I've been looking at new PC options for about a month now, with estimated purchase time in the autumn of this year. One of the possibilities has been a Mac of some sort, be it a Mac Pro or MacBook Pro. The Parallels desktop for Mac has caught my eye with its abiltiy to run the various MS operation systems as a guest, including 2003 and Vista flavors. It would be sorta cool to be able to grab an image of my current primary PC (XP on a Dell notebook) and run it and all its software as a virtual machine. I also like the ability to run Windows applications seamlessly on the Mac desktop. OS/2 2.1 could do this for Windows 3.1 applications, hence the comment about it being 1993 all over again.
Interestingly, Parellels claims it can also host OS/2 Warp 4, which also could run 16bit Windows 3.1 applications. As a thought experiment, it is a bit surreal to consider the possability of playing Iron Helix in Win3.1 session on the OS/2 desktop, which is itself running as a virtual machine on a Mac.