Again, my point was nothing about muh both sides. Just pointing out we might want to calm down. There may be no off ramp before big igloo but I hope there is. I feel like I have seen this coming for a lot longer than others. I grew up in the 80s in a divorced family. One side I read American rifleman and American hunter all day long. The other was greenpeace magazine and various other boutique lefty pubs. That side of the family at the top were as close to communists as you come without a card. They came up in populist Washington state in the 1930s and came east to DC for a war job. They certainly rubbed elbows if not their own elbows with the stalinists that were pervasive in academia and defense jobs. He designed lots of top secret stuff in the war, I hope he was loyal. Good man, just a progressive through and through. I was in that house for the conversation about supporting Barack in the primary because Hillary was too conservative. I got a good poker face. Once my grandparents were gone I kinda eased away from those gatherings because I am polite enough not to do politics in the family, they are not and some were pretty vile. Hell, the vegan is one of the most reasonable if that says anything. Should I challenge them? Yes, but at this point being away from them and them mostly in the dark on who I am is the best I can manage being emotionally attached. I went down to my old hangouts of downtown Charlottesville to be a spectator to the one year anniversary riots. The left has their foot soldiers and yes they think violence is a dial. We should be very reluctant foot soldiers, that is all I was trying to convey. Again, I hope we can find an off ramp.