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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #25 on: February 07, 2009, 01:59:07 PM »
I have over 2000 accrued unused sick leave hours even not contaminating people. I also have managed to be promoted several times and I get performance bonuses every year. Working efficiently is different from "getting into work". Lots of useless slackers "get into work" everyday.
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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #26 on: February 07, 2009, 03:23:47 PM »
I'm funny about calling in sick.

If I call in sick, that means someone else has to come in on their days off and do my work for me. Just doesn't sit right.

G.I. bug, flu, or similar, and I'm staying home. Head cold, I'll be at work.
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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #27 on: February 07, 2009, 03:41:56 PM »
I can work sick too.  But not 100%.  And I've done it plenty of times.

But when you work with a lot of other people (I don't) and you go in sick, you can make everything there work less than 100%.
So either you get one guy out or a lot of people going blargh.
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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #28 on: February 07, 2009, 04:10:34 PM »
"Lots of useless slackers "get into work" everyday."

I'm sorry, were you talking to me?  :laugh:

I'm really pissed right now. I was feeling pretty good. Went shooting with Mtnbkr, and was looking forward to spending the evening with Famiglia Mtnbkr. I think Mrs. Mtnbkr even make her kick ass strawberry cake.

Halfway through shooting, someone pulled the rug out from under me. I got home, had to walk Mason, and half way through the walk felt so drained that I didn't think I was going to get back to the house.

I'm not going to be dining with the Mtnbkr clan this evening. If I fall asleep there, Abby will take me out.
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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #29 on: February 07, 2009, 08:37:08 PM »
Every day I don't come to work unplanned equals roughly a day and three quarters of stuff that I have to catch up on, and fix.

Since my coworkers won't pick up the slack when I'm out, I'm coming in.
Especially since my company won't let me work from home.
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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #30 on: February 07, 2009, 09:18:55 PM »
We just had our Handbook revised because the Buckeye state has taken it upon itself to grant 7 PAID sick days to all of us.

The vacation schedule has now been changed to reflect this.

Half our crew was GIDDY about "7 MORE DAYS OFF WOOHOO!", which should give you an idea about how those slugs planned on using them.

Paid sick days are a dumb idea.


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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #31 on: February 07, 2009, 10:30:32 PM »
If I can still do my job at least at 50% and stay in my office, I'll come in....I hate leaving others to cover my caseload for too long.....

If I can't I'll stay at home until I know I'm over whatever bug laid me low....I've tried going in earlier and end up sicker than ever......

While I have needed to take a "mental health day" here or there, I don't abuse my sick leave.....that's what my overtime & annual leave are for....
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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #32 on: February 07, 2009, 11:03:25 PM »
Come on down to Arkansas...

No payee... (I suspect it is this way for lots of regular schmucks around the nation)

Too sick to work... tough *expletive deleted*it.

I hate being the guy to transmit or receive...but I have to have an income.

A woman has rights for times of pregnancy, yet I can be fired for being ill without a doctor's excuse and no money to see the bastard in the first place.

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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #33 on: February 07, 2009, 11:11:23 PM »
Well, pregnancy ain't a disease, nor is maternity leave quite so easy to scam. 

Not that I want government telling folks how to deal with all this stuff.  Just sayin'.
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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #34 on: February 07, 2009, 11:34:44 PM »
I will modify my position to say that it applies to my workplace, not all workplaces. Jobs at my work are separated enough that it's pretty rare that someone missing a day affects anyone's workload but their own. And as much as I may complain about some of my co-workers driving me crazy, almost all of us will end up doing some work if we're home sick, much the same that most of us are workaholics and end up having email exchanges and sending docs back and forth anywhere from 0500-midnight before or after we're at the workplace.

In fact some of us actually get more work done when we're out sick or telecomuting because we don't have office interruptions (which is one of the reasons I'm bugged when someone infectious drags themselves in when they don't need to). For me it's actually less stressful on my workload than taking vacation is. As someone else mentioned, coming back after a week of R&R, I often wish I didn't take it because I have that much more work to do to catch up for being gone, since I'm away from my computer and my work cell.
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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #35 on: February 07, 2009, 11:51:45 PM »
Well, pregnancy ain't a disease, nor is maternity leave quite so easy to scam.

