Author Topic: Yes, It Is about Race  (Read 15259 times)


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Yes, It Is about Race
« on: May 07, 2008, 03:10:44 PM »
I keep hearing about how the troglodyte "white working class" Democrats "won't vote for Obama."

What I have seen is percentages of the black vote going for BHO in huge majorities sometimes exceeding 90%.

Now, I haven't seen any breakdown of the WWC vote other than "Catholic Democrats" and other proxies for WWC.  In none of those stats have I seen anything as monolithic as the black Democrat vote.

The following article is rife with myopia and misplaced wonderment of the "why won't white Dems vote for a black man?" type:

Ugly truth why Hillary Clinton won't quit


Wednesday, May 7th 2008, 4:00 AM
Hillary Clinton Raedle/Getty

Hillary Clinton

While the case for Hillary Clinton to stay in the race is shakier than ever, one ugly reason for staying in could be found Tuesday amid the ruddy, sun-kissed Hoosiers who cheered her on to victory at the Indianapolis Speedway.

With Clinton posing alongside pioneering Indy speedster Sarah Fisher, there were almost no African-Americans to be seen. Many in the white, working-class crowd were simply not ready to back Barack Obama - for reasons that are disturbing.

"I'm kind of still up in the air between McCain and Hillary," said Jason Jenkins, 32, who cited information from a hoax e-mail as a reason to spurn Obama.

"I'll be honest with you. Barack scares the hell out of me,"he said. "He swore on the Koran."

Obama did manage to pull in many white voters, but still encountered similar sentiments from a man who refused to shake his hand at a diner in Greenwood, Ind.

"I can't stand him," the man said. "He's a Muslim. He's not even pro-American as far as I'm concerned."

Such feelings leave Clinton and the Democratic Party in a tough spot. With the largest number of remaining delegates nowbeing party insiders, they have to decide if Obama can overcome enough of that antipathy - essentially deciding if enough working-class whites will back away from the black candidate, whether because of the false Muslim rumors, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright flap or old-fashioned racism.

"I think that's right," said former Bill Clinton pollster Doug Schoen. "Obama showed that he could put together that coalition in North Carolina. In Indiana, he was less successful."

"He has to convince people that he can win over working-class whites in places like Florida, Ohio and Michigan," Schoen said.

That cold calculus, while not of Clinton's making, gives her a reason to stay in the race.

Two separate sources in the Clinton orbit insisted Tuesday night it's now more likely Hillary will pursue her quest until the August convention in Denver - unless party leaders rise up en masse and publicly tell her it's time to stop. The math, after all, remains solidly in Obama's favor.

"I can think of no reason why it would not go to the convention now," one top Hillary Democrat predicted. "Why should she get out?"

Some insiders still want to make sure no new bombshells will explode around the freshman Illinois senator.

"He could slip and stumble some more, her polls could continue to be strong, and once the party decides what to do with Florida and Michigan, his lead in the popular vote will be very narrow," an insider said.

A top Democratic source with insight into Bill's and Hillary's states of mind says the Clintons are convinced that a Democratic presidency is all but certain no matter how messy the fight for the nomination.

In that scenario - which the Obama side and some Democratic elders worry is wishful thinking at best, delusional at worst - there's no downside for Hillary doing whatever it takes for as long as it takes.

"At the end of the day," a Hillary loyalist who talks regularly to campaign headquarters sighs, "I think he still wins the nomination." But not without a bigger - and longer - fight than Obama, and many in the party, had hoped for.

"Many in the white, working-class crowd were simply not ready to back Barack Obama - for reasons that are disturbing."
Really?  Why is it not disturbing is it that black Democrats are in lockstep voting for the black candidate?  Don't the folks like the article's author think black Democrats are bright enough to be held responsible for their actions? 


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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2008, 03:19:02 PM »
Quote from: NYDN
Many in the white, working-class crowd were simply not ready to back Barack Obama - for reasons that are disturbing.

Yes.....Obama is a disturbing dude.....and this white, working-class guy won't back him for that reason.....

....of course, Hillary & McCain ain't calming my worries, either......
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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2008, 03:23:58 PM »
Yes, It Is about Race

Rightwing talk radio has been emphasizing race, continuously, for months now.


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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2008, 04:29:52 PM »
Yes, It Is about Race

Rightwing talk radio has been emphasizing race, continuously, for months now.

This is not coming from right wing talk radio.  It is coming from the MSM and Dem party poo-bahs.  Read the article.

Ruch & Co. may pick up on it, but it isn't the VRWC that is worrying itself into a twitter over the unwillingness of the Dem WWC voter to get with the program.


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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2008, 05:01:39 PM »
He's black? I thought "O'Bama" was an Irish name.
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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2008, 05:25:24 PM »
Yes, It Is about Race

Rightwing talk radio has been emphasizing race, continuously, for months now.

