Author Topic: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil  (Read 50983 times)

Harold Tuttle

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Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« on: January 06, 2010, 09:10:01 AM »

SYDNEY — A conservation group's boat had its bow sheared off and was taking on water Wednesday after it collided with a Japanese whaling ship in the frigid waters of Antarctica, the group said. The boat's six crew members were safely rescued.
The clash was the most serious in the past several years, during which the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has sent vessels into far-southern waters to try to harass the Japanese fleet into ceasing its annual whale hunt.

Clashes using hand-thrown stink bombs, ropes meant to tangle propellers and high-tech sound equipment have been common in recent years, and collisions between ships have sometimes occurred.

The society said its vessel Ady Gil — a high-tech speedboat that resembles a stealth bomber — was hit by the Japanese ship the Shonan Maru near Commonwealth Bay and had about 10 feet of its bow knocked off.

Locky Maclean, the first mate of the society's lead ship, said one crewman from New Zealand appeared to have suffered two cracked ribs but the others were uninjured. The crew members were safely transferred to the group's third vessel, though the Ady Gil's captain remained on board to see what could be salvaged, he said.

"The original prognostic was that it was sinking, but at this point it is flooded with water but it seems to still have a bit of buoyancy," Maclean told The Associated Press by satellite phone from the ship, the Steve Irwin.

The group accused the Japanese ship of deliberately ramming the Ady Gil.

"They were stopped dead in the water when the incident occurred," Maclean said of the Ady Gil. "When they realized that the Shonan Maru was aiming right for them, they tried to go into reverse to get the bow out of the way but it was too late. The Shonan Maru made a course correction and plowed directly into the front end of the boat."

Glenn Inwood, a New Zealand-based spokesman for the Institute of Cetacean Research, the Japanese government-linked body that carries out the hunt, disputed Sea Shepherd's account, saying video shot from the whaler showed the conservationists' boat moving toward the whaler just before the collision.

"The Shonan Maru steams to port to avoid a collision. I guess they, the Ady Gil, miscalculated," Inwood told The Associated Press. "Sea Shepherd claims that the Shonan Maru has rammed the Ady Gil and cut it in half — its claim is just not vindicated by the video."

Japan's Fisheries Agency said it was still checking details about the clash. Spokesman Toshinori Uoya said there were no injuries on the Japanese side.

Sea Shepherd sends boats to Antarctic waters each southern summer to try to stop the Japanese whaling fleet from killing whales under what it calls a scientific whaling program. Conservationists and many countries say the program is a front for commercial whaling.

Each side routinely accuses the other of dangerous activity during what has become a cat-and-mouse chase in one of the world's most remote regions.

Australia and New Zealand — which both have Antarctica territories and are among the closest nations to the waters where the hunt goes on — have urged both sides to show restraint, warning that they are far away from rescue if anything goes wrong.

"Our strongest condemnation applies to any violent or dangerous activity that takes place in these remote and inhospitable waters," Australian Environment Minister Peter Garrett said Wednesday. He said he could confirm the collision, but that details were still unclear.

The Ady Gil clashed earlier Wednesday with another Japanese ship, the whaling fleet's mothership, the Nisshin Maru.

The Institute of Cetacean Research said the Ady Gil came "within collision distance" of the Nisshin Maru's bow and repeatedly dangled a rope in the water that could have entangled the ship's rudder and propeller.

The Ady Gil's crew lobbed small projectiles designed to release a foul smell, and the whalers responded by firing high-powered hoses to keep the Sea Shepherd vessels away, the institute said in a statement.

"The obstructionist activities of the Sea Shepherd threaten the lives and property of those involved in our research, are very dangerous and cannot be forgiven," it said.

Maclean confirmed the earlier clash.

Japan's whaling fleet left in November for its annual hunt in Antarctic waters. Uoya said that for security reasons, details of the fleet's composition, the number of whales it hopes to take and the number of crew members are not being released to the public.

The Ady Gil is a 78-foot black-painted trimaran made of carbon fiber and Kevlar in a design meant to pierce waves. It was built to challenge the record for the quickest circumnavigation of the globe and can travel faster than 46 mph.

Sea Shepherd unveiled the Ady Gil last October saying a California millionaire with the same name had donated most of the money for it. At the time, the group said the boat would be used to intercept and physically block Japanese harpoon vessels.,2933,582115,00.html
« Last Edit: January 06, 2010, 09:37:37 AM by Harold Tuttle »
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De Selby

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Re: Japanese ship of deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 09:19:03 AM »
Shocking, to say the least, if it's true that the enviro-sailors' ship was deliberately rammed.

