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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2016, 10:18:29 AM »
I refuse to vote for Trump.  My principles will not be sold out for him.

I also predict many will line up to pull the (R) because they've been conditioned to do so, despite him not being a fundamentalist or establishment wonk or neocon hawk or whatever other box they're looking to have checked. I thought that he'd be the death of the Grand Old Party, but now I'm not sure.

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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2016, 11:00:32 AM »
Hillary will not pick up a good portion of Bernies base. They will write him in or sit home and eat brownies. Because he isn't any more a democrat than Trump is a republican. He's a socialist, and so is his base. Hillary for all her faults isn't quite a socialist, not in a way that will work for his base at least.

Trump on the other hand will at least pick up the hold your nose demographic, and I predict the blue collar democrat sorts will swing hard for him. To the point he may end up with half a chance, even after the fraud factor. Depending on his tone he may even pick up some of the minority vote.

We live in interesting and depressing times.

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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2016, 11:05:04 AM »
I refuse to vote for Trump.  My principles will not be sold out for him.

I also predict many will line up to pull the (R) because they've been conditioned to do so, despite him not being a fundamentalist or establishment wonk or neocon hawk or whatever other box they're looking to have checked. I thought that he'd be the death of the Grand Old Party, but now I'm not sure.

This is the first presidential election where I really feel like I have no dog in the fight. GW's last term along with Hastert, Boehner and McConnell have cured me of being a Republican.

Old habits die hard and the pull to support Cruz was strong. I never really warmed up to him much and only could observe that on paper (policy wise) he seemed to be the best choice. Having him as president would have probably slowed the decline a bit and he would have shored up the Supreme Court with, if not conservatives, at least moderates who are still connected to some shards of reality.

I'm still expecting Trump to be destroyed by the media at some point. The guy just has to have some skeletons in his closet that haven't been used against him yet. Actually the media can just change the tone and type of coverage of him and destroy him with stuff that's already happened during the campaign. They will milk his celebrity for every dime they can before going into full "You Go Girl" mode.

It's a bit liberating viewing the process from the "outside" and yes, depressing.

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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2016, 11:07:45 AM »
I fully expect the media turn also.

Trumps favor is he has become a master of sound bites and spinning conflict to his favor.

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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #29 on: May 01, 2016, 11:30:23 AM »
This just popped up on my various internet feeds as an "Official Policy Position" and new.  I thought it might be relevant to us here.

While it has some things I'm not a fan of, it certainly provides a sharp contrast to Mrs. Clinton's position.

Trump position on 2nd Ammendment


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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #30 on: May 01, 2016, 11:34:33 AM »
I refuse to vote for Trump.  My principles will not be sold out for him.

What principles are those?  I'd think that he was closer to your positions than any of the previous GOP nominees going back through GWB.


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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #31 on: May 01, 2016, 11:40:01 AM »
I refuse to vote for Trump.  My principles will not be sold out for him.

I also predict many will line up to pull the (R) because they've been conditioned to do so, despite him not being a fundamentalist or establishment wonk or neocon hawk or whatever other box they're looking to have checked. I thought that he'd be the death of the Grand Old Party, but now I'm not sure.

And that's why the Democrats will win. Because they WILL hold their noses and vote D just because D is not R. As long as the Republicans are unwilling to just vote against the Democratic candidate, they'll never win another election for president.

I'm not even a Republican -- or a Democrat. I have been an unaffiliated voter ever since I first registered to vote, because even back then I could see that the entrenched, two-party system was rigged in favor of back room deals and party insiders. My principles are, in general, to vote for the candidate I think will do the better job. However, there are elections (with increasing frequency, sadly) in which I don't much care for either candidate. For a few election cycles I just sat out those elections, as a "protest."

And then I realized that my "protest" meant nothing, because the establishment didn't know that I stayed home because I didn't like either candidate. For all they knew I might as well have been on vacation or playing golf. Voting is a responsibility and a civic duty. As much as I don't like being forced to vote against someone I don't like rather than for someone I do like, sometimes the principle boils down to "I have to vote against [___] because to not do so is to vote for him/her."

This year is such a case. Whoever becomes the Republican nominee, he won't be Hillary -- and that's the best reason I can think of to vote R.
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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #32 on: May 01, 2016, 11:51:18 AM »
I refuse to vote for Trump.  My principles will not be sold out for him.

I don't like trump.
It would go against my principles to vote for him too- at least that's what the angel on my right is whispering in my ear.
However, the devil in my left ear is screaming "vote for him! Put up big yard signs for Trump and bumperstickers on your car! Trump makes peoples in LaRaza, ACLU,, 99ers/occupy, feminists, and gun banners heads go asplody!!!!"

I don't see a vote for trump anymore as a vote against hillary, I see it as giving the finger to all of the useful idiots in the country. As poor of a choice that he is, I want political payback to all of the clowns who put obama in office.
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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #33 on: May 01, 2016, 11:54:54 AM »
^these two.

