Author Topic: Speaking of Lawdog....  (Read 3681 times)


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Speaking of Lawdog....
« on: June 16, 2005, 06:38:25 AM »
I'm wondering when we're going to get the next couple installments of the "Lawdog Files".  My humor ratio has been down lately and I'm sure Big Mama has been up to something lately, no?

So.....Lawdog?...TAPS to Lawdog.....:/
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2005, 06:36:04 PM »
I don't think he has done any new material for a while but - I do have one or two gems archived somewhere!!!
Chris - P95
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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2005, 06:38:31 PM »
Here ya go, one for starters - all credits to our Lawdog.


I had been out west of town, settling a dispute concerning the paternity of a litter of puppies and was heading back to the SO on one of those lovely Panhandle fall afternoons.

I had the window down, just generally enjoying myself, when I was passed by a 1958 Chevy pickup doing approximately twice the legal speed limit.


About ten miles later, I get this Chevy pulled over, when the driver gets out and sprints back to the cruiser. Long Path will tell you that I have a real dislike for people doing that, so I promptly tear into him;

"Bobby, what the hell are you doing?"

"Well," he says, scrunching and fidgeting with his gimme hat, "I done murdered Earl, and I thought I might oughta find a doctor for him."

"Do you realize how fast you were going? All four of these tires are so bald that they're showing wire, the passenger side front fender is going to fly off in the wind...You did what?"

Bobby's expression kind of wrinkles up, and he mauls his cap a bit more. "I kilt Earl."

Oh, God. This I don't need. I find myself speaking very slowly and carefully, "Bobby, are you sure you killed Earl?"

"We-eeell, I shot him in the face with a shotgun."

Oh, yeah. That'll do the trick. I feel a headache tip-toeing it's way up my spine with all the dainty grace of a rhino in steel-toed combat boots.

"Bobby," says I, still in that slow, calm voice, "Think carefully now. Did you mean to shoot your brother?"

He abruptly takes on a hunted expression. His hands clutch convulsively at the John Deere cap -- he knows there's a legal trick somewhere in my words. He seeks a neutral, non-condemning answer, an answer which won't violate his Fifth Amendment Rights -- he has it!

"You mean, this time?"


"One felony at a time, Bobby. And where's the body?"

Bobby looks at the truck, "He's in the back."

I point at Bobby, "Don't go anywhere!", vault onto the rear bumper of the truck, and sure enough we have a body laying on a bed of fish poles, beer cans, oil jugs, shotgun shells and other assorted detritus necessary for the proper operation of a country truck. And, even better, the corpus has slid forward until everything from the armpits up is hidden under the toolbox.

Oh, joy. I swallow a couple of times, take a deep breath, latch onto the ankles of the cadaver and begin to pull him out from under the toolbox, when the Deceased promptly spasms violently in my grip, such spasm together with the deep, sonorous tone of a bell sounding in a place where there weren't any bells, causes me to turn loose of the ankles of the Dearly Departed and tumble into the bar ditch.

Okay. No problem.

I'm laying there in the bar-ditch, pulling goat-head stickers out of my limbs and very carefully not wondering about how much a face being slammed into the bottom of a stainless-steel toolbox sounds remarkably like a church bell, when said face appears over the edge of the pickup bed and peers down at me in an accusatory fashion.

"Ju brogd by dode."

I concentrate on a particulary ambitious sticker.

"By ond brugga choosts be in de ged, and deen de gops breg by dode."

I roll to my feet, and carefully amble back to the cruiser, and fish around in the back seat until I find a handkerchief, walk back to the pickup and hand it to Earl.

"Thakds" he mubbled, dabbling the blood flowing down his face and revealing several dozen dark grey (one might even go as far as to call them lead-colored) pimples.

I sit on the bumper, fishing around in my vest for a badly needed stick of gum, "Hunting accident?" I hazard, minutely studying a paleolithic stick of Juicy Fruit clutched in my ever-so-slightly trembling paw.

"Dumg fezant tookt off betweeg us, and by dumg chit brugga wagn't looging where he was chooging..."