Attempted murder is not justifiable to support the illegal whaling racket.  That vessel ought to be arrested and its crew charged on the facts available.
"Human existence being an hallucination containing in itself the secondary hallucinations of day and night (the latter an insanitary condition of the atmosphere due to accretions of black air) it ill becomes any man of sense to be concerned at the illusory approach of the supreme hallucination known as death."

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Re: Japanese ship of deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2010, 09:26:39 AM »
People who hunt intelligent and endangered higher mammals under the guise of 'research'.


Self aggrandizing eco-terrorists.

I see no winner here.
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Re: Japanese ship of deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2010, 09:27:54 AM »
Shocking, to say the least, if it's true that the enviro-sailors' ship was deliberately rammed.

Attempted murder is not justifiable to support the illegal whaling racket.  That vessel ought to be arrested and its crew charged on the facts available.

you've never watched whale wars have you...
It is much more powerful to seek Truth for one's self.  Seeing and hearing that others seem to have found it can be a motivation.  With me, I was drawn because of much error and bad judgment on my part. Confronting one's own errors and bad judgment is a very life altering situation.  Confronting the errors and bad judgment of others is usually hypocrisy.

by someone older and wiser than I

De Selby

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Re: Japanese ship of deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2010, 09:40:41 AM »
People who hunt intelligent and endangered higher mammals under the guise of 'research'.


Self aggrandizing eco-terrorists.

I see no winner here.

The eco-nuts in this case are at least trying to stop a crime. 
"Human existence being an hallucination containing in itself the secondary hallucinations of day and night (the latter an insanitary condition of the atmosphere due to accretions of black air) it ill becomes any man of sense to be concerned at the illusory approach of the supreme hallucination known as death."


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Re: Japanese ship of deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2010, 09:41:49 AM »
Even if the Japanese gov is violating intl law, vigilantilism is not justified. If what they are doing is so clearly illegal, where is the UN/Australian/etc government body? Why are they not responding, at least in an effective manner?

Furthermore, if you are going to play chicken with someone, you should make sure your vessel is of comprable mass to your opponent. I know playing chicken isn't a perfect analogy, since the small boat was stationary. This almost like parking your car on a rail road track because you feel the rail road is operating illegally. You shouldn't be too surprised when your car is totaled.  

The assumed totaled boat cost milions that would have been better spent petitioning a legislative body to stop whaling.

I don't think either side is in the right here, they will get what they deserve.

Harold Tuttle

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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2010, 09:53:41 AM »
Whaling war set to worsen after crash
January 7, 2010
Torn apart ... wreckage of the Ady Gil.
CONFLICT in the Antarctic over whaling is set to escalate, despite calls for calm after a Japanese ship tore the bow off a protest vessel yesterday.

The hardline Sea Shepherd group said it had no intention of withdrawing from the southern waters after the loss of its $2 million ''stealth boat'', Ady Gil, which was was hit by the Japanese Shonan Maru 2.

Speaking before the crash, the acting Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, rebuked Japan over the revelation by the Herald that its whalers had organised spy flights from Australian airports to watch the Sea Shepherd ships.

''I make it very clear on behalf of the Australian Government we do not condone this action by the Japanese Government,'' Ms Gillard said. "We are urgently seeking legal advice about the matter to see what our options are.''

The Environment Minister, Peter Garrett, cautioned that the Government needed to get more information about the crash before commenting on its cause.

But Sea Shepherd's leader, Paul Watson, was defiant.

"If they think that our remaining two ships will retreat from the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary in the face of their extremism, they will be mistaken,'' he said. ''We now have a real whale war on our hands.''

The crash came after a day of harassment of the whaling fleet in Australian Antarctic waters by Ady Gil and another Sea Shepherd ship, Bob Barker.

In the skirmishes, the Ady Gil's crew tried to entangle the propeller of the factory ship Nisshin Maru but were pursued by Shonan Maru 2, which was there to protect the whaling fleet from the activists.

The Ady Gil, low on fuel, was at a standstill and farewelling fellow activists on board the Bob Barker when the incident happened, said its skipper, Pete Bethune, a New Zealander.

Mr Bethune told the Herald the 1000-tonne Japanese ship turned towards the 18-tonne Ady Gil from about 75 metres away when most of its crew were on deck.

''We thought they were going to turn a water cannon on us and I told my crew to brace for that,'' he said. ''Then they T-boned my boat. It was just massive. It's finished. It's been my life for four years, and now it's gone. It's a miracle we all survived.''

An Ady Gil crew member, Laurens de Groot, said the crash was no accident.

''They have no mercy those guys. They were trying to kill us, ramming us like that in one of the most hostile environments in the world. The only way to describe it is attempted murder.''

