Author Topic: Zeitgeist, the movie  (Read 13305 times)

K Frame

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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #50 on: July 26, 2007, 05:57:17 PM »
"The fire does not have top be hot enough to melt the steel."

Uhm... Bob?

Have you read my messages from earlier today on this very subject?

Just adding to what you said.

Ah, OK. It looked like you were trying to explain to me about the melting point of steel, when I spent a pretty good chunk of text on the subject this afternoon.

And, I'll be darned if I can find it, but I've spent the better part of an hour searching High Road and TFL for a message on this very subject. It included a very nifty table that showed the percentage of strength and rigidity that structural steel loses at varying temperatures.

It doesn't take a lot of heat to make structural steel lose a lot of its strength. That's why they spend so much time insulating steel framed structures. The parking garage where I used to work is a good example. It was a 6 decker. The steel beams supporting the precast concrete slabs were heavily insulated. Why? You get a car fire going in a parking structure and it can cause a progressive structural failure.
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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #51 on: July 27, 2007, 06:45:49 AM »
I could have picked a better quote.
Personally, I do not understand how a bunch of people demanding a bigger govt can call themselves anarchist.
I meet lots of folks like this, claim to be anarchist but really they're just liberals with pierced genitals. - gunsmith

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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #52 on: July 28, 2007, 07:13:14 PM »
Sorry I missed everyone this week, been tearing out an old deck.  10 yards of debris in two days, oy!.

How often did they "bomb-sniff" the WTC?

The dogs were part of the security staff and there every day.

Good arguements here and I thank you all for them.  I even like the tin hat profile image. 

So this image is just photoshopped then.  How does a structural member near the ground floor look like this from a collapse?  Just asking?

popular mechanics
A crashing jet doesn't punch a cartoon-like outline of itself into a reinforced concrete building,

Okay, I can buy into this theory, but there would be two more holes in the side of the builiding where the engines proceeded to carry their momentumn.  They would not disintegrate like the wings would, they are much too heavy to be stopped by blast windows.
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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #53 on: July 28, 2007, 09:06:32 PM »
"So this image is just photoshopped then.  How does a structural member near the ground floor look like this from a collapse?  Just asking?"

I think the term is called compression shearing.

Crystalline materials like steel and other metals, plastics, glass, etc., can behave in very curious ways when subjected to sudden physical stresses.

At the point where the towers collapsed the materials on the lower floors were subject to enormous stress loads -- the weight of 110 floors falling on top of them at significant velocities.

Also, the World Trade Center made extensive use of welding of structural components -- those could be failures of weld points.

Just another example of someone looking at a photograph and not having clue one what might actually be happening using it as "proof" that something nefarious is going on.

I don't think there's a demolition team in existence that would rig a controlled explosion to cut a support column at such an angle.

"Okay, I can buy into this theory, but there would be two more holes in the side of the builiding where the engines proceeded to carry their momentumn."

As the jet entered the building, the wings would have folded back along the fuselage and the engines would have entered the hole punched into the wall by the main body of the aircraft.

How do we know that's what happened? Because the jet's engines were found inside the Pentagon inline with the main point of entry.
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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #54 on: July 28, 2007, 09:32:15 PM »
I don't think there's a demolition team in existence that would rig a controlled explosion to cut a support column at such an angle.

I'm talking specificially about the angle cut piece in this response due to the evidence of the slag.  I don't see any slag on the other pieces. They angle them so that they fall the direction they want.  Just like a logger cutting a tree so it will fall where he wants it.  This is also why they time blasts.  Center blows first, starts inward collapse, then everything else, as it blows up, falls inward and makes a nice little pile in the basement. What should have happened if it was only the top portion collapsing was that it would have collapsed, met resistance (the rest of the structure) and then tipped and the top would have fallen off while a large chunk of the building would have still stood erect.   

Plus, if it was a shearing, why all the slag all around every edge. 

As the jet entered the building, the wings would have folded back along the fuselage and the engines would have entered the hole punched into the wall by the main body of the aircraft.

Any pictures?  This is not what took place when the jets hit the WTC towers, please elaborate. 
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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #55 on: July 28, 2007, 09:32:57 PM »
Oh, as for the bomb sniffing dogs at the World Trade Center...

I can find no indication that bomb dogs were part of the routine daily security process at the World Trade Center complex.

