess.

Since it could go badly when we leave, that blame must be placed on those who took us there, not on those of us who now insist that Americans no longer need be killed or maimed and that Americans no longer need to kill any more Iraqis. Weve had enough of both!

Resorting to a medical analogy, a wrong diagnosis was made at the beginning of the war and the wrong treatment was prescribed. Refusing to reassess our mistakes and insist on just more and more of a failed remedy is destined to kill the patient-in this case the casualties will be our liberties and prosperity here at home and peace abroad.

Theres no logical reason to reject the restraints placed in the Constitution regarding our engaging in foreign conflicts unrelated to our national security. The advice of the founders and our early presidents was sound then and its sound today.

We shouldnt wait until our financial system is completely ruined and we are forced to change our ways. We should do it as quickly as possible and stop the carnage and financial bleeding that will bring us to our knees and force us to stop that which we should have never started.

We all know, in time, the war will be de-funded one way or another and the troops will come home. So why not now?

February 15, 2007

Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress from Texas.{/quote]

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Re: The Neoconservative Empire - Ron Paul
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2007, 07:40:15 AM »
I'm new to the Ron Paul fan club.  And now I'm out of it.  May he work miracles with our domestic policy from his Congressional seat and never affect our foreign policy.  Amen. 
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Re: The Neoconservative Empire - Ron Paul
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2007, 08:36:12 AM »

He may be running for president.  No chance of winning, Republicans hate him more than Hillary or Obama combined.  Unless he had an entire heavy division providing security, he'd be Bullworth'd in about five minutes if he won.  A man can get a lot of enemies defending the Constitution. 
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Re: The Neoconservative Empire - Ron Paul
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2007, 05:38:51 AM »
The catch-all phrase, War on Terrorism, in all honesty, has no more meaning than if one wants to wage a war against criminal gangsterism. Its deliberately vague and non definable to justify and permit perpetual war anywhere, and under any circumstances.

Funny, I thought it was only "liberals", "Leftists" and other ignorant folk who say things like this.



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Re: The Neoconservative Empire - Ron Paul
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2007, 07:07:30 AM »
The catch-all phrase, War on Terrorism, in all honesty, has no more meaning than if one wants to wage a war against criminal gangsterism. Its deliberately vague and non definable to justify and permit perpetual war anywhere, and under any circumstances.

Funny, I thought it was only "liberals", "Leftists" and other ignorant folk who say things like this.


It actually has merit, but the actual answer is un-PC. You have to admit that it's a war on fundamentalist Islam, which is the root cause of the current tide of terrorism.

Until someone can do that, yes, it's an unhelpful term that's "declaring a war on an idea". Terrorism has been around since the first tribe of protohumans that decided to go kill the other tribe's women and children while their men were out hunting. There's widespread evidence that Homo Sapiens slaughtered Neanderthals in a near-genocide in some locales. ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST, that's something definitive you can address. But they won't say it.

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Re: The Neoconservative Empire - Ron Paul
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2007, 07:11:41 AM »
"War on Terror" is a slogan.  Only fools get wrapped around the axle about it.  Or those who like to use terribly poor arguments for their points of view.  Ron Paul apparently fits one or both categories.  In any case, his foreign policy instincts are clearly abysmal. 
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Re: The Neoconservative Empire - Ron Paul
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2007, 08:01:54 AM »
So why can't the Republicans seem to field anyone for president besides fossils, damaged goods and fools? This is really disheartening. I mean, who is there, Ghouliani the Gungrabber, McCain the Insane... Jeb, not when people are sick of the Bush dynasty, and Newt, who is not only damaged goods, but yesterday's refused damaged goods off the dusty clearance shelf in back.

Who else? This whole election is like a bad comic book's gallery of villains, them, and of course the opposition team of Hell on Earth Hillary and Empty Suit Obama, with the comic relief of Nattering Nader.

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Re: The Neoconservative Empire - Ron Paul
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2007, 08:31:43 AM »
Romney?  Huckabee?  Tancredo?  Brownback? 
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Re: The Neoconservative Empire - Ron Paul
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2007, 08:35:56 AM »
Romney?  Huckabee?  Tancredo?  Brownback?
Those are not the ones being groomed and anointed for the candidacy.
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Re: The Neoconservative Empire - Ron Paul
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2007, 08:40:37 AM »
Where do I find this list of who's being "groomed and appointed"? 
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Re: The Neoconservative Empire - Ron Paul
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2007, 08:41:33 AM »
Romney?  Huckabee?  Tancredo?  Brownback?
Those are not the ones being groomed and anointed for the candidacy.

And I don't know anyone who takes Romney seriously. He's trying to shred his leftist papers and find his Reagan hat.


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Re: The Neoconservative Empire - Ron Paul
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2007, 08:49:31 AM »
Where do I find this list of who's being "groomed and appointed"? 

Citizen McKodos has been groomed for years now. Giuliani is a feint to make McK look conservative, and the others are posturing but have no backing from the Republican Machine. 


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Re: The Neoconservative Empire - Ron Paul
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2007, 10:42:55 AM »
Ron Paul, the perennial one trick pony, salivates at the thought of having an empire.  Since he does not, and won't, he spends his time beating up everyone else.  Ron Paul is long on criticism, but short on solutions.  Typical Libertarian, come to think of it.