I may not favor Trump. Hell even Cruz has rubbed me a little strange. But short of coming out and saying "haha idiots I got you" I'll vote for him.

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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #34 on: May 01, 2016, 12:00:00 PM »
If HRC and trump are the nominees, and #nevertrump makes as much of a difference as people think, HRC will win.

Given what we absolutely DO know about HRC, AND the fact she is no where near as back and forth as trump, HRC being elected is a KNOWN "absolutely worse", while trump is a "might be bad"

In the above HRC vs trump general assumption is true, the only logical reason for a "Hillary is bad" voter not voting for trump is simple:
You feel that the faster we go off the cliff, the better, and whatever damage done is recoverable in a timeframe that matters to you.

I'm sorry, but I don't believe the damage done by an HRC presidency (AND the commensurate D win in congress, since all those R voters that say #nevertrump stay home) would not be recoverable in a timeframe that matters to me.

So please, I implore you, if it's HRC vs T, don't stay least vote in the congressional elections so there is some bulwark against HRC.


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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #35 on: May 01, 2016, 12:36:17 PM »
What principles are those?  I'd think that he was closer to your positions than any of the previous GOP nominees going back through GWB.

Trump then or reformed trump?  The trump who has supported gun control, the AWB, obamacare, using eminent domain to take a widow's home for a limo parking lot, poured money into the campaign coffers of the very people he now seeks to defeat, and using bankruptcy protections to keep himself rich while his businesses fail....or the trump now that tries to line himself up as the supporter of the little man, 2nd amendment, and constitution?

I don't trust him.  Period.  I don't believe him.  Period.  The man suddenly has shifted positions in the last 4-5 years, and he did so because it is expedient to his end goal.  More power and a legacy, a bust and a portrait in the white house.
He is not anti-establishment.  He has supported and held up the very system he rails against today. 

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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #36 on: May 01, 2016, 12:53:15 PM »
Is Trump is less worthy of a vote than Dole or McCain were?

How many of us held our noses and voted for turds like them and Romney?

How many of us deceived ourselves into thinking GW was actually a small G non-interventionist conservative and voted for him? Not just once but twice. He is a freaking Bush for goodness sakes, what were we thinking? At least the country finally woke up and rejected Jeb!

I've been voting lesser of two evils for so long now I don't even know what it is to vote FOR someone.

None of them were ever socons, constitutionalists or small government, small "L" guys yet many of us lined up and voted for them. They were the establishment picks and we supported them.

My temptation is to sit this one out also but if Trump looks like he really is going to shake things up I may vote for him. As he rolls out more policy papers and we observe who he is surrounding himself with as his experts we will get a good idea of the reality of his stances. Or maybe not, he is a wild card for sure. He won't be "my guy" but he might get my lesser evil vote (once again). But only if he is truly damaging the establishment.

We know what Hillary will do, she's a neocon war monger bought and paid for by the money guys. She will continue the destruction (deconstruction if you will) of what is left of the republic.

For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity, that they may be without excuse. Because knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, and didn’t give thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.


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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2016, 01:04:57 PM »
Is Trump is less worthy of a vote than Dole or McCain were?

How many of us held our noses and voted for turds like them and Romney?

How many of us deceived ourselves into thinking GW was actually a small G non-interventionist conservative and voted for him? Not just once but twice. He is a freaking Bush for goodness sakes, what were we thinking? At least the country finally woke up and rejected Jeb!

I've been voting lesser of two evils for so long now I don't even know what it is to vote FOR someone.

None of them were ever socons, constitutionalists or small government, small "L" guys yet many of us lined up and voted for them. They were the establishment picks and we supported them.

My temptation is to sit this one out also but if Trump looks like he really is going to shake things up I may vote for him. As he rolls out more policy papers and we observe who he is surrounding himself with as his experts we will get a good idea of the reality of his stances. Or maybe not, he is a wild card for sure. He won't be "my guy" but he might get my lesser evil vote (once again). But only if he is truly damaging the establishment.

We know what Hillary will do, she's a neocon war monger bought and paid for by the money guys. She will continue the destruction (deconstruction if you will) of what is left of the republic.

I didn't vote for McCain or Romney.  I only voted for GW once, and voted L in 2004.

 The price of a lottery ticket seems to be the maximum most folks are willing to risk toward the dream of becoming a one-percenter. “Robert Hollis”


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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2016, 02:00:32 PM »
I'm more interested in seeing Tump post convention if he gets the nomination.  What will he have to say and how will he say it?  Everything that has been going on up to the convention is meaningless blather at this point, with a view of gaining the nomination.  The conventional wisdom for decades now is that those inside the Beltway were totally out of touch with the real America.  Confirmation of that is on full display right now. :facepalm:

Right now I'm walking around in my Pearls before Swine T-shirt that has a pic of rat holding up a poster of rat titled Despair.  Beneath are the words Election 2016.
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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2016, 02:42:38 PM »
My temptation is to sit this one out also but if Trump looks like he really is going to shake things up I may vote for him.