"Quail, Earl," I say very firmly, "Pheasant season is still a couple of weeks away."

"Dugn't magger. By dumg chit brugga goodn't git a bull in de bugt widt a figgle angyway."

I look at Bobby, who is cogitating intently, "That about what happened, Bobby?"

"I'm pretty sure it was a pheasant," opines Bobby, carefully, "It had a long tail, and a ring around it's neck and it was a lot bigger than one of them little quail."

"Bobby, don't say anything. Now, nod your head. No, keep nodding. Did you accidently shoot your brother while hunting birds? Good. Take Earl to the doctor and get him patched up."

"Dumg chit brugga goona neeg a goctor agger I gicg his bugt."

"Oh, yeah? You and which army?"

Which was the last thing I heard as I went in search of a badly-needed, soothing cup of tea.


Chris - P95
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Nathaniel Firethorn

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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2005, 01:51:57 AM »
Unfortunately, I think LawDog might be out of stories.

But you could always go here.

- NF
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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2005, 04:32:06 AM »

Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.cheesy

I bumped into a couple of folks up in Jugville, Mi., a couple miles from White Cloud.  Both villages are near where SWMBO and I live in the back of our 56 Ford. (It's a panel van, and the envy of everyone here in the National Forest.)   After careful scrutiny, I talked them into moving into Lawdog's bailiwick.  Perhaps we'll see a couple new stories soon.
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2005, 05:23:48 AM »
Well - better have another one eh!!! Smiley Smiley


One of the nice things about working in small towns is the...unique...problems that you learn to solve. One such problem belonged to a sweet little old lady who lived in big, old mansion over in the old section of town. She had a (ahem) ghost infestation.

Now, most of the time this was all right (I think she liked the company), but once in a while the ghosts would get a wee bit rowdy. Thereupon, she'd call the S.O. and one of us would be dispatched to take care of the situation. We'd show up, she'd let us into the huge old house, the officer would go upstairs and read a stern warning to the ghosts.

I found that if you took George C. Scotts' speech from Patton, complete with pacing back-and-forth and gestures, and cleaned up the language a bit, the ghosts would normally be impressed enough to keep quiet for a week or two.

Once you were done, you'd go back downstairs, where the lady would stuff you full of homemade cinnamon rolls and iced tea, and you'd swap gossip for a while.

One day the Sheriff gets a bright idea: we'd take care of this situation once-and-for-all. Plans are made. People are notified. We wait for the call.

And one Friday evening, she calls. Not only are the ghosts rowdy, it sounds like they're having a party. And (delivered in whispered tones) she thinks she heard some girl ghosts giggling up there, and this Wasn't Right.

The call goes out. We load up our full-time officers (all four of them), we get our Reserves (mostly guards from a local Federal facility), we don our Ninja gear, we mount our Trusty Steed (re-worked, Korea-era Ambulance) and we sway and sputter and backfire and shudder and creak our way up the hill.

Once on location, a hasty conference took place. Who looks the least threatening? That would be Yours Truly having hysterics in the back.

Up I go, I knock on the door, tell the little old lady that we're here to solve her problem and seat her on the porch swing with a blanket.

CRASH. Twenty SWAT rhinos in full gear hit the door, clear the bottom floor tactically, flow the stairs, and then the shouting starts.

"Hey, you! YES, YOU! OUT, OUT, OUT!!"

"One here! Out, out, out! CLEAR!"

"Where do you think you're going? OUT, OUT, OUT!"

And our throughly scared and cowed (albeit invisible) subjects were herded to the front lawn, where the Sheriff is standing on the roof of the ambulance--excuse me, SWAT vehicle-- delivering his patented fire-and-brimstone, straight-path/crooked-path speech. Complete with finger-pointing, arm waving and emotional entreaties to what only a absolute cynic would consider an empty lawn.

Watched with great interest by all the neighbors, heck, most of the town, who promptly got out the lawnchairs, the sodas and the snacks and basically started a block party.

*sigh* Small towns.

