I think unions had their place and some validity a hundred years ago, but like so many groups, fell into, "Give them an inch, they take a mile" territory. When I was a young fella working at the county dump, I was in the public employees union there. Much of the reason was because I was just young and ignorant, some of it from peer pressure.
I worked at the dump for 5 years and lasted 2 in the union before I told them to get bent. Besides the fact that the shop steward was a jackass lazy bastard that took advantage of the union to benefit himself, the final straw for me was actually the union rep in the suit. He would come out every time there was an election and basically tell us (as in giving an order) who we had to vote for. Nobody tells me who or what to vote for. Being in a union was a small part of my life, but they wanted me to vote like it was my entire life, and even if voting their way would negatively impact my life, tough *expletive deleted*it - sacrifice for the union!