Yep, he has a huge anti-colonial anti-western civilization chip on his shoulder based off his father's beliefs (read Dreams of my Father, it's all there...) and his experiences as an American ex-pat with his mother and step-father in Indonesia. He was the "rich American" to all of his peers there and his step-father's position with the oil company, OTOH, because of his native step-father the Soweto/Obama family was not in the top tier of the foreign ex-pats and oil executives.
And historically speaking, if you think western civ. and colonialism is the worst scourge the world has seen, hating the English more than he hates the U.S. would be consistent.
Thank God the man's unique family background, and integration as the token minority which allowed him to coast through leftist academia and then Chicago politics means he's largely a dilettantish lightweight. Someone with his belief set AND was nominally competent would be a nightmare.