Author Topic: Who Hates America?  (Read 1293 times)


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Who Hates America?
« on: March 23, 2007, 07:48:38 AM »
Some good readings from Human Events this week.

Who Hates America?
by Michael Reagan  (More by this author)

Posted: 03/16/2007
If you believe the media and the cry-baby left, the entire world hates the United States of America. I dont believe that. The reality of it is they don't hate us; they just love our money and wish they could get their hands on more of it.  That's all the rest of the world ever cared about.
Sure, a lot of the French hate America, but they hate every nation that isnt France. 
Lefties across the globe hate America because they are insanely jealous of our prosperity and our standard of living, but they are not anything like a majority.
Ask yourself this: If America is so hateful, why does half the world want to come here to live in such a hateful country?
If you really want to know who really hates America dont look abroad. Look right here in the United States for the real hate-America crowd; look at the left-wing crazies who run the Democrat party.
Think about it.  America is at war. Tens of thousands of Americans in the armed forces are fighting that war, and more than three thousand of them gave their lives battling the terrorists sworn to destroy this nation.
Yet aside from Osama bin Laden and his crew of merciless killers, the people most dedicated to seeing the United States defeated in a battle for the future of the world are the liberal Democrats now feebly trying to run the Congress.
You really have to hate America and its people to lust after the defeat of your own country.
Sure, they dont come right out and say it. They cover their tracks by calling a headlong  and shameful -- dash for the exits a redeployment, their way of saying cut and run.  They say they fully support our troops, while they mutter about cutting the funding for them and leaving them defenseless far away from home.
As the new strategy for winning the war in Iraq begins to take hold, they refuse to recognize any of the signs of progress. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and the despicable John Murtha announce to the nation that we are losing the war, and moreover, cant possibly win it.
You really have to hate America to stand on the sidelines, root for an enemy triumph and do everything you can to make sure we lose a war.
If you want to know who really hates America look at the Democrats who jumped on the media bandwagon to attack Walter Reed Army Medical Center charging that they have not given good medical care to our wounded troops coming back from a Iraq when they are fully aware that these wounded heroes have received the finest medical care ever a given to anyone, soldier or civilian, in the entire history of the world. 
Thousands of wounded members of our armed forces who would have died of their wounds in previous wars are alive today as a result of the medical care available at Walter Reed and other armed services hospitals. 
But what do we hear from the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid?  Praise for the great care the Army and Navy have provided for the wounded and disabled?  No. 
Instead we hear allegations that slyly suggest that the conditions in substandard living quarters are in actuality symptoms of poor medical care being given to our troops.  That's a flat-out lie, and you have to hate America to tell it. 
The fact of the matter is that those veterans forced to live in substandard quarters and receiving extraordinary medical care were victims, not of the Army, but of the federal bureaucracy which operates under rules and restrictions dictated by the Congress when it was under the control of the Democrats.
Moreover it was the Congress which allowed Walter Reed medical center to be scheduled to shut down in 2010 -- just three years from now -- putting it in that category to deprive them of adequate funding.
You really have to hate America to attack -- for purely political reasons -- a system of medical care that is saving huge numbers of Americans. They have no shame.


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Re: Who Hates America?
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2007, 08:53:08 AM »

The writer jumps the shark at this point:

If you want to know who really hates America look at the Democrats who jumped on the media bandwagon to attack Walter Reed Army Medical Center charging that they have not given good medical care to our wounded troops coming back from a Iraq when they are fully aware that these wounded heroes have received the finest medical care ever a given to anyone, soldier or civilian, in the entire history of the world.

Is he disbelieving the mold and other horrendous conditions in building 18? That's a FACT. And people have rightly lost their jobs over it.

That, right there, is a bit of over-the-top wingnuttery. It HAPPENED.

Reality is that which, even when you decide you don't believe in it, continues to exist.

What's he going to do next? Say that no troops got food poisoning in filthy KBR-run mess halls?

El Tejon

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Re: Who Hates America?
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2007, 09:05:47 AM »
I hate America.  If I hear that "Horse with No Name" song one more time, I'll scream.
I do not smoke pot, wear Wookie suits, live in my mom's basement, collect unemployment checks or eat Cheetoes, therefore I am not a Ron Paul voter.

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Re: Who Hates America?
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2007, 09:09:38 AM »

And it's all because I've lost faith in the dollar!
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Re: Who Hates America?
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2007, 12:05:33 PM »

The writer jumps the shark at this point:

If you want to know who really hates America look at the Democrats who jumped on the media bandwagon to attack Walter Reed Army Medical Center charging that they have not given good medical care to our wounded troops coming back from a Iraq when they are fully aware that these wounded heroes have received the finest medical care ever a given to anyone, soldier or civilian, in the entire history of the world.