It appears that bomb dog teams were TEMPORARILY placed at the WTC complex by Port Authority Police after a number of phone threats.

It also appears that this same process had been followed several times over the years.

Threats would come in, teams would be deployed for a certain amount of time, then they would be removed when the threat lessened.

Oh, and that photograph you just posted? I read the link title and had to laugh out loud.

"Thermite Thermate Explosives"

Jesus.  rolleyes

Remember what I said about someone who doesn't know what the hell they're talking about trying to "come up with the truth?"

That's another example.

Thermite and thermate are NOT explosives. They are incendary compouds that generate extreme heat. The photograph that you posted is a textbook picture of how thermite/thermate DO NOT affect steel.

Thermite and thermate generate extreme heat, enough to melt steel. NONE of the surfaces shown in that photograph display any indication of the use of thermite or thermate. The surfaces would look RADICALLY different and would be clearly apparent even on a photograph of this size and depth of field.

The video and pictures on this page ( will give you an indication of what happens during a termite/thermate reaction. No explosion, and lots of slag created by both the thermite and from the steel that it melts as it burns.

Carbon Monoxide, sucking the life out of idiots, 'tards, and fools since man tamed fire.

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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #56 on: July 28, 2007, 09:54:17 PM »
"Why all the slag" and "Plus, if it was a shearing, why all the slag all around every edge."

That supposed "slag" is only evident on the front of the column; there doesn't appear to be any indication of any such "slag" on the side of the column.

Here lies the danger of looking at a photograph and trying to say definitively "My God, that's slag left from a thermite charge!"

Many things could give the same appearance, including plastic melted onto the column. For example, the steel column in front of the one that has supposedly been "thermite cut." There is very clearly something adhering to the face of the column. It's not slag, we don't know what it is, but it's possible that whatever it is is a non-fire damaged material that gives the appearance of slag on the other column.

"What should have happened if it was only the top portion collapsing was that it would have collapsed, met resistance (the rest of the structure) and then tipped and the top would have fallen off while a large chunk of the building would have still stood erect."

Would you PLEASE go to the University of Sydney's website and read their analysis of why the towers collapsed? You'll hopefully see why that particular statement is so wrong.

Once again you've fallen back into the logic trap in which so many of the conspiracy theorists live -- if it's a steel building, it must be like all other steel buildings.

I'll say this until I'm blue in the face if I have to -- the WTC buildings used design and construction techniques that differ radically from other steel framed buildings, which means that they reacted to the events of 9-11 very differently.

You CANNOT look at the Empire State building and the WTC towers and say "Well, they're both steel framed buildings to they would respond exactly the same way to a similar incident."

"Just like a logger cutting a tree so it will fall where he wants it."

A building is NOT a tree. Controlled building demolition does not want to move any support component laterally. At the point where things start moving laterally, very bad things can begin to happen.
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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #57 on: July 29, 2007, 06:39:17 AM »
I guarantee you'll never see another skyscraper built using the same WTC exoskeleton design.  Maybe something modified to allow better interior load sharing, but not like the WTC. 

We used to carry thermite grenades in our reconnaissance jets, for obvious reasons.  They make big puddles of aluminum, but they don't do surgically explosive cuts.  Somebody sold that "thermate" website a bill of goods.  undecided
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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #58 on: July 29, 2007, 10:20:47 AM »
Arguing with a conspiracy theorist is like wrestling with a pig in the mud.

After a while, you figure out, the pig likes it.
Personally, I do not understand how a bunch of people demanding a bigger govt can call themselves anarchist.
I meet lots of folks like this, claim to be anarchist but really they're just liberals with pierced genitals. - gunsmith

I already have canned butter, buying more. Canned blueberries, some pancake making dry goods and the end of the world is gonna be delicious.  -French G

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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #59 on: July 29, 2007, 10:39:01 AM »
Yeah, I know Bob. Our resident "mechanical engineer" (Right...  rolleyes) apparently is afraid of going to the University of Sydney's website where REAL mechanical and structural engineers have looked at the WTC collapse and have explained WHY the WTC collapsed, and WHY the WTC wasn't anything like other sky scrapers that are built of steel.

Hell, Oostraylah probably doesn't even exist... It's a fake nation that Bush's Skull and Bones society dreamed up to cover their illegal exploits regarding 9-11.