Hasn't he already shaken things?

We know what Hillary will do, she's a neocon war monger bought and paid for by the money guys.

 :facepalm: Can we please stop using that word? It was bad enough when it meant "Republican I disagree with." Now it means - what?  :facepalm:

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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #40 on: May 01, 2016, 05:13:13 PM »
Trump then or reformed trump?  The trump who has supported gun control, the AWB, obamacare, using eminent domain to take a widow's home for a limo parking lot, poured money into the campaign coffers of the very people he now seeks to defeat, and using bankruptcy protections to keep himself rich while his businesses fail....or the trump now that tries to line himself up as the supporter of the little man, 2nd amendment, and constitution?

I don't trust him.  Period.  I don't believe him.  Period.  The man suddenly has shifted positions in the last 4-5 years, and he did so because it is expedient to his end goal.  More power and a legacy, a bust and a portrait in the white house.
He is not anti-establishment.  He has supported and held up the very system he rails against today. 

Stipulating every last word you write is true (and I am sure of 50%+ of what you write is correct, no dithering), how does that make him any less trustworthy than any other candidate for POTUS from either major party?  To include "I support increasing H1B visas 500%--er--I mean I mean we need to ELIMINATE H1B visas!" Ted Cruz. 

Heck, I only think there is a 10% chance Trump will do anything useful(1) or in accordance with his policies.  That is enough to get me up off the couch and vote.  I won't make the argument that is enough for all folk, but it is the best odds we've got, considering the alternatives.  Welcome to The Decline of Western Civilization: Dark Age Dawning.

Quote from: red, black from les mis musical
Red: the blood of angry men!
Black: the dark of ages past!
Red: a world about to dawn!
Black: the night that ends at last!

Quote from: red, black reprise
Red: the blood of angry men!
Black: the dark ages at last!
Red: a world about to drown!
Black: the night that comes at last!

(1) Damage to GOP and Democrat parties, their donors, and all in the ruling class qualifies in my book.

I didn't vote for McCain or Romney.  I only voted for GW once, and voted L in 2004.

Piker.  I coyote voted in 2004 and 2008.  In 2012 I had no more coyote votes to give.  You got one more arm to chew off for your country.  Because if you don't vote for someone you despise a little less than the others on the ballot the terrorists have already won.

:facepalm: Can we please stop using that word? It was bad enough when it meant "Republican I disagree with." Now it means - what?  :facepalm:

I feel your pain.

I originally used it only for the trotskyite Jews who got mugged by history and began to oppose communism in the late 20th century and then infiltrated both conservatism and the GOP.  I'd get cranky when someone would call a gentile a neo-con. 

Thing is, they infiltrated conservatism as entryists and then managed to stomp out almost all of old-school American-focused conservatism.  So sometime after Reagan's election, conservative ~ neoconservative.  Jeane Kirkpatrick is an early example, but you can see the strain run brightly through GWB and the current neo-con sort, no matter if jew or gentile.  I guess you could call them, "rootless self-serving globalist corporatists" but that is not as pithy as neo-con.

I am not yet ready to spread the term even farther to include folk who never claimed to be conservative. 



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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #41 on: May 01, 2016, 06:14:07 PM »
This just popped up on my various internet feeds as an "Official Policy Position" and new.  I thought it might be relevant to us here.

While it has some things I'm not a fan of, it certainly provides a sharp contrast to Mrs. Clinton's position.

Trump position on 2nd Ammendment

That's not "new."  I checked that out a couple of months ago.  While it seems to be a change in his position from long ago,  when he was still New York City-bound in his firearms attitudes, I believe it is the same kind of opinion-shift that I had from my own New York City upbringing.

It can happen; it happened to me when I moved out here in the early sixties of the last century.

I was shocked that the whole world was not like Brooklyn/Queens, NY.  Kind of like a reverse provincialism, as when a rube from flyover country can't believe how tall NY buildings are and stares up at them in wonderment.

Except the other way around.  I stared upward at the Second Amendment in wonderment.



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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #42 on: May 01, 2016, 06:22:37 PM »
That's not "new."  I checked that out a couple of months ago.  While it seems to be a change in his position from long ago,  when he was still New York City-bound in his firearms attitudes, I believe it is the same kind of opinion-shift that I had from my own New York City upbringing.

It can happen; it happened to me when I moved out here in the early sixties of the last century.

Flip-flopper!  How can you now be trusted?

Interesting poll data:

Trump gets 43% of the white Likely Voters vs. 34% for Clinton...Trump gets 15% of blacks (vs. 6% for Romney in 2012).

