I've got food, water, batteries, ammo, guns, ways to make fire, and basic first aid kits.
Do you really need more ways to make fire out there right now? Save that for mudslide season whydoncha?!
I never feel prepared enough but my city neighbors didn't think I was taking the hurricane seriously enough as my day consisted of driving around hoping to find something to use a chainsaw or 1 ton truck on, watching the storm, reading a Playboy on my front porch whilst open carrying/watching my ribs parboil on a Coleman stove and later cook on the grille, having said ribs and a little bourbon and then retiring to reload a few thousand rounds by latern light. Seems I was supposed to be traumatized.
You learn something from every disaster. Mine was stay away from people. I stopped in a Wal-mart 200 miles inland and 5 days before the storm and people were already panicking. Just for fun as I already had everything I went to a Wal-mart in the hurricane's target of choice 12 hours before I got there. A rational being could have reasonably thought a cranky fellow on a pale horse had been sighted. Pandemonium. Other things I learned from observing others.
-Buy stuff that runs on AAA or C batteries. D and AA were wiped off the map.
-If one gas station in town works the line will be two miles long. They will have a pump for hand carried jugs with a bout 50 people clustered around, some probably smoking. An aquaintance that bailed out of NO and Katrina recommends Diesel cars, gas was not had on the interstate. This one had extra fuel in the trunk(firebomb!), stopped at truck stops to re-fuel, figuring the truckers were much less likely to steal the extra fuel than the mob on the roadway.
-Don't run a Ford out of gas, they eat the fuel pump. Oh wait, I learned that several years before the hurricane.
-Didja know that credit cards and ATMs don't work without electricity? The Einsteins in my town didn't seem to.
-When traffic lights don't work no one has read the law where it says treat them like a 4 way stop. I drove the 1 ton dually, law of gross tonnage, 7400 EVW!