I wouldn't have thought you listened to "Right Wing" talk radio.
Personally, I do not understand how a bunch of people demanding a bigger govt can call themselves anarchist.
I meet lots of folks like this, claim to be anarchist but really they're just liberals with pierced genitals. - gunsmith

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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2008, 05:31:10 PM »
Yes, It Is about Race

Rightwing talk radio has been emphasizing race, continuously, for months now.

Having a job and all, I don't get to listen to "rightwing talk radio" during the day, but the few times I've been in the car when Rush was on or managed to tune in Hannity in the evening (not a fan of either, but it's something to listen to), they've either not mentioned Obama's race or they've shut down callers who made an issue out of his race or ties to Islam.

However, just about every time NPR reports on Obama, a big deal is made of his race and religion (or possible ties to Islam).

So, what were you saying about "rightwing radio" and race?  Got any quotes to back up your lies?


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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2008, 05:58:30 PM »
The left is obsessed with race?  I'm shocked. 

I don't want to let Paddy sidetrack another thread.  But, hey, it happens with all the others, too.  Blackburn would be a refreshing change of pace. 

Paddy often reminds me of another faux-conservative rage-a-holic, Michael Savage.  Savage's show has started to sound like a Klan rally in recent months.  Not so much about Obama, but mostly a lot of talk about the "endangered white male." 

Generally speaking, though, right wing talkers couldn't care less about race. 
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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2008, 06:14:01 PM »
Generally speaking, though, right wing talkers couldn't care less about race. 
I started listening to Limbaugh again after he started his operation chaos shtick.  I had forgotten how incredibly funny and entertaining that man could be.

It's clear that Limbaugh couldn't care less about Obama's skin color.  The only times he mentions Barry's blackness is when he's reporting on the many ways in which the Democrats can't handle the race thing.

Limbaugh and the others dislike Obama because he's red, not because he's black.

As for Paddy claiming the right is emphasizing Obama's race, I can only snicker.  It amuses me that he listens to conservative talk radio.  It amuses me even more that he's either misunderstanding or misrepresenting what he hears on talk radio.

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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2008, 07:01:41 PM »
As for Paddy claiming the right is emphasizing Obama's race, I can only snicker.  It amuses me that he listens to conservative talk radio.  It amuses me even more that he's either misunderstanding or misrepresenting what he hears on talk radio.

No, he doesn't listen to conservative talk radio, he parrots what he hears people who don't listen to conservative talk radio, say about conservative talk radio.
Personally, I do not understand how a bunch of people demanding a bigger govt can call themselves anarchist.
I meet lots of folks like this, claim to be anarchist but really they're just liberals with pierced genitals. - gunsmith

I already have canned butter, buying more. Canned blueberries, some pancake making dry goods and the end of the world is gonna be delicious.  -French G

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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2008, 07:10:12 PM »
I wouldn't be too worried about Paddy's opinion on this one.  I recall a certain thread where the N-word was invoked...
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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2008, 07:19:03 PM »
It was inevitable that the cult of Multiculturalism would finally achieve its end: the breakdown of America into tribal enclaves.  Welcome to the New America.
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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2008, 03:25:28 AM »
Its certainly not about race.
Al Sharpton (D) has run for president.  As has Alan Keyes (R).  Neither were smooth talking enough to get any votes, much less a large population of black votes.
Obama is simply a pied piper.  Talks a great game about hope and change.  Some people refuse to support him because he's black.  Many refuse simply because they see through his smoke and mirrors, or that he's red, commie red, right to his bones.

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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2008, 05:17:13 AM »
Yes, It Is about Race

Rightwing talk radio has been emphasizing race, continuously, for months now.

Got any quotes to back up your lies?


Guess we know the answer to that...



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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2008, 05:40:16 AM »
For some stupid reason I was watching CNN a few weeks ago and they were asking Obama supporters why they were going to cast their vote for Obama. 4 out of the 6 people they asked were black. All four of them mentioned his race as a reason they were going to vote for him. 2 of those 4 had no other reasons..their opinion was based 100% on him being black. The remaining dummies they questioned could not specify any real reason why they were voting for him. Answers like "It's time for a change" were given. Or "I like his policies"...but then when asked which policies they liked, they were unable to specify. I think it's more about race to many people than anything else. A lot of people aren't even aware what the issues are or where their candidate stands on anything. Look at who is voting for whom, it's not just simply a coincidence. rolleyes

Al Sharpton and Alan Keyes weren't in the same category as Obama at all. Sharpton is a joke and Keyes never had enough support to begin with. Heck....Keyes has now left the Republican party altogether, calling the GOP a "sham". The media never liked him and let's face it, neither had a real chance. Obama does.

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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2008, 07:11:51 AM »
NPR is on all day here at the office.  I do not believe that I have heard on story on Barry that does not mention his race.
I do not smoke pot, wear Wookie suits, live in my mom's basement, collect unemployment checks or eat Cheetoes, therefore I am not a Ron Paul voter.


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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2008, 07:21:28 AM »
I still find it amusing that Obama's lack of total dominance was due to racist white men, yet he easily won in the racist Southern state of North Carolina.