Is he disbelieving the mold and other horrendous conditions in building 18? That's a FACT. And people have rightly lost their jobs over it.

That, right there, is a bit of over-the-top wingnuttery. It HAPPENED.

Reality is that which, even when you decide you don't believe in it, continues to exist.

What's he going to do next? Say that no troops got food poisoning in filthy KBR-run mess halls?

You've got a point, but it raises a bigger one.

The Walter Reed scandal, KBR food poisoning, the "body armor scandal", and the occasional "M4's are jamming" stories are not being run by the MSM to help the troops, ultimately their editorial intent is to further undermine America and AWOT and destroy morale.

Despite the fact that Reagan glosses over the gross shortcomings of the VA system, the main point of his piece is more than true...
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Re: Who Hates America?
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2007, 12:24:51 PM »

I hate America.  If I hear that "Horse with No Name" song one more time, I'll scream.


Definatly beating a dead horse there....


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Re: Who Hates America?
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2007, 12:33:23 PM »
Is he disbelieving the mold and other horrendous conditions in building 18?

Murtha and Pelosi done snuck in and put that mold there because they hate America and secretly want the terrorists to win.

Instead we hear allegations that slyly suggest that the conditions in substandard living quarters are in actuality symptoms of poor medical care being given to our troops.  That's a flat-out lie, and you have to hate America to tell it.

Ah yes, the America-haters.  Would that include Iraq Veterans Against the War?

Would it include Army Spc. Jeremy Duncan?
During earlier testimony, a soldier who said he once lived in a recovery annex at Walter Reed described unfit hospital conditions. Wounded Army Spc. Jeremy Duncan told the panel he spent some of his recovery in Building 18. Duncan said that his room "wasn't fit for anyone. I know most soldiers that come out of recovery have weaker immune systems and black mold can do damage to people," Duncan said. "The holes in the walls -- I wouldn't live there even if I had to."

After taking his complaints through the chain of command, nothing was fixed, Duncan said.

"That's when I contacted The Washington Post."

Michael Reagan was born March 18, 1946, but somehow managed to avoid the Vietnam War.  Just another Republican chicken hawk in the Barking Head Brigade.

The Walter Reed scandal, KBR food poisoning, the "body armor scandal", and the occasional "M4's are jamming" stories are not being run by the MSM to help the troops,

When the going gets rough, blame the messenger.

Everything that Cheney has said about the war has turned out to be wrong. 

But no, it's the media, and it's Jon Stewart, and it's that Kos guy, and it's the's all their fault.

Despite the fact that Reagan glosses over the gross shortcomings of the VA system, the main point of his piece is more than true...

Yes, sure it is....  rolleyes

It has a certain "truthiness."

Perd Hapley

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Re: Who Hates America?
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2007, 02:59:06 PM »
Michael Reagan was born March 18, 1946, but somehow managed to avoid the Vietnam War.  Just another Republican chicken hawk in the Barking Head Brigade.

When the going gets rough, blame the messenger.

Can't have it both ways, Mac.  If Reagan broke the law or acted in a cowardly or hypocritical fashion, back it up with specific facts.  If not, don't pull that kind of lame "argument" that barely rises to the level of ad hominem.  I guess I'm a gun rights "Chickenhawk" because I've never worked for NRA.   rolleyes
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Matthew Carberry

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Re: Who Hates America?
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2007, 03:20:28 PM »
Also, for the sake of being precise, saying that US troops are receiving
the finest medical care ever a given to anyone, soldier or civilian, in the entire history of the world.
is not contradicted by the conditions at one particular hospital for one particular period of time.

The survival rates of wounded American soldiers are unprecedented in history.  From almost the moment they are wounded they are receiving, even in the middle of the firefight, the benefits of technology and systems that save lives that would have been lost even a decade ago.  They are extracted faster, receive better trauma treatment sooner and have higher levels of care overall than at any time and in any place in history.

One hospital being a nightmare doesn't erase all of that.  In fact, if we can't track any increased incidents of death or worsened permanent injury to the troops due specifically to their stay in Walter Reed, it is a travesty only in nature, not real effect.
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Re: Who Hates America?
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2007, 04:50:49 PM »

The writer jumps the shark at this point:

Is he disbelieving the mold and other horrendous conditions in building 18? That's a FACT. And people have rightly lost their jobs over it.

That, right there, is a bit of over-the-top wingnuttery. It HAPPENED.

