Yesterday was primary day in Maryland. It was a big one for the Democrats because they're picking a senate contender to run against very popular, two-time Governor and Republican Larry Hogan.
Yeah, Hogan is something of a Rino, but the fact that he managed to be elected twice as a Republican governor in the People's Republic of Maryland is really something else.
Well, David Trone was running for the seat. Trone is wealthy... VERY wealthy. He founded Total Wine and More. I can't find really good information on his wealth, but he's likely a billionaire.
Some years ago he started pouring money into political campaigns and he managed to buy himself a seat in the House of Representatives where he was a true to form seriously left liberal wealthocrat.
This year Trone decided he'd buy himself a Senate seat. He poured $61 MILLION dollars of his own money into the campaign. His radio and TV ads were nauseating, self-serving pieces of left-leaning tripe.
Yesterday was primary election day, and he lost.
By double digits.
Even though he outspent his opponent nearly 10 to 1.
Which also means that he loses his House seat.
Good riddance.