Chancellor Palpatine (aka Darth Siddious, aka the future Emperor) basically created the separatist movement as a political prop to help him overthrow the Republic and become Emperor. Count Dooku (aka Darth Tyrannus), the separatist leader, was really working for Palpatine all along, since Tyrannus is the apprentice to Siddious. Palpatine caused the Clone Wars to happen, so he could create a crisis that would give him a pretext to have the Senate give him dictatorial powers.
Note that the Clone War not only gives Palpatine a pretext to gain absolute power, it also gives him a chance to kill off all his potential future rivals for power, for instance the Trade Federation and their droid armies, under the pretext of defending the Republic that he is going to overthrow and replace with the Empire.
Random speculation: Dooku/Tyrannus was the Jedi who had the records of the planet where the clones were made removed form the Jedi Archive, and was the one who had the order placed for the clone army, using the assumed name of a dead Jedi. Remember that Dooku used to be a respected Jedi Master before leaving the order some time in the past. Thus Palpatine all along knew that he'd have a clone army that would "just happen to be ready" when the sepratist threat (that he created on purpose) emerged.
He also hired Jango Fett to try to assassinate Senator Amidala, knowing it would fail because he is the one who arraged for Annakin and Obi-Wan to guard her, and knowing that it would lead to them trying to track Jango back to the planet where the clone army was just being finished, just in time for him to get dictatorial powers, use the clone army, etc., etc.
The future Rebellion in the original trilogy (Episodes IV-VI) is really elements of the old Republic who survived Palpatines creation of the Empire. Leia's "dad" is Senator Organa, who in the current movies is not a separatist.
The Sith master-apprentice pairings go something like this:
Siddious-Tyrannus (Dooku)
Vader isnt really Siddiouss apprentice until sometime in Episode III after Dooku/Tyrannus is whacked.