Once we were done, and had allowed the thoroughtly chastized spirits back upstairs, we sat in her kitchen (in black BDU's, rifles, shotguns, etc.,) and ate cinnamon rolls and drank iced tea.

During this last part, the lady whispered to me that we had "Missed one."

Never said I wasn't fast on my mental feet. I whispered back that he was too young to be subjected to such a scary action. She examined him closely and declared that I was probably right.

It took the ghosts almost three months to go back to their rowdy ways.


Chris - P95
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Old Fud

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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2005, 11:00:49 AM »
The problem may be that he grew up.
Our friend Lawman is no longer the Roadrunner-T-Shirt-wearing eager-beaver deppity that thwarts horney Armadillos in the middle of the night or comes boiling out of a ditch Bubba tossed him into shouting "Don't make me hurt you, Boy" and more.

His posts over the past months have suggested he's now more akin to the long suffering Sherf in his early episodes --- the one who was constantly sighing at the dawg's painful antics.

Maybe if he began to think about "All My Children", he would bust out with more stories.

In the meantime, That Rant at invading gun-wussies (Californians?) wasn't all bad -- I keep a copy on my desktop ready to re-read whenever I have the need for a good laugh.  And I wouldn't mind more tutorials on the subject of proper attire in Court, at a Bar-B-Que and other places.   (He never did spell out how a church gun might be different from a picnic gun, now did he?)

Hey DOG -- you Listening?

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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2005, 12:50:49 PM »
My personal favorite is the snake story from when he was a kid...funny stuff I tell ya.



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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2005, 12:57:36 PM »
It seems I'm not the only one longing for the "Ole Dawg".
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2005, 01:13:21 PM »
Quote from: Old Fud
In the meantime, That Rant at invading gun-wussies (Californians?) wasn't all bad -- I keep a copy on my desktop ready to re-read whenever I have the need for a good laugh.  And I wouldn't mind more tutorials on the subject of proper attire in Court, at a Bar-B-Que and other places.   (He never did spell out how a church gun might be different from a picnic gun, now did he?)
Can we get a link?  I've been reading intermittently for a while, and I guess I missed that one.  Couldn't find it, either.



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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2005, 01:34:55 PM »
Let me maintain the flow, for your delectation - as I kept quite a few. I also have somewhere the few pretty funny pieces written last year by Alduro.


In late 1994, we had a Lady who developed a stalker problem. We busted the stalker, and got a Protective Order for the Lady. It worked for a couple of days, then she reported that the critter was sneaking into her garage and moving stuff around.

The Sheriff went ballistic and decided that we'd ambush the critter and send him off for a long time. Guess who got volunteered for the ambusher duty? Yep.

Now, this Lady lived at the top of hill just outside the Southwest city limit, in a big old two-story house with an apricot orchard out back, and shrubbery everywhere.

I show up that evening, check in with the Lady and set up an ambush. The driveway led from the road up to the garage and was bordered on both sides by a pyracantha hedge.

I settled down under a tree, and lined up on a gap in the hedge near the house. My plan was to wait until the critter was well up to the house, before dashing through the hedge and arresting him.

I'm bellied down under the tree and I wait. And wait. And wait.

Along about 1AM, an armadillo wanders up from the orchard behind the house where he's been feeding on fermenting apricots all night, and bounces off my foot. I hear the question now: How did I know it was a 'he' armadillo? Simple kids. The drunken little sod promptly, and aggressively, fell in love with my left boot.


He'd sidle up to my boot, murmuring, "What's your sign, baby?" in armadillo-ese, and I'd shove him away, whereupon he'd sleeze back in, crooning armadillo love songs.

And so the evening went. I'd kick him across the lawn, and he'd hiccup and oil his way back.

About two hours later, I have had it. I'm just about to stand up and drop kick the Armoured Menace into the next State, when I hear the crunch of tippy-toed feet coming up the gravel driveway.

I freeze, locking in on that gap in the hedge (the armadillo took the opportunity to sneak in a grope. Chauvenistic bastard), and I see a shadow move in front of the gap. I take off like a shot--to find out that some commie pinko liberal moved the gap in the hedge.

