Author Topic: The Left Is Doomed  (Read 2843 times)

just Warren

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Re: The Left Is Doomed
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2021, 12:42:16 AM »
We need to get politically militant in county politics.

I was thinking about this the other day.

The thing is the Republicans are mostly worthless. Almost all of them are squishes and do nothings. And those tend to be the types that win elections. firebrand populists are few and far between and get neutered by the party apparatus.

Trying to change them is not like beating your head against a brick wall, rather it's more like pushing against a sponge. Every time you think you're making progress the sponge pops back into it's normal shape.You get your hopes up only to find out you've changed nothing.  Therefore, what is the point of joining them?

Third parties are garbage, as someone who spent a few decades hovering around the fringes of the Libertarian party in various locales I can confidently say that most of the members are whack-jobs. Mostly disorganized fruit-loops with bad hygiene and worse social skills, and policy proposals that not only do not resonate with people they actually repel them. 

I assume it's the same with the Greens, Socialists and other nano-parties.

Who does that leave then?

The Democrats.

Hear me out.

The goal would not be to change them into a more freedom-oriented party. No, the goal would be to be disruptive.

If you and some like-minded friends join you can be a faction unto yourselves and join whatever side in their internal debates will cause the most overall heartache amongst the membership.

Your goal would be to make the local Dem committee as bad as it could possibly get. And hopeful infect the state-level party by sending the very worst people to represent the county. This would be after causing all manner of vicious infighting at the local level which would hopeful spoil working relationships among the true believers.

If, and it's a big if, you can manage to get people up to the national level they will be just horrible. And maybe can replicate the divisiveness there.

Imagine this happening all across the country. The Democrats would be represented by the stupidest most vile people their party has to offer.

Now, you can ask: "Well, how would anyone be able to tell the difference?" That's a fair point.

The Dems do filter people out as do all parties of course. So there are folks we never see at the state or national level because they are too freaky even for the Democrats. But if your faction has enough influence you can send these freaks up to the big leagues.

Get those folks on record as official representatives of the Ds, get them on interview shows and send them out on speaking tours, and in general introduce them to as many members of the public as you can.

Make the Democratic party unpalatable. Make it so no sane person would want to be associated with it.

Marginalize them and hopefully cause a schism so that they can't work well together anymore.

And then see where all that leads.

Even if you can't alter the trajectory of the national party you will have a lot of fun ruining it for people on the state and local levels. And you can do this in a way that would be impossible as a member of the Republican party.

As a Republican all you can do is win an election. But you do it while separated from the other party. You are in your HQ and they are in theirs. It's sort of a sterile experience. And you would never be involved in the other parties internal processes.

If, though, you are a member of the Democrats and your plans have borne fruit then you are there in their HQ and you get to experience their disappointment, frustration, and rage directly. Whether it's a general election or an internal party vote. You've brought chaos to the party.

With any luck there will be shouting matches or even fistfights. And you can sit back and watch, knowing you brought this about.

And as long as you follow the rules, it's all perfectly legal. Just don't engage in any espionage or sabotage. Don't use whatever access you have to pass info to anyone or wipe files from computers and such like. Just engage in some hard-nosed politickin'.

The more the Democrats are weakened the stronger the other parties become relatively. Maybe something good comes from that. I don't know. 

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Re: The Left Is Doomed
« Reply #26 on: January 10, 2021, 10:48:37 AM »
The democrat party should have become unpalatable  years ago.   The problem is American voters aren't gourmets, they're gourmands.   =( :mad: [barf]
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Re: The Left Is Doomed
« Reply #27 on: January 10, 2021, 10:51:59 AM »
The democrat party should have become unpalatable  years ago.   The problem is American voters aren't gourmets, they're gourmands.   =( :mad: [barf]

They are demanding and are getting a Golden Corral form of government. The food tastes like crap and is bad for you but there's a seemingly endless supply of it.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2021, 11:10:08 AM by WLJ »
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French G.

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Re: The Left Is Doomed
« Reply #28 on: January 10, 2021, 12:44:15 PM »
Personally I get really twitchy when I see a local Pol running as R/D for school board, sheriff, coroner, dog catcher... Exactly what does that letter with your name mean? Who cares, what are you going to do with your job?
AKA Navy Joe   

I'm so contrarian that I didn't respond to the thread.