Carbon Monoxide, sucking the life out of idiots, 'tards, and fools since man tamed fire.

Perd Hapley

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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #60 on: July 29, 2007, 06:49:09 PM »
Hell, Oostraylah probably doesn't even exist... It's a fake nation that Bush's Skull and Bones society dreamed up to cover their illegal exploits regarding 9-11.

I've always suspected as much. 
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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #61 on: July 29, 2007, 08:37:25 PM »
Thanks guys.. that was some good reading Smiley
I did find a torrent of that zighail movie, it will fit nicely with the rest of my collection of conspiracy theory movies.

Sure I have some unanswered questions about 9/11 more specifically about building #7,
but they fall more in the category of potential insurance fraud than anything else.

Besides.. we should all be allot more concerned about lizard people than bushbots.
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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #62 on: July 30, 2007, 12:40:49 AM »
Wow, very high shcoolish, nice work gentleman.  If someone contests your theories, start namecalling and denigrate their educational background.  Very, oh, 13 year old of you.  Everyone brought some good arguements, but the mudslinging does not add to your credibility, it illustrates your emotional attachment to your views.

I'll review the website you seem so bent on me seeing and chime back in.  However, as you were.  Let the "jesus" and  rolleyes, and the pig in the mud and jackass statements continue.  As I stated, I don't mind and it's good reading...and laughs.  BTW, I conduct failure analysis for a living, it's my bread and butter.  I'm not specifically in the metals arena, but there is some overlap on the on the physics principles when it comes to destructive failure.

Have fun with it since it seems to entertain you guys, it's obviously keeping one of you a little OCD over the matter. sad  But I won't name names. Wink  Calm down a bit, this is an internet forum, you get what you pay for.  If you get to that emotional outburst place, walk away for a bit, let it go, have a cigarette, beer or whatever.  It's really not that important to me.  Not enough for me to start calling you names because we disagree on something.

Controlled building demolition does not want to move any support component laterally. 

Yes they do.  This is what starts the collapse in the center of these demolitions.  The central core members get sheared (not really, they get cut by explosive pressure, but I digress) so they will fall and start tearing the structure apart simply by it falling under it's own weight.  Simply blasting a section out parallel with your floor does not provide you with the means to make it fall where you want it, the angles, and timing of the blasts do this.  It's not "only" about blast timing in controlled demolitions.  It's the location AND orientation of the cut.  Not all the columns get this angle setup, but some do. 

I made no mention as to the title or credibility of the image.  I've found the same image under several different names.  Lets focus on the image, not the source or the title.  I was specifically discussing the angled cut with the notable slag on it.  Anyone of you ever run a cutting torch?  If you have, you know that is metal slag of some sort.  If you haven't, then so be it, I have, and that's what slag looks like fellas.  It likely could form slag on the outside while the focus of the blast is towards the metal itself.  That's the point.  They use material that looks like angle iron for the blasting material.  They call it a chevron shape so the charge focuses inward.  Think of angle iron laying with the two legs making contact with the steel surface and the corner up off the surface.  It makes a triangle of dead space between the steel and the angle iron.

Sorry about the dog issue.  Thought they were staffed constantly.  This is how it was reported (or I recalled it) from the govy access version I saw.  Different producers, 9/11 specific.  Still have not found it again.  Got busy with home projects, so this thread has been neglected and I have not done the research you so desperately want me to see.

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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #63 on: July 30, 2007, 03:52:33 AM »
Guess I should have just posted this picture first. grin

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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #64 on: August 01, 2007, 02:53:51 PM »
jeepmor, thank you for posting this.  I try to take everything with a grain of salt; that said, I found the movie interesting.

The intro sucked though.  Too much fear mongering.

I typed about half a post about my thoughts on this move, however I decided against posting them.  Based on previous responses, I realized there is, in fact, no point.  My post would simply be disregarded as "Oh, you fell for that bull! Jeez!" - with a notable exception of counter evidence; just ad hominem attacks.


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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #65 on: August 01, 2007, 04:21:15 PM »
It's okay with me really, we are talking about a highly politically charged topic.  It's what happens when communication breaks down and people get frustrated.  It is not as good as the other documentary I keep alluding too and did seem more than a bit sensationalized.  I searched our government channel programming and can't find it.