I also found out that Pyracantha is a Latin word that means, "Deadly Demon Vampire Bush from Hell." I don't know who screamed louder: the armadillo, when his lady love disappeared; the critter, when I snagged a good handful of his shirt; or me, when I crashed into a brisket-high wall of thorns.

The Lady of the house hears the triplicate scream, decides that the unthinkable has happened, dials 911 and screams, "That Deputy is getting killed!"


Meanwhile, I'm half bent over the thornbush, trying to hold on to a panicked critter with my right hand, and a walkie-talkie with my left hand. We struggle, and I end up halfway over the hedge, upside down, and I look down the road and all I see are lights. Red lights, blue lights, yellow lights, white lights, flashing lights, strobe lights, wig-wags--you name it. All coming up this road.

About that time, the critter twists loose and hot-foots it down the road leaving me with a shirt.

I get on the walkie-talkie, wait for a pause in the traffic from the SO, DPS, EMS, and game warden all demanding to know what has happened to me, and say, "I'm all right. Subject is a white male, no shirt, Northbound on foot."

I suppose, in retrospect, I may have sounded a little ...emotional... on the radio. Apparently the Deputies, firemen, EMT's, park rangers, security guards, DPS troopers and LEO's from all eight surronding counties and towns heard my voice and thought: the Dog sounds panicked. The Dog don't ever panic. Therfore the Dog has obviously been shot/stabbed/gutted/burned/run over/abused/whathaveyou and is, no doubt, in immediate danger of expiring.


Anyone who wasn't coming before, is now. The critter is spotted halfway down the road and becomes the subject of a multi-jurisdictional pigpile.

There I am, upside down and helpless in the grip of this fiendish hedge. And what do my friends, my brothers, my comrades-in-arms do, my drinking buddies do to help me in my time of need?

"Hey! Who's got a video camera?! We have GOT to get video of this!"

Took them thirty minutes to get me loose from that plant. I never did see that armadillo again. Good thing, too.


Chris - P95
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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2005, 02:06:02 PM »
I could use a link to that rant myself...

 Hey... maybe we could get a petition going for more "files"...


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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2005, 05:09:02 PM »
"Wedding Tackle"



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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2005, 09:31:06 AM »
There are plenty of stories yet to go.  Tales of the Army, college, sixteen years growing up overseas, my wandering period after the Army, but before Law Enforcement...Lord have mercy.

Unfortunately, what I am lacking is an hours worth of peace and quiet to write a story.

That, and for me to write I need to be in a whimsical mood.  The last couple of years haven't been conducive to whimsy.  Sad



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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2005, 10:00:38 AM »
"I also found out that Pyracantha is a Latin word that means, "Deadly Demon Vampire Bush from Hell."

God knows I can relate to that!

LOL, all of the stories were good but that line pushed me to the verge of incontinence!
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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2005, 03:24:38 PM »
I know what Lawdog means - there is a need to be in a light hearted whimsical mood to write anecdotal stuff like this....  let's hope the right conditions can be found again sometime.

Meantime, and still hoping Lawdog does not mind further exposure of older material, ( and for me it's as much fun to read second and thrid times anyways) .. here's another.!


There I was, parked in the Allsup's lot with a Extra-Jumbo Dr. Pepper in one paw and a chimichanga in the other. Somewhere in the county a rookie officer was doing his first solo patrol. Life was good.

"SO, car 14."

*Chomp, chomp* "Go ahead."

"Car 14, car 20 requests backup at *****. He's nekkid."

I paused, for a moment, eyeing my chimichanga suspiciously.

"Car 14, SO. Say again your last?" Please, please let me be hallucinating...

"SO, Car 14, I'm just relaying what I was told. The kid needs help and said he was nekkid."

I high-tail it to the location, look frantically for the rookies cruiser and spot it parked beside a big corral. I whip in beside the corral, leap out and start looking for my newbie. All I see is a rancher leaning against the corral, chewing on a stalk of something and staring with bemused fascination into the corral. I look into the corral, and it's full of chickens. Six foot tall chickens.