However, video footage released by Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research last night showed the Ady Gil gradually increasing speed into the path of the Shonan Maru 2, countering the Sea Shepherd account that the ship was not moving.

The six aboard were uninjured and left the floating rear section for the Bob Barker without trouble in the icy conditions.

''Today is a clear example of how the Japanese don't give a *expletive deleted*it,'' Mr Bethune said. ''But this is the end of whaling. You can't go around saying you're trying to conduct scientific research when you're prepared to drive into other people's boats.''

Last night the two pieces of the trimaran were still afloat and the activists were salvaging what they could, including 400 litres of fuel.

The Shonan Maru 2 and two whale chaser boats stood by for some hours after the incident, but did not communicate with Sea Shepherd. The Nisshin Maru steamed away.

An investigation is to be mounted by the Government of New Zealand, which is the flag state for the Ady Gil.

The Opposition foreign affairs spokeswoman, Julie Bishop, said the Government had bungled its attempt to end whaling and damaged relations with Japan.

''This has now become an embarrassment for the Government,'' she told the Herald.

The conflict is likely to renew within days when Captain Watson's vessel, the Steve Irwin, arrives on the scene.

Malcolm Cook, of the Lowy Institute, said the repercussions of the latest incident were likely to be ''ugly'' as both governments responded to conflicting domestic pressures.

''Clearly it is now a large and continuing irritant in the bilateral relationship … The irritant seems to grow each year - I am sure this incident will make it grow even more.''
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Re: Japanese ship of deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2010, 10:15:02 AM »
The eco-nuts in this case are at least trying to stop a crime. 

By committing other crimes.

As noted above, I see no winner here.
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Re: Japanese ship of deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2010, 10:16:36 AM »
Furthermore, if you are going to play chicken with someone, you should make sure your vessel is of comprable mass to your opponent. I know playing chicken isn't a perfect analogy, since the small boat was stationary. This almost like parking your car on a rail road track because you feel the rail road is operating illegally. You shouldn't be too surprised when your car is totaled.

It is in dispute that the eco-boat was stationery. I'd like to see the video.
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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2010, 10:18:31 AM »
the Ady Gil's crew tried to entangle the propeller of the factory ship Nisshin Maru ,
So the environuts had been engaging in piracy . . . too bad for them, but they still they got off easy.

And if they DID deliberately stop their boat in front of the large ship . . . so what? The ship should stop for pirates?

However, video footage released by Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research last night showed the Ady Gil gradually increasing speed into the path of the Shonan Maru 2, countering the Sea Shepherd account that the ship was not moving.
Not surprising that pirates would lie about what they were doing.

This was as dumb a stunt as those pulled by other Darwin-award seekers Rachel Corrie and that guy who laid down on the tracks in front of a military supply train some years back.
Trump won in 2016. Democrats haven't been so offended since Republicans came along and freed their slaves.
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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2010, 10:19:42 AM »
World War III:  Japan Strikes Back.

"International Law" is just a function of who is stronger and who cares the most.

I think the Japanese are so strident about hunting whales purely because of the greenie-pirates' behavior.  Curb in the eco-weenies, and the Japanese will probably do a bit less hunting.
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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2010, 10:34:56 AM »
I have a hard time believing that the very large and cumbersome whaling ship intentionally maneuvered into the much smaller, quicker, and more agile Bat Boat.

I'm guessing that the Bat Boat was playing "chicken" and lost.
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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2010, 10:43:41 AM »
These geniuses basically tried to stop a semi with a 40,000lb load with a scooter in one of the most inhospitable places in the world. I don't care if they were trying to ram them or just foul their propeller, they took that chance and got their plow cleaned. Morons. If they are accusing the whale ship of attemped murder, what in the world do they think they are going to be accused of. 

Any disabled ship in a body of water runs a very high risk of sinking. I don't care if it is 800 tons or 2. While I don't agree with what the Japanese whaling ships are doing under the guise of research, they are using a loophole and operating "legally". The activists are going to get hung on this. And they should.


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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2010, 10:48:19 AM »
Bad language - - Ady Gil is clearly stationary, and the Shonan Maru clearly changes course to ram.
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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2010, 10:50:51 AM »
I have a hard time believing that the very large and cumbersome whaling ship intentionally maneuvered into the much smaller, quicker, and more agile Bat Boat.

I'm guessing that the Bat Boat was playing "chicken" and lost.

Exactly. They are clearly lying about the encounter, possibly figuring the general public would not know such. There's no way they couldn't have out-maneuvered the whaler if they hadn't been playing tough guys. With a composite boat no less. Even if they were stationary, a SWATH-like boat could spin and high-tail it out of the way even at the last second, if they wanted to keep clear.