I did read the recommended websites and they do make good arguements and offer good explanations.  Some even had engineering data, that was nice to see.  But that stuff does not explain that image of cut steel.  I think my original post asked if it was a photoshop to begin with.  Too much evidence got quickly carted off and recylced to ever paint an accurate picture of exactly what happened.   

Consider this, every other plane wreck of planes that big have recovered their black boxes.  No sign of it here?  The FBI found an ID plate from the axle housing on the the vehicle used in the Kansas City bombings.... an axle tag. 

Even if only parts of the story they are portraying is true, then we are headed down a road towards fascism.   Recent events stripping of us many rights, or seriously watering them down, the Constitution referred to as just a piece of damn paper and so on.  Bumpy road coming.
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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #66 on: August 01, 2007, 06:01:04 PM »
a notable exception of counter evidence; just ad hominem attacks.

Did Mike Irwin delete all his posts, or are you reading some other thread?  Seriously.

Even if only parts of the story they are portraying is true, then we are headed down a road towards fascism.   Recent events stripping of us many rights, or seriously watering them down, the Constitution referred to as just a piece of damn paper and so on.  Bumpy road coming.

Wake up, man.  If there is any truth to that video, it's that the erosion of our rights has been a long time coming.  9/11?  The Patriot Act?  One could hardly think of a stupider way to do away with civil liberties.  The record is clear.  The easy, painless way to gut the Constitution is to control the education system, control the media, and simply chip away at the bulwarks one at a time.  They've been doing it for a hundred years before 11 Sept., if not longer.  Dramatic terrorist acts would be counter-productive. 
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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #67 on: August 07, 2007, 10:14:35 PM »
A friend showed this to me and I watched it all. Many of you say you could not sit through it, or couldnt stomach it. The internet is full of disgusting and or boring stuff so I have a high tolerance for sitting through stuff on the web.

That said, I have read all of your post about the documovie, I really dont know much about chemistry so the 9/11 buildings coming down is beyond my understanding, but what about this? the part in the movie talking about Bush's Grand dad working with the Nazis? I found this

Tinfoil hats aside on this one, when do we say "Holy F%@K" My grandfather restored saw blades for a hardware distributer, what about your grand dads?

Bush Sr. and Jr. Whats up with that? This stuff is no secret, it just sounds crazy so it is easy to shrug off.

I am interested in hearing what you guys have to say in defense of this?

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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #68 on: August 08, 2007, 02:17:31 AM »
Here's another link for you.

There doesn't seem to be much there.  If this plot was real, how do we know Prescott Bush was really involved?  What would his involvement tell us about his descendants? 
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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #69 on: August 08, 2007, 04:37:13 AM »
"but what about this? the part in the movie talking about Bush's Grand dad working with the Nazis?"

The whole smear campaign about Prescott Bush working with the Nazis is crap for a number of reasons.

1. Prescott Bush isn't the only American financier/industrialist, etc., to have close business ties with Nazi Germany before the war. Anyone ever look into the origins of the Kennedy Family fortune? There's signfigant "seig heil" in there, too.

Henry Ford, Walter Chrysler, and many other industrial/financial giants of the era had ties with the Nazis. So did many American companies, such as IBM, Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, AT&T, you name it.


Because that was the diversified nature of American business back then.

Let's also not forget the some of the Americans who actively ADVOCATED for the Nazis before the war -- including Joseph Kennedy and Charles Lindburgh.

2. The other main reason the whole Nazi smear campaign is crap is because George Bush didn't participate in any of it. He wasn't born until AFTER World War II ended. It's nothing more than assasination through familial association. The Nazi were tossed from power over 60 years ago. What happened back then has absolutely no bearing on what is happening now.

Anyone who looks at this information in any light other than that if interesting history is an idiot.

Carbon Monoxide, sucking the life out of idiots, 'tards, and fools since man tamed fire.


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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #70 on: August 08, 2007, 09:03:26 AM »
Mike Irwin: I simply ask a question about something and you call me an idiot. Nice. Let me say this, just because a bunch of other corrupt SOBs did the same thing doesnt make it right. Normally what someones grandfather did would be no big deal but when that man is the leader of the free world as well as his father before him...

I am not going to go back and forth, The Presidents Grandfather basically lent Hitler Money. Back up a little to Sr. The President's daddy lent Hitler money.


