Author Topic: So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?  (Read 7528 times)


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So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?
« Reply #25 on: August 08, 2005, 06:02:26 PM »
Happy?  No.  I just don't give a damn.

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So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?
« Reply #26 on: August 08, 2005, 06:39:51 PM »
I gotta say, Zundfogle, hating someone that you've never even met that much seems a bit excessive.

There are figures in history that I've had strong feelings that the world was a better place for their absence..Eugene McCarthy is one that comes to mind.  

There are also a couple of folks that I knew personally who I thought made life on Earth better by leaving...these were seriously evil, wicked, mean, and nasty individuals.  That was a commonly held opinion in both their cases.  One was my best friend's wife of 30 yrs, and he wholeheartedly agrees.  Boy howdy, was she something!

I really, really have no use for Bill Clinton (OR Hillary either) and I won't be sorry at all when he's gone but I don't see the point of the level of malevolence that you're expressing.  Jennings exercised his freedom in choosing his path in life, and he's the one that had to live with those choices.  Just as each of us must deal with our own choices.

But, hey!  This is America and you're entitled to express your opinion and I'll never think less of you for doing it, for what it's worth.
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So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?
« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2005, 07:16:26 PM »
I'm not. I'm also not saddened, but only because I never watched him regularly and didn't know him. However, he seemed like a decent guy even though he and I probably wouldn't have agreed on politics.

To suggest that because he was left of center he would enjoy seeing those who didn't share his views put into concentration camps and executed is pretty...low. It makes you look very bad, too.

You mean someone like Peter Jennings?
Can you show me a quote of Jennings gloating over Reagan's death? Because I don't believe it.

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So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?
« Reply #28 on: August 08, 2005, 07:43:25 PM »
I, for one, hated the man ... nothing chaps my hide worse then being condescended to by an effete Canadian high school drop out who thinks he's more enlightened then the Barbaric Americans he's forced to live among.
So, basically, he deserves to die because he hurts your ego?

Mayhap your "hide" needs to be thicker, to withstand more "chapping."
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So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?
« Reply #29 on: August 08, 2005, 08:00:26 PM »
Quote from: Warbow
I'm not. I'm also not saddened, but only because I never watched him regularly and didn't know him. However, he seemed like a decent guy even though he and I probably wouldn't have agreed on politics.

To suggest that because he was left of center he would enjoy seeing those who didn't share his views put into concentration camps and executed is pretty...low. It makes you look very bad, too.
Yes, he seemed like a "decent guy" ... he'd probably be an interesting guy to sit and have a drink with, but he wasn't just someone who was "left of center". He was the editorial force behind ABC News for the last decade or so ... he wasn't just a talking head who read the copy put in front of him, he wrote the copy ... he edited other members of the ABC News team's stories and he decided what aired and what didn't air.

The Leftist media has been engaged in a systematic attack on liberty for the better part of 4 decades and Jennings was an archetect of some of that attack, not just a footsoldier "following orders".

Its not like he's just some schmuck I overheard in line at Starbucks complaining about Bush.

Can you show me a quote of Jennings gloating over Reagan's death? Because I don't believe it.
I stand corrected. After some googling I discovered it was Dan Rather who kept complaining about Reagan's funeral getting too much coverage.


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So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2005, 01:41:17 AM »
I was wondering how soon this thread would start up.

Some people are truly evil, like John Wayne Gacy, and I grin to know they are dead-because they could not have been turned to something better.
I'm saddened that such a bright and commited man never came around to seeing things from my viewpoint.  Remember, I used to be a liberal (and I suspect many here once were, too), and coming around to the side of freedom isn't always easy, even if it seems obvious in retrospect.

The best analogy I can think of?  Are Christians happy when someone who isn't "Saved" dies?  For them, it's one more who won't see the Light.

I don't even wish Diane Feinstein dead.  I don't think she's irredeemable.  She's overridden many of her leftist colleagues in seeing that the Roberts nomination gets to the floor for debate, even knowing that he'll most likely win a seat.  I may hate her for her views, but I don't wish her dead.  Retired?  

