Cordex said,
"Again, I understand the argument that the feds messing with gun laws has not worked out well for us in the past, but:"
But nuthin'.
"1. Our opponents don't have any such qualms, and you telling your reps not to pass any pro gun laws doesn't form some kind of armistice with the anti-gunners."
There is no "armistice" or "compromise" or "rapprochement"with an organization which has repeatedly demonstrated that its ultimate goal is removal of the right to own arms. "If I could have gotten one more vote in the Senate, I'd have said 'turn 'em all in, Mr. and Mrs. America." (Exact copy of statement readily available.)
"Their" idea of compromise is that it's one more step toward that ultimate goal. "Our" idea of compromise is continuing to shoot tin cans off the fence from our back porch and leave me alone." Wolves and lambs?
"2. Incremental improvements of imperfect pro-gun laws have made amazing strides in the past 25 years in the states that were able to pass them."
Is it a deliberate omission to avoid noting that the reverse is also true?
"3. The incremental approach has a slow, normalizing impact on guns."
Is it a deliberate omission to avoid noting that the reverse is also true? Oops! I repeated myself.
"4. There will never, ever be a perfect bill."
"Quod," as the man said, "erat demonstrandum."
And you want to play this incredibly dangerous game essentially for the sake of a few who have business, famiies, extra homes, etc in firearms-restricted States? Or maybe just for the Noble Right involved, when we are, realistically, doing pretty well with the present legal mish-mosh? You want to throw another huge variable into the mix? I question the wisdom of "opening another front," like Operation Barbarossa.
Unwise, I say. Unwise and foolish.
I've about shot my wad on this one. The arguments "for" are at root, emotional, whereas those "against" are well-founded in long-term practical observations of legislative behavior and the dedication and expertise of the anti-gunners to slowly corrupt the intent of what we would call "noble" goals... Just remember the "sensitive areas" ploy involved, where taking a crap in a supermarket toilet with a concealed gun becomes prohibited because it is now a "sensitive area." (An exaggeration for the sake of illustration.)
I close again with:
No National Reciprocity !
You want it? Look out, you just might get it.
Terry, 230RN
Edited to clarify "rather, for the sake of " to "Or maybe just for "