I will not reply to anything anyone else says because if they dont see how EFFED up this is then they sir are "Idiots" Your words not mine.

If someone showed you a picture of Prescott Bush dressed in an SS uniform with his arm around Hitler, Handing him a pile of cash while stepping on the American Flag, you would tell me it was prob a party and it was no big deal because the Kennedy's did it too and it has no barring on his grandson because he wasnt born.

Sorry bud but my grandfather had barring on me. I am sure it is more so the case when you are an Elitist like the Bush family.

Regardless, the link fistful posted does indeed list Prescott Bush as being involved.

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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #71 on: August 08, 2007, 09:33:33 AM »

Given the tone of your post, I had no idea if you did/do, or did/do not, believe the information about Prescott Bush or whether that should, or should not, be a 'conversation' point in discussions about George Bush's suitability to be President.

I restate my prior comments regarding Prescott Bush's business dealings with Nazi Germany. Until the late 1930s it was not generally believed or considered that Adolf Hitler was anything other than a bombastic political figure. He was of concern, but please note that doing business with Nazi Germany was NOT illegal until late 1941.

Again, I fail to see how the Bush family's (or anyone else's) prior dealings with Nazi Germany, PRIOR to the outbreak of war, is of great concern or importance to the current President.

"Back up a little to Sr. The President's daddy lent Hitler money"

Oh really?

Just when did Bush I lend Hitler money?

When he was attending high school up to 1942?

How about after high school, when he, on his 18th birthday in 1942, enlisted in the Navy?

Or could it have been later in the war when he was serving in the Pacific in combat operations against the Japanese?

"If someone showed you a picture of Prescott Bush dressed in an SS uniform with his arm around Hitler, Handing him a pile of cash while stepping on the American Flag, you would tell me it was prob a party and it was no big deal because the Kennedy's did it too and it has no barring on his grandson because he wasnt born."

Oh cut the crap. You can do better than that.

There's one HELL of a lot of difference between having wide-spread business activities/connections and actually meeting someone as you suggest. That's the sort of wild-eyed screeching propagandistic crap that I'd expect to see from the "George Bush pushed the button that blew up the WTC" crowd.

"Normally what someones grandfather did would be no big deal but when that man is the leader of the free world as well as his father before him..."

Ah... the Sin of the Father concept. People use that same sort of "logic" to justify hatred and violence againt Jews because "Jews killed Jesus."

I'm sure your Grandfather does have bearing on you. Hopefully, though, people look at you for the RIGHT reasons, and not because your Grandfather may have, at some point before you were born, done something that may or may not have been bad at the time, but which later was seized upon by the narrow-minded and conspiracy prone.

I wonder if your Grandfather ever bought a bottle of Bayer aspirin. Chances are excellent that he did, because in the years prior to World War II, and in the years just after, Bayer had the lions share of the aspirin market in this country. Bayer's parent company, though, was connected to the Nazis quite closely. Even worse, it helped manufacture the poison gas used in World War I. So, given the "logical association" used by people who have seized on the Prescott Bush information to tar George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush YOU, sir, are guilty of mass murder, promulgation of weapons of mass destruction, and crimes against humanity. All because of the supposed sins of your Grandfather. What are you going to do to atone?

See how it works?
Carbon Monoxide, sucking the life out of idiots, 'tards, and fools since man tamed fire.


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Re: Zeitgeist, the movie
« Reply #72 on: August 08, 2007, 11:39:50 AM »
"Back up a little to Sr. The President's daddy (GHW's Daddy) lent Hitler money"

I guess I was not clear enough. I can see where that wouldnt be clear.

The current President's Father. His father, meaning The current Presidents Grandfather.

WOW What a stretch with the Bayer aspirin bit. I guess I have no reason to think it is kind of screwed up that the Presidents Grandfather (not Great Great Grandfather mind you) was in bed with Hitler.

My bad. I guess I better give up on my VW beetle restoration project.

As far as everything else you said, I really dont care, I told you I wasnt going to go back and forth. believe what you want and I will continue to do the same. The fact is, The current President, who takes a dump on the US Constitution every morning, His dear old grand dad was Hilter's Banker. You think that is no biggy? Cool, we disagree you and I.

Have a nice day.  rolleyes