I wonder what would happen if we got the black equivelent of Ronald Reagan and conservative white voters started voting for him in droves.  Would his success be due to "white guilt" or the strength of his candidacy? Wink


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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2008, 07:44:08 AM »
I have been unable to talk JC Watts into running for President. grin
I do not smoke pot, wear Wookie suits, live in my mom's basement, collect unemployment checks or eat Cheetoes, therefore I am not a Ron Paul voter.

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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2008, 08:06:33 AM »
Hannity and Limbaugh's continuing unending obsession with Rev Wright's church and the few anti white remarks he made are simply a back door method of exacerbating and promoting racial distrust.  They're pandering to whatever racism they can exploit in an overwhelmingly white audience.  That's why they fixate on that specific issue.

Yeah, I listen to rightwing talkradio-as long as I can stand it anymore.  It amounts to not much more than lies, halftruths and innuendos.  It's also full of contempt and hatred for anyone and everyone outside the narrow, shallow ideology adopted by these so called 'conservatives'.  I'm ashamed ever to have identified my self as such.


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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #19 on: May 08, 2008, 08:14:45 AM »
Hannity and Limbaugh's continuing unending obsession with Rev Wright's church and the few anti white remarks he made are simply a back door method of exacerbating and promoting racial distrust.  They're pandering to whatever racism they can exploit in an overwhelmingly white audience.  That's why they fixate on that specific issue.

Yeah, I listen to rightwing talkradio-as long as I can stand it anymore.  It amounts to not much more than lies, halftruths and innuendos.  It's also full of contempt and hatred for anyone and everyone outside the narrow, shallow ideology adopted by these so called 'conservatives'.  I'm ashamed ever to have identified my self as such.

So no concrete evidence, just your interpretation.

Frankly, the last time I heard them commenting on the Wright issue, it was all about his anti-American tirades (you know govt created AIDS, GD America, etc).  I'm not a frequent listener because I'm at work when Rush is on and Hannity really annoys me most of the time, but I haven't heard anything race related from them.  Unless criticizing anti-American comments is racist these days...

Much more Obama related race-baiting on NPR, including journalists outright accusing white Americans for racism because they didn't vote for Obama.  But that doesn't count because it didn't come from "right wing talk radio", right?


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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #20 on: May 08, 2008, 08:38:30 AM »
I think it's funny that you listen to NPR, but I don't, so can't comment on your remarks.

Look, there are any number of reasons Obama is not qualified to be POTUS.  But his relationship with Rev. Wright is not anywhere close to the top of the list.  To listen to Limbaugh/Hannity, you'd think that Obama is secretly a black supremacist who can't wait to become President so he and the Nation of Islam (or whoever) can persecute the white race.  It's ridiculous, but that's the constant inference coming from rightwing talk radio.  Can they fixate on something else?  Like Obama's complete lack of any foreign policy experience, any economic background, even any prior leadership experience.  He's an empty suit with no credentials to qualify him for corporate leadership, let alone POTUS. 

IOW, talk about who he IS, and IS NOT, and stop the fearmongering.  It's ludicrous and speaks volumes about the caliber of the rightwing talk radio audience.


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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #21 on: May 08, 2008, 08:55:01 AM »
Hannity and Limbaugh's continuing unending obsession with Rev Wright's church and the few anti white remarks he made are simply a back door method of exacerbating and promoting racial distrust.  They're pandering to whatever racism they can exploit in an overwhelmingly white audience.  That's why they fixate on that specific issue.

Yeah, I listen to rightwing talkradio-as long as I can stand it anymore.  It amounts to not much more than lies, halftruths and innuendos.  It's also full of contempt and hatred for anyone and everyone outside the narrow, shallow ideology adopted by these so called 'conservatives'.  I'm ashamed ever to have identified my self as such.

Of course they are, because its an issue:
Most white folk just want to get the hell over it.  So when a Politician comes along who's mentor is of the sort that can't let the race issue gives the Hannity's and Limburger's of the world alot of fodder.

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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #22 on: May 08, 2008, 08:55:37 AM »
Hannity and Limbaugh's continuing unending obsession with Rev Wright's church and the few anti white remarks he made are simply a back door method of exacerbating and promoting racial distrust.

Because Wright's "get whitey" rage doesn't have that effect, of course.


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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #23 on: May 08, 2008, 09:32:55 AM »
Hannity and Limbaugh's continuing unending obsession...are simply a back door method of exacerbating and promoting racial distrust.

Because Wright's "get whitey" rage doesn't have that effect, of course.
Right.  Wright's method is to use the front door and crap in the foyer.


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Re: Yes, It Is about Race
« Reply #24 on: May 08, 2008, 12:15:57 PM »
IOW, talk about who he IS,

So you DO want us to talk about Rev. Wright?  Huh?

BTW, you are no longer eligible to make charges of fear-mongering, as you engage in it far too much, yourself. 
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