"T'ain't chickens," grunts the rancher before I could say anything, "Emus."

I was about to ask what an Australian bird was doing in North Texas, then I noticed that about four of these mutant chickens were in one corner of the pen, crawling all over each other, trying to get away from a man in the center of the pen.

A man who was on his knees, arms held out in supplication to the terrified mega-fowl, begging in alcohol-sodden tones: "Birdie want a Benny?"

And utterly, completely and totally bare-butt nekkid as the day he was born.

On the other side of the corral, was my rookie. Crawling frantically for the corral fence, while an enraged, six-foot chicken jumped up and down on his back.

It was a Prozac moment.

"Frank," Could those calm tones belong to me? "Would you mind getting out here? Thank you. Benny, come here. Now."

Benny turned and shuffled towards me with an air of: I've-done-something-wrong-but-I-don't-know-what-it-is-yet, and staying well out of grabbing range.

Still wondering where this remarkable calm came from, "Benny, what are you doing in that chicken coop?"

"T'aint chickens. Emus" grunted the rancher.

Benny warbled, hiccuped and waved his arms at me.

"You're doing what Committing suicide? BY CHICKEN?"

About that time, Frank (who had managed to reach the top bar of the corral) was jerked loose and suplexed back into the corral by the emu, who seemed to have World Wrestling Federation asperations.

That nice, calm feeling totally evaporated.

"Frank! Quit screwing around with that chicken and get out here! Benny, Get. Over. Here. Now!"

"T'aint a chicken. Emu."

Benny, still on his knees, shuffled towards me an inch at a time, with his lower lip quivering pitifully. As soon as he was close enough, I got an arm around him and...slipped off. I stard at my suddenly-greasy arm, looked at Benny and noticed that he was covered in...bacon grease.

Arm waving, hiccuping, emphatic nodding from Benny.

"You wanted to taste good when they pecked you to death."

Bloody considerate of him. Odd, I never noticed that I had a twitch before. The rancher stared at Benny for a moment, then collapsed against the fence, pounding it with his fist and howling with laughter.

Frank crawled out from under the lowest bar of the fence, just in time to catch an airborne Benny as I removed him from the corral.

Chris - P95
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Old Fud

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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2005, 04:11:18 PM »
Here's the rant.

An Open Letter


Good evening, folks.

Today I would like to rant about a particularly irritating habit I've noticed developing amongst the horde of carpet-bagging, mouth-breathing, bunny-hugging, veggie-gnawing, mono-synaptic, close-minded dacoits who are tip-toeing through my fair State like a horde of lobotomized, politically-correct, apron-hanging rhinocerii.

You. Yes, you. The weasel with the organic hemp clothes, the questionable hygiene, and the index finger inserted knuckle-deep in your sinus cavities.

Listen to me carefully. I'll go slow:

Law and Order is a TV show. The Practice is a TV show. They are written by brain-burned colleagues of yours who have about as much understanding of Law as an amoeba has of a tesseract.

And here's the important part: The "laws" that Hollywood twists beyond all reason and sanity for the sake of drama are loosely -- very loosely -- based on New York laws. And California laws. Not, not I say, Texas law.

The next one of you invertebrates who tries to metaphorically beat me about the shoulders with a bastardized Hollywood version of a liberalized California Penal Code is going to get ridden out of the County on a rail. Covered with asphalt. And synthetic chicken feathers.

Write this down:

Texas does not have a law entitled "brandishing". And even if we did, carrying your rifle from your pickup to your house would not violate such a dumb-bunny law.

Texas does not have any laws concerning the carry of shotguns and/or rifles. Yes, he can carry his rifle over his shoulder as he walks down the farm-to-market road. Deal with it.

Texas does not have any laws concerning ammunition. It is not against the law to have loose ammo in your vehicle. Or your pockets. Or in the change plate at church.

Texas does not register guns. Period. Suck it up.

Texas does not have the legal term "assault rifle". It's a rifle. It's legal. Shut your pie hole and evolve into a spine.