Ships do not make course corrections and spin on a dime.
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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2010, 11:35:42 AM »
Bad language - - Ady Gil is clearly stationary, and the Shonan Maru clearly changes course to ram.


Ady Gil doesn't seem so stationary to me.

I do see the Shonan Maru turn into it aggressively, but Ady Gil moves forward into the path as well.  IMO.
"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist."
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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2010, 11:36:36 AM »
Exactly. They are clearly lying about the encounter, possibly figuring the general public would not know such. There's no way they couldn't have out-maneuvered the whaler if they hadn't been playing tough guys. With a composite boat no less. Even if they were stationary, a SWATH-like boat could spin and high-tail it out of the way even at the last second, if they wanted to keep clear.

Ships do not make course corrections and spin on a dime.

Quoted for truth.
Standard maritime law is that the more agile/nimble boat MUST give way to the other. Powerboats give way to sailboats. Sailboats give way to freighters. Etc. It isn't rocket science.


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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2010, 11:39:08 AM »

You point $#!+ like that at me out on the ocean and I'm going to light up my biggest gun I got.  If that's my ship's bow, so be it.

I can't tell if that's a bazooka or a potato cannon, but you ain't my friend after that.
"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist."
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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2010, 11:39:40 AM »
Whatever you may think about Japanese whaling, seeing those filthy hippies get rammed is full of win.
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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2010, 11:46:06 AM »
Bad language - - Ady Gil is clearly stationary, and the Shonan Maru clearly changes course to ram.

Ady Gil doesn't seem so stationary to me.

I do see the Shonan Maru turn into it aggressively, but Ady Gil moves forward into the path as well.  IMO.
This, although I am not convinced the Shonan Maru  turned starboard toward the Ady Gil.  With no frame of reference, it could easily be that the camera was circling both boats, causing the appearance of rotation.
On two occasions, I have been asked [by members of Parliament], "Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able to rightly apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.
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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2010, 11:47:59 AM »
Whatever you may think about Japanese whaling, seeing those filthy hippies get rammed is full of win.

I dislike Japanese whaling. I dislike wanna-be tough guys more.
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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2010, 11:50:48 AM »
In a situation like this, it would have been nice to have (hovering heli in place) some aerial footage.
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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2010, 11:52:03 AM »
Bad language - - Ady Gil is clearly stationary, and the Shonan Maru clearly changes course to ram.

Uh, you might want to look at the other video posted by the guy who posted the Sea Shepherd video:

It is much closer and more detailed.

The Bat Boat only appears to be stationary in the video you linked due to perspective.  The second video shows they accelerated into the Jap Boat.  The wake tells all.  They were moving the entire time and then turned on the steam as the Jap Boat approached.

Was it intentional on the part of the eco-pirates?  Not sure, as I certainly wouldn't rule out stupidity.

Frankly, I have little sympathy for the eco-pirates, as they admit trying to cripple the Jap boats by tangling their props and leave them unable to move in the sea.  As mentioned, that is a good way to end up sunk, when at sea.

Scientific, commercial, flippers, hooves...who cares?  Meat is meat.

You point $#!+ like that at me out on the ocean and I'm going to light up my biggest gun I got.  If that's my ship's bow, so be it.

I can't tell if that's a bazooka or a potato cannon, but you ain't my friend after that.

Holy shinola!  Trying to effing blind the Jap crew!?  Screw the eco-pirates, I can say that I would view that as a clear threat and done my level best to meet deadly force with deadly force.  Lose the water cannons & bring on the quad-mount Ma Deuces.  

IMO, the eco-pirates deserve everything that can be brought to bear on them, form hot lead to cold steel.


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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2010, 12:05:04 PM »
Was it intentional on the part of the eco-pirates?  Not sure, as I certainly wouldn't rule out stupidity.

Thay have proven in the past that they lack common sense and seamanship.  They are nothing but eco-terrorist hack jobs and need to be in jail or dead.
In the past they have boarded flagged vessels without permission, placed nets and ropes in the path of ships attempting to disable them at sea while underway, thrown projectiles onto the decks of ships (directly endangering crew), and have caused collisions with other vessels in the past.  Acts of terrorisim that also border on piracy. 

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Re: Japanese ship deliberately rams the Ady Gil
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2010, 12:09:37 PM »

Interesting that they picked the skull & cross bones to put on their boat.  And they seem pretty proud of the fact that they were shooting a powerful laser at the whaling ship.

In the article they spoke of a game of cat and mouse.  Looks to me like the mouse tried to stop the cat instead of getting away.
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