Not that I want government telling folks how to deal with all this stuff.  Just sayin'.

My boss can't bring his pregnancy to work and infect me for nine months.

I used to work for Tyson and there were times when I would have quarantined some of those workers, and yet, there they were, on the line with someone's food.

Some people should have to stay home if they are really sick.  You've seen coworkers that you don't want to share oxygen with...and they aren't faking it.

I could go deeper than this, but I am about to go to bed...another day, eh?

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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #36 on: February 08, 2009, 12:12:25 AM »
If you're sick enough that you can only muster a 50% effort then you should only get 50% of your pay. Otherwise your effectively stealing money from your employer.

If I'm sick enough that I can't do my job to the best of my ability then I'm not going to work because I wouldn't be earning the money I'm being paid. If that means I lose money then so be it, I'm not going to take somebody's dime when I didn't earn it. 
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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #37 on: February 08, 2009, 12:22:25 AM »
If I'm actually sick (minor colds seem to skip me: I'm either dying, or fine), I'll call in.

And this caught my attention:

>If I fall asleep there, Abby will take me out<

Since when do you need to fall asleep? You being asleep just means less crying to start with... :neener:
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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #38 on: February 08, 2009, 01:37:41 AM »
We have a Paid-time-off pool, we can either use it for vacation or sick days. I'm one of the type that doesn't get sick much, but when I do I'm in bed for several days. I'm not going in to work when I feel like that for several reasons: I will not be remotely productive, I will infect co-workers, I will be even more miserable.
If my manager's attitude were like Skunkape's, I'd be looking for another job. I work to live, not the other way around. The quality of life for me and my family comes first, that includes spending time at home with my family. If that means I miss out on promotions because I'm not willing to put in 60 hour weeks, then it's a promotion I didn't want.

Edited to add: I think you're missing a third category, Skunkape. Those who don't look for excuses to not come into work, but aren't willing to make their lives miserable and overtly pander to their employer. I hold no illusions about my employer's loyalty to me. They'd lay me and my whole office off the minute it made financial sense. I don't fault them for that, but by the same token, I'm not investing more of my life in them than what makes sense. I do a good job and am well worth what I'm paid, but you won't see me putting in 60-hour weeks with any regularity.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2009, 01:52:51 AM by Marnoot »


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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #39 on: February 08, 2009, 09:27:55 AM »
The problem is that as workers we are caught in a trap.  Here is a conversation I've had with an HR manager in the past:

Me: "So, if I come to work sick I'm a bad employee because I'm spreading my germs around, making other sick."

Her:  "Yes."

Me: "But if I call in sick and stay home I'm perceived to be a slacker."

Her:  "Yes."
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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #40 on: February 08, 2009, 09:36:58 AM »
Alcohol hand sanitizer does an amazing job is cutting down bug transmissions biped to biped.  You may not be able to stop someone from coming into to work but you sure can limit their effect. 
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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #41 on: February 08, 2009, 09:54:47 AM »
We have an unusual (to my knowledge) sick/annual system.

Long term sick leave - can only be used after 7 consecutive days of absence. Accrues very slowly, and will not be paid out upon leaving the organization. For the most part, this is unused.

Short term sick leave - accrues at 2 hours per pay period. Once a year, it is reduced to 24 hours and the remainder is rolled into either annual or cashed out. Paid out upon leaving.

Annual - accrues at a rate determined by length of employment. Cannot exceed 480 hours. May cash out anything over 240 hours once a year. Also paid out upon leaving.

I love when the cash-out period rolls around. I end up with an extra paycheck. =D
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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #42 on: February 08, 2009, 10:33:13 AM »
When I worked for the FAA we had two types.  Some would stay home with eye trouble (eye can't see coming to work today...) and some would come in even on their death beds......The second type were often called Patient Zero all day long, as we used shared work stations and it was inevitable that they would infect several of their coworkers. 
A good bug would blast though the TRACON like Herpes at a swingers party.