Deputy Friendly will explain this to you once. Maybe twice. The third time he has to listen to your snivelling, whining, lying claptrap, he is going to turn into Deputy Irritated. This should be taken as a warning.

It should not be taken as a reason to refer to the Deputy as a "jumped up prison guard"; and I should warn you that threatening the Sheriff of a Texas County with the disfavour of a Mayor or a Chief of Police does usually get met with giggles.

If things were that great back whereverthehell you came from, why are you polluting my county?

We're happy with our laws. Texas laws have worked just fine for Texas. If we wanted the California garbage they call a Penal code, we'd have moved to California. If New York is that great, I-35 is that way. Leave your daughters at the state line.

Oh, Sam Waterson nothwithstanding, Texas Law does not require a Breathalyzer to arrest someone for Public Intoxication. And yes, we know what marihuana smoke smells like. And yes, being stoned on mota, standing on a public road, trying to tell a deputy sheriff that a man doesn't have the God-given right to carry his own damned rifle on his own damned property is pretty much a text-book definition of Public Intoxication.


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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2005, 10:23:07 PM »
stories, hell... I want to see the Lawdog Files as a new "reality" show...

Old Fud

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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2005, 06:08:45 AM »
And here's Lawdog explaining what it takes to be a Texas Lawman.  
Hint:  Scan down the thread a ways.  He offers a very brief distinction between a court gun and a bar-b-que gun.  I'm still searching for his much longer one.  We NEED to record this stuff --- not all of us absorb it in our genes with mothers' milk you know.
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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2005, 06:08:47 AM »

I need to PM LawDog. I got this funny feeling I may have met him back once upon a time when I used to frequent TX quite a bit.

See there was this Charter Bus of PC folks and bunny huggers that pulled into a diner.  "They ain't from around these parts was spoken - not whispered - I said Spoken. Then we hear one ask the waitress " do you have Perrier and Quiche?"

We could hear the gasps of " there are guns in gun racks out in the lot..."

Now I am from AR, but folks in TX have adopted me. They forgave the fact my license Tags said "Land of Opportunity" .

I caught the waitress on her way back - I mean she was laughing so hard she was stumbling,  "darling, give me the bill for 4 bowls of chili, 4 Dr. Peppers,  and send it to that table. Bless her short shorts and Tank Top - make sure it is the hot and spicy chili..."

About the time the folks started to gasp in viewing this fine TX fare...We all stood up " Put your hand over your heart and face Texas! "   Then the juke-box cranked out  Willie , Waylon and the boys doing "Luckenback Texas"

The folks left without even trying the chili  - I think that is a misdemenor... last seen kicking up dust heading off on hwy 287...

Some Sheriff pulls in a bit later " Just what did ya'll do this time?"  He ate a bowl of Chilil and drank the Dr. Peppers while we told him...

Grinning, nodding, wiping tears - not sure tears of laughter, or the chili....still we had a real good time...

Matter of principle - ya understand?  *grin*

Old Fud

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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2005, 06:24:37 AM »
Here's what "the man" had to say on court guns vs barbeque guns on 2/17/2002:


I think there may be a bit of confusion hereabouts concerning the difference between a court gun (also called a church gun) and a BBQ gun.

A court gun should be blued steel or stainless with minimum engraving. The stocks should be tastefully understated fancy wood. A 1911 or Browning Hi-Power is the classic court gun.

The gun leather for your court gun should be dark in colour, with the classic basketweave pattern and a Ranger buckle. A subdued floral or Celtic pattern is acceptable, as long as the leather engraving is not a different color from the rest of the belt. Under no circumstances should your name be carved into the back of your court gun gear, although discreet references to your employment or family history are acceptable.

The best court gun gear used to come from TDC inmates, although I haven't gotten a set from them in years.

A BBQ gun on the other paw, requires that you start with a revolver -- Smith and Wesson or Colt. Anything Brazilian is liable to get you laughed at. Polished stainless at a minimum, and pony up for full engraving.

Now, look in the mirror. Is your mustache over 50% grey? If so, go for pearl grips. 49% or less on the grey-meter, and you'd best stick with ivory.