I'll make a quickie prediction:
Trump will beat Romney, McCain, and GWB' performance in both absolute number and percentage of black and hispanic voter blocks.



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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #43 on: May 01, 2016, 09:19:44 PM »
A LOT of what Trump is saying today sounds good: border fence, repealing Obamacare, "America First" trade deals, support for the 2nd Amendment, etc. Of course, how much he really means to follow through on remains to be seen, given his past history. Has he genuinely changed? Maybe . . . maybe not. But even Reagan got his start as a Democrat.

And the sheer, unadulterated TERROR he instills in the RINOs who've been pre-emptively surrendering for years to the democrats is a point in his favor.

On the other hand, a LOT - in fact, virtually EVERYTHING - Hillary promises is poor policy, if not downright anti-American. And despite being a pathological liar - she actually means to do a lot of it to us.
Trump won in 2016. Democrats haven't been so offended since Republicans came along and freed their slaves.
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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #44 on: May 01, 2016, 09:25:40 PM »
A LOT of what Trump is saying today sounds good: border fence, repealing Obamacare, "America First" trade deals, support for the 2nd Amendment, etc. Of course, how much he really means to follow through on remains to be seen, given his past history. Has he genuinely changed? Maybe . . . maybe not. But even Reagan got his start as a Democrat.

And the sheer, unadulterated TERROR he instills in the RINOs who've been pre-emptively surrendering for years to the democrats is a point in his favor.

On the other hand, a LOT - in fact, virtually EVERYTHING - Hillary promises is poor policy, if not downright anti-American. And despite being a pathological liar - she actually means to do a lot of it to us.

Yeah, see, I just don't trust Trump not to completely 180 on everything, while laughing and publicly bragging that he tricked everyone to get into office so he could just do whatever the hell he wants.
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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #45 on: May 01, 2016, 10:54:09 PM »
I'm more interested in seeing Tump post convention if he gets the nomination.  What will he have to say and how will he say it?  Everything that has been going on up to the convention is meaningless blather at this point, with a view of gaining the nomination.  The conventional wisdom for decades now is that those inside the Beltway were totally out of touch with the real America.  Confirmation of that is on full display right now. :facepalm:

Right now I'm walking around in my Pearls before Swine T-shirt that has a pic of rat holding up a poster of rat titled Despair.  Beneath are the words Election 2016.
If he gets the nomination, seeing how Trump changes his message post convention would be a good thing to look for.

If I can't decide any other way, I will fall back on gun rights.  I KNOW Clinton is a gun banner.  At this point, Trump is a question mark who I hear has some people close to him that are pro-gun.  We'll see. 
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« Reply #46 on: May 02, 2016, 07:10:04 AM »
Trump has been more of a Democrat most of his life than he's ever been a Republican and I think Virginia kind of sent a message yesterday when 10 out of 13 delegates selected were Cruz delegates not Trump's delegates if trump doesn't get it on the first ballot just go away

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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #47 on: May 02, 2016, 09:02:52 AM »
So is anyone else thinking October Surprise? I alluded to it in my first post.

Hillary may end up bowing out of the race to be replaced by someone else. She will have to in order to get her presidential pardon.

I just read an article where they posited a Biden/Warren ticket.

Myself I don't think they will run uncle Joe but I think Warren will be the top of the ticket.

Trump vs Warren
For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity, that they may be without excuse. Because knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, and didn’t give thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.


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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #48 on: May 02, 2016, 09:43:32 AM »
So is anyone else thinking October Surprise? I alluded to it in my first post.

Hillary may end up bowing out of the race to be replaced by someone else. She will have to in order to get her presidential pardon.

I just read an article where they posited a Biden/Warren ticket.

Myself I don't think they will run uncle Joe but I think Warren will be the top of the ticket.

Trump vs Warren

I'm not sure Warren has the same teeth that either Bernie or Hillary have.  Bernie has the youth college idiot vote locked up, and will still get plenty of (D) locksteppers.  Hillary has the (D) establishment vote locked up.

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Re: Trump will most likely be the nominee
« Reply #49 on: May 02, 2016, 10:46:15 AM »

Between Trump and Hillary, it's not an easy decision. They're both terrible in many ways.

- Incompetent generally speaking
- NYC liberal who's playing to a crowd
- Terrible person, hostile to individual rights that aren't his.
+ Allegedly pro borders and business. No track record, so might be flat out lies. Or might not be.

- She's more criminal
- Owned by NYC banks
- Very very very Establishment
- Has no issues letting Americans die in third world countries, then throwing their corpses under the bus
+ I wouldn't say is competent, but she's been a cog in the system for a long time.
+ HRC is probably more sane (at least her public persona is) and generally status quo

Honestly, HRC is sounding slightly more appealing even if I strongly believe she should be in prison.
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