Reality is that which, even when you decide you don't believe in it, continues to exist.

What's he going to do next? Say that no troops got food poisoning in filthy KBR-run mess halls?

Gods, I never thought I'd say this, but I completely agree with Manedwolf.  While I was never at Walter Reed, I was food poisoned by KBR.  Repeatedly.  When soldiers beg for MRE's instead of a chow hall, you know something is really, really wrong.  If you've never has serious food poisoning, you don't know the depths of human misery. 

I still remember the time I was staring at a bunch of KBR execs over a table.  I had my M240 ready, wishing I had my para saw, and asked for permission to execute the bastards.  I was a good soldier and followed orders, but I still kind of regret it to this day.

is not contradicted by the conditions at one particular hospital for one particular period of time.

The survival rates of wounded American soldiers are unprecedented in history.  From almost the moment they are wounded they are receiving, even in the middle of the firefight, the benefits of technology and systems that save lives that would have been lost even a decade ago.  They are extracted faster, receive better trauma treatment sooner and have higher levels of care overall than at any time and in any place in history.

One hospital being a nightmare doesn't erase all of that.  In fact, if we can't track any increased incidents of death or worsened permanent injury to the troops due specifically to their stay in Walter Reed, it is a travesty only in nature, not real effect.

There are many things worse than death, carebear.  Yea, the medical care is better as a whole, but there's still lots of issues.  A lot of it has zero to do with the technology and everything to deal with the 'system', 'paper pushers', or whatever you want to call it.  The survival rate is mostly owed to the ability to stablize the patient and quickly get them to a hospital, actually.  I don't know the numbers, but I'd lay heavy odds that most soldiers in previous wars would have had a significantly higher survival rate if they could be transported to a hospital within minutes instead of hours.

(From the article)
Instead we hear allegations that slyly suggest that the conditions in substandard living quarters are in actuality symptoms of poor medical care being given to our troops.  That's a flat-out lie, and you have to hate America to tell it. 

Hey, buddy?   When was the last time YOU stayed in an un-AC'd barracks literally sinking into a swamp unevenly?  Or hell, situations that make said sinking barracks look like heaven, such as a hole in the ground when it's pouring out?  You, sir, are indeed a chickenhawk.  brawk BRAWK

If you believe the media and the cry-baby left, the entire world hates the United States of America. I dont believe that. The reality of it is they don't hate us; they just love our money and wish they could get their hands on more of it.  That's all the rest of the world ever cared about.

I don't claim to have visited the entire world, but my time abroad I saw very little hatred towards Americans.  Sure, most foreigners don't like our government most of the time, but I think most Americans share that opinion.  I remember being in Bulgaria shortly after we invaded Iraq.  I asked a couple locals their opinions.  Most of them seemed more embarassed than "hateful".   The most hateful response I got was "That was a really stupid thing to do."  The average response was "You know, your government probably should have thought it over a bit longer." 

Most foreign militaries, including the French, I worked with seemed to like us well enough.  The only negative reaction was moreso linguistic/racism, as Spanish soldiers didn't think too highly of native US Spanish speakers.  Germans, Scandinavian, and former Eastern bloc downright loved us. 
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Re: Who Hates America?
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2007, 01:32:28 AM »
I don't doubt the problem at Walter Reed but before I go hanging brass I'd like a few answers to a few questions.
--Why one ward in one hospital?
--Why Walter Reed knowing WR is slated for closure?
--Is there anything in appropriations that would serve a disincentive to doing something positive on a hospital slated for closure?
--Is a problem caused by screw up in an entire sequence of events?

My BS detector pegged the meter when I heard the story.  The story and details are simply out of synch with everything else I've heard about military medical care.  The entire story could be exactly what appears in the press.  Then again it could snow at Fort Jackson tomorrow at noon.  My cynicism and BS detector tells me to look for additional information and not be so quick to hang anyone.  My guts tell me the people hollering the most about substandard conditions (congress) are the ones who caused the problem in one form or fashion but without the benefit of fingerprints.
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Re: Who Hates America?
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2007, 02:13:05 AM »
Military medical care is the best socialized medicine program on earth.  The best example of a bad paradigm.

I was not to impressed in my contacts with it, and am very glad that I am in a situation to pay money to doctors out of my own salary and insurance.  Some folks have better experiences.

Since WR is slated for closure in 2010, it will be difficult to et personnel to staff it, knowing they will later have to move or be laid off.  Also, nobody wants to sink more money into a base infrastructure that is slated for demo.

Toss in Federal union work rules for civilian employees, and good luck keeping the boat afloat in good order.



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