Have the ivory scrimshawed. Floral patterns involving roses and the Texas flag are good, as well as the state of Texas, tastefully clothed women and long horn cattle. Any scene from the battle of the Alamo is a surefire crowd pleaser. For those souls living outside the Great State of Texas, the flag raising at Mt. Suribachi may be substituted for an Alamo scene, and anything involving Marines is acceptable engraving material.

The leather for your BBQ gun should be of a floral pattern, with the engraving a different color than the rest of the leather. The engraving pattern should extend to the buckle and any other metal hardware which should consist of silver and be polished bright enough to shave in.

Change is Bad!

Nathaniel Firethorn

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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2005, 09:48:43 AM »
There are plenty of stories yet to go.
Glad to be corrected on this, LD.
That, and for me to write I need to be in a whimsical mood.  The last couple of years haven't been conducive to whimsy.  Sad
Ladies and gentlemen, I believe it is vital to our cause that we cheer this man up. What might we do to effect that outcome?

- NF
Give up no state. Give up no ground.

Old Fud

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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2005, 11:36:21 AM »
Appreciation is the best cheerer-upper and encourager I can think of.

Failing that, we could use threats.   Once upon a time, his Mama promised to start writing some (More) Lawdog tales if he didn't .   Anybody got her address?

In the appreciation realm, I KNEW Mr. Dawg had more in-depth tutorial input on the subject of the Court gun.    Here is something I had hiding in my permanent archives.  I can't guess when he wrote it, but suspect it is some years ealier than the 2002 one I posted above.    Judge for yourselves.

Court Gun  By Lawdog

A 'court gun' is the pistol you wear during your official-type duties at court, or when testifying.

Ideally it should be a Colt Gummint-model-type handgun, or a Browning Hi-Power, although any self-loading pistol constructed of actual metal and having replaceable grips can become a 'court gun', given a little loving attention.

Your intended 'court gun' should be nickled or blued, although stainless steel will work in a pinch.

Send it off to a reputable engraver and have an engraving job done on it. Not too ostentatious, though. Nothing more than 3/4.

Have the screws, safety lever(s), and slide release button(s) hot-blued to a nice electric blue colour.

Now, here's the important part: the grips. The newer kids out there are having grips made of stag, burlwood and exotic woods put on their 'court guns'.

This simply will not do. Stag, burlwood and the like are all very well for your carry gun, and can suffice for a 'BBQ gun', but are just Not Done on a well-executed 'court gun'.

Ivory, or something similar in appearance, which can either be scimshawed or engraved is the grip of choice for a 'court gun'.

Of the two techniques, scrimshaw is the one most used in these parts. Both grip panels, by-the-by. No cheating.

Your choice of art-work is boundless. Some variation on the Mt. Suribachi scene is good, the Alamo is always popular, as is any respectful version of the American or Texas flag, and of course, a tasteful rendition of a young lady is a timeless staple.

Now that you have a proper 'court gun' some thought must be given to supplying a proper holster.

Kydex is out. Nylon is out, verboten, nopenoway.

The only stuff good enough for a 'court gun' is leather. Ranger buckles and engraving - not basket-weave, and for God's sake, don't have your name engraved on the back. That's just...just...tacky.

And a bare minimum of accessories. Not much more than one mag pouch, open-topped preferable, should do it.

Voila! Court gun.

Change is Bad!


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Speaking of Lawdog....
« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2005, 01:02:03 PM »
Mr. LawDog Sir...

"Whimsical" huh?  

Now you up and done it.  I have been getting emails from Larry,  P95Carry, Dave Mc, grampster....

" Hey If'n  we take up a collection, will you run down to "LD's jurisdiction" and  pull something- anything- get Mr. Lawdog in a whimsical mood?

"  Send a meat only deli tray to the local PETA meeting, make your famous guacamole dip...( no avacodos are used - just all jalapenos blended up to look like guacamole dip) and substitute at the next "Liberal" meeting ..."

There was no mention of what would happen to me if "whimsical" was NOT a result. Nor any mention of bail monies, and character witness..."never heard of Steve in our lives..."