The latter group was usually older, and saving up for "terminal" finding a way to get their medical pulled about 30 days from retirement.....

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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #43 on: February 08, 2009, 01:19:27 PM »
Some would stay home with eye trouble (eye can't see coming to work today...)
We call that anal-glaucoma... "I can't see my ass coming to work today."  =D

My company also uses the PTO system, which works well enough, but the FAA certainly encourages us to not work when we are ill.  I absolutely will not work with a head cold; it's too easy to blow-out an eardrum.
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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #44 on: February 08, 2009, 01:49:23 PM »
I'm really pissed right now. I was feeling pretty good. Went shooting with Mtnbkr, and was looking forward to spending the evening with Famiglia Mtnbkr. I think Mrs. Mtnbkr even make her kick ass strawberry cake.

Wifey surprised me with a yummy mushroom and blue cheese sauce for the steak.  We had talked about it, but I never got around to getting the ingredients for it.   We had bacon wrapped fingerling 'taters and beans as well.  Of course there was strawberry cake for desert.  Yum.  Me=fat, dumb, and happy.



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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #45 on: February 08, 2009, 02:00:02 PM »
HA!  This is actually a subject that helped my decision to move out of restaurants and into academia.  I've worked as a cook in far too many places that don't even allow people to call in sick.  This is usually due to short-staffing, or not wanting to pay overtime.  I've had days where I called in sick, was told "Too bad, you're working or you're fired." and had to cook eggs at one end of the line, run down to the other end to throw up, and run back to flip my eggs before they burnt. 

In my experience, this is extremely typical of the restaurant business, and I personally got really sick and tired of it, so I quit, and haven't looked back.  Benefits of being a scientist are better than the benefits of cooking anyways. 

Because of things like this, I rarely call in sick to work.  I feel like I should be getting in trouble. :|
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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #46 on: February 08, 2009, 03:31:22 PM »
Then there is the military where all this is moot because you have to come to work in order to be declared too sick to come to work. I think I had 2 days of bed-rest in 14 years, not counting my free post-op vacation after I ruined my lower leg. The most memorable was my one EARNED sick day off in boot camp. It was decreed I wasn't sick yet because medical hadn't said so. In light of that I better be running on my way to medical! Ever run a mile with bronchitis and the flu? I walked back real slow with my sick kid tag, crawled in bed and stayed there. 
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I'm so contrarian that I didn't respond to the thread.


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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #47 on: February 08, 2009, 03:42:34 PM »

I'm a manager at the place I work, and for the past 4 months or so everyone has had colds, flu, coughs etc. I'm beginning to suspect the Air-Con has Legionnaires disease, black mold, or someones kids bringing home god knows what from school, and infecting everyone.

I've ordered some of my people out of the place, we can all work remotely anyway, so they need not bring their bacterial or virus laden butts to work.

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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #48 on: February 08, 2009, 06:28:01 PM »
Welcome here, Gungnir


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Re: Justified or not? Killing coworkers who think that...
« Reply #49 on: February 08, 2009, 06:49:36 PM »
If you're sick enough that you can only muster a 50% effort then you should only get 50% of your pay. Otherwise your effectively stealing money from your employer.

If I'm sick enough that I can't do my job to the best of my ability then I'm not going to work because I wouldn't be earning the money I'm being paid. If that means I lose money then so be it, I'm not going to take somebody's dime when I didn't earn it. 

I guess that means if you take a paid sick day, you're stealing 100% of it? Doesn't make much sense to me. I know in my case, the 50% is more than enough to get the job done. Sad to say, but I could do it in my sleep (and have). If I called in, somebody would be getting time and a half to cover for me, and I'd probably have to go back and fix it again when I returned to work. So I work, if I'm physically able. Customer is happy, company is happy. The only unhappy guy, is me.