Kerry, Kennedy, and Schumer, OTOH, are probably lost causes, and I wouldn't be upset if something painful and lingering were to strike them.  But I also won't waste effort on hoping it'll happen.
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So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?
« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2005, 02:35:39 AM »
The Leftist media has been engaged in a systematic attack on liberty for the better part of 4 decades and Jennings was an archetect of some of that attack, not just a footsoldier "following orders".
Is it OK when leftist wish Rush Limbaugh dead because he is engaged in a systematic attack on fairness?

Warning: This is a trap. If your next comment is something like "but I don't think Rush is doing that", then you are wishing people dead for the very common sin of disagreeing with you. That may be fine with you, but the idea is offensive to real freedom.
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So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?
« Reply #32 on: August 09, 2005, 05:47:50 AM »
Sad thread.
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So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?
« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2005, 05:58:57 AM »
I daresay that outfits like GASP are happy that he's dead. Now his cigarettes will no longer endanger every child within fifty miles, wipe out snail darters, and melt the polar icecaps. rolleyes

Personally, I don't care at all about Jennings. As someone who enjoys the odd pipe or cigar in moderation, I do, however, strongly resent all the liberal lecturing about smoking that his death has prompted.

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So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?
« Reply #34 on: August 09, 2005, 06:03:55 AM »
Is it OK when leftist wish Rush Limbaugh dead because he is engaged in a systematic attack on fairness?
No, but I still believe in holding myself to the standards I wish everyone else were at.
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So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?
« Reply #35 on: August 09, 2005, 08:35:35 AM »
In case I wasn't clear Jefnvk, my question was rethorical. My point was that when you start literally believing the little sound bites both sides use ("stole the election" "attack on our way of life" etc) you lose a bit of objectivity.
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So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?
« Reply #36 on: August 09, 2005, 02:04:08 PM »
The Leftist media has been engaged in a systematic attack on liberty for the better part of 4 decades and Jennings was an archetect of some of that attack, not just a footsoldier "following orders".
I concur entirely. That said", I'd have to consider laughing at or gloating over Jennings' death as evidence I'd stooped to his level. He practiced witting, wanton, insidious evil, so I'm certainly not about to grieve over his death, but it seems to me plain old-fashioned good manners would require me to refrain from gloating.
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So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?
« Reply #37 on: August 10, 2005, 02:23:46 AM »
Anyone who is such a political fanatic that they rejoice in the death of innocent people doesnt get to criticize ANYONE for their political beliefs, and they would do well to refrain from assuming that anyone else would stand to be counted with them, people who havent traded their souls for ideology might be insulted by the association.


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So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?
« Reply #38 on: August 10, 2005, 04:33:01 AM »
Never really cared much for the guy and I really don't care if he's dead or not.

I don't understand why we as a society put certain entertainers up on a pedestal, and yes, P.J. was an entertainer, because he certainly wasn't a reporter.  Our society has to expose every minute detail of these people's lives, yet what is so special about them? Did they design or build a house someone lives in? Did any of these people find a cure to a disease? Did they improve other's lives in any way other than being a 1/2 hour distraction for some people every day, time that could have been better spent with loved ones or even reading a book?

The one good thing about P.J. that I have to say is that he didn't make a media circus about his cancer, he more or less dropped off the face of the earth for 6 months, fought his disease, and lost to it with dignity. he didn't mug for the cameras every chance he got, didn't sell cancer awareness bracelets or car magnets or any other meaningless claptrap. I can honestly say that I respect the man for how he carried himself up to the end.

Contrast that with the wife of Christopher Reeve. She just announced that she has lung cancer and she is all over every form of media. I wish her the best, but I really don't care as I don't know who she is or why I should really care that she is highlighting lung cancer.

I guess maybe I'm a little jaded. I have a family member that was just diagnosed with cancer. She won't be selling ribbons or hosting cancer awareness parties. Nobody outside of the family and her doctor knows about her condition, and she doesn't even give details about it to the family. She not unlike Peter Jennings is from a completely different generation than what dominates our culture today.
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So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?
« Reply #39 on: August 10, 2005, 12:51:51 PM »
I won't be mourning his passing....


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So who else here is happy that Peter Jennings is dead?
« Reply #40 on: August 13, 2005, 01:47:58 PM »
This thread defines "grotesque".