Author Topic: One thing PC users can do that Mac users can't....  (Read 1942 times)


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Re: One thing PC users can do that Mac users can't....
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2007, 11:53:09 AM »
My friend has a Mac Mini, which does everything that he needs (Open Transport Tycoon, and the Internet). However, I would dearly like to experiment with trying to fit my 8800GTX to the outside of the case, and connecting it all up, somehow.  grin

I have been known to triple boot Win XP Pro, Win XP Pro x64, and the odd random Linux OS (Debian, SUSE, etcetera), but I have no need of a Mac OS. I am not a multimedia editing madman, I mainly game (no Mr Mac, I mean REAL decent games), watch 1080 HD movies, listen to music, and surf the INTARWEBNETZ.

Don't bother asking me for a good reason why I have had both XP Pro x32 and x64, because you won't get one out of me.

 P.S iTunes can chow down on a fat bowl of my nuts (another Maddox reference).
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Re: One thing PC users can do that Mac users can't....
« Reply #26 on: July 13, 2007, 02:04:34 PM »
Can ya be a lil more specific?  They'll take any PC memory, hard drive and 5.25 drive bay device (CD/DVD, etc all)?  Are they open for any graphic card, or just specific ATI/nVidia cards that are not PC compadible?  What about PCI slots?

As I understand it, Macs operate on a little-endian basis, while microsoft/IBM operate on a big-endian basis.

So the video card is physically the same, but has to have a custom firmware to operate in a mac machine.  That may have changed since they changed over to intel chips.

little-endian:  For two byte integer, the smallest number is on the end, like how conventional numbers are done
big-endian:  For the same two bytes, the first byte is for the small amounts(1-128), the second for the large ones(up to 32 or 64k).


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Re: One thing PC users can do that Mac users can't....
« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2007, 12:36:07 PM »
Uh...huh. Yeah. Okay, I'll remember that next time I'm working in the Unix shell, since it's, you know, a real Unix machine.

Don't get all uppity because Apple finally saw the light and wrapped their gui around a real OS.  In fact, WinNT (and 2k and probably XP) have had a real command line capability for much longer.  Problem is, most folks don't bother learning it, preferring to use the gui instead (paper MCSEs for example).

Exactly.  It's so much faster to just run cmd and kill a service manually as opposed to the control panel->Administrative Tools->Services clickfest.

  Back when I was a Windows admin, I used the command line more than the gui because it was faster if you knew the commands.  There was very little you couldn't do via the command prompt and if you got the Resource Kit CD, you even got a collection of Unix style commands (kill, ps, etc). 

Oh, and a Mac isn't a "real Unix machine" <peers at the Sun box on the desk...>. Tongue

then look at the solitaire-playing secretary on the Windows PC who can't figure out where the Any key is. 
She would be playing Solitaire on any computer stuck in front of her. 


No doubt.  If your secretary is playing solitaire on a company machine, you failed to properly set up the policies.   grin
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You don't even pay taxes. They take tax.
You get your check, money gone.
That ain't a payment, that's a jack." - Chris Rock "Bigger and Blacker"
He slapped his rifle. "This is one of the best arguments for peace there is. Nobody wants to shoot if somebody is going to shoot back. " Callaghen, Callaghen, Louis La'mour


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Re: One thing PC users can do that Mac users can't....
« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2007, 12:44:01 PM »
Two of my major pet peeves.  1)People who never STFU  2)Computer snobs