Author Topic: The "shot across the bow" from the wife  (Read 4717 times)


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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« on: April 17, 2006, 08:56:02 PM »
Any guy who's been married for more than a year knows what "husband points" are.

For those still awash in freedom, your "husband point" account is much like a bank account. It begins on the day you're married. You begin with zero points. Take her out for a fabulous dinner, or dancing on the town, and you've accumulated points. Stare at an attractive female, and you've lost points.

Unlike a bank account, though, you never know what your balance is. You don't know if you're in the black or in the red. There's no 800 number you can call to check on your balance. You have no idea where you stand.

Until you get the signal. It can be as subtle as her checking the direction of your eyeballs when an attractive young lady passes by.

Or it can be as blatant as her cutting off your privates while you're asleep.

For most of us guys, though, the reality is somewhere in between.

Over the past many years, I've done what I thought would accrue husband points, and big-time. I cut, welded and hammered out rusty metal sculptures for her garden--the kind that sell for $300 or more at fancy-schmancy art fairs.

Back in early 1999, I secretly booked three (or was it five?) nights in a nice hotel in the French Quarter of New Orleans--the city of her heart, a city we visit as often as possible. We celebrated the 2000 New Year on the banks of the Mississippi, and that was another surprise that should have earned me "husband points."

I completely surprised her on Christmas Eve 2002 with the car of her dreams--a new 2003 PT Cruiser (thank God she has pedestrian tastes, as do I).

So, I should have a decent positive account balance, right?


Two nights ago we got to talking about everything in our lives.

And then it came out: if she ever gets any amount of money, she's outta here.

Talk about gut-punches.

To what do I owe this enormous "husband point" deficit?

Well, one factor is that I'm very selfish with my time. She has a very good and valid point there. I give, but not usually time.

The other factor is that I put in many, many hours for the Wisconsin Concealed Carry Association (WCCA), as well as the political action committees, and other related activities.

And it's the WCCA stuff that she has a particular problem with. Not because she disagrees with the cause--she's all for it--but she resents the fact that I'll tell her I'm too tired to go out to dinner, but then will get up early to head to the Capitol. Or I'll drive out on Friday to La Crosse or Eau Claire or Shawano or other remote locales, and won't get back until Sunday evening. Or I'll spend an entire weekend crafting a flyer, email or other communication to those on our email list.

On June 11th, we'll have been married for 29 years. June 12th will be the 38th anniversary of the day we first met--the day I absolutely knew I'd found my partner for life.

So, for anyone--especially the ladies on this forum--how do I deal with this deap-seated anger, and my loss of "husband points?"

Guys, I thought I had a "husband points surplus" to last me ten years.

The longer I live, the less I know.


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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2006, 09:19:49 PM »
Quote from: Monkeyleg
..So, for anyone--especially the ladies on this forum--how do I deal with this deap-seated anger, and my loss of "husband points?"

Guys, I thought I had a "husband points surplus" to last me ten years.

The longer I live, the less I know.
I don't really have advice for you, except to say that I doubt that the issue is with what you have or haven't done. The gut punch could be a great deal worse. You might be finding out about these issues with tears running down your face watching her pack the car to move in with her boyfriend.  Your wife has more character than a lot of displeased spouses (of either sex).  I wish you the best of luck, and will remember you in my prayers.
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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2006, 01:44:21 AM »
There's also the possibility you caught her on a bad day. Hell, there's days when if I came across a significant amount of money *I'd* be out of here, and I'm single!

Try again in a week or so. Maybe she was just blowing off steam.


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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2006, 02:37:22 AM »
I'm sorry Monkeyleg because I've read a bit about your love for your wife and some of what you've gone through with her.
I'm no expert on marriage or relationships, having avoided the former and with no interest in the latter. However, here are my thoughts based upon my own observations:
Talk to her, ask questions and LISTEN.
Who is that person you married? Not the girl you were attracted to, not the woman you fell in love with, but who is she right now? What does she do while you're away? Who are her friends? What's important to her? Why is she so unhappy?
I've seen it far too many times where people will go on and on talking to or talking at the person in their lives about what they find important, but will discount what the other party is interested in.
I've seen it far too many times where people will bottle up their anger and resentment for fear of how the person in their lives would react if they knew what they really thought or how they truly felt.
So one party thinks the relationship is hunky-dory while there's a snake pit of bad feelings growing inside of the other. And then it breaks loose.
Judging strictly from what you wrote, I'd say you committed the cardinal sin of putting her on the back burner. No one likes being made to feel like that. Less than. Reduced to being a simple support mechanism for the other party.
Another relationship error is to have incompatible value/assessment systems.  
You might've thought you were doing fine because of what you DO (dinners, vacations, new car), while she could be judging you on what you ARE (too busy, too tired).
Your "husband points" are based upon what you thought you were doing right, not her. And she's the one holding the account.
Although I like the formulaic concept of "points," life & relationships don't work that way.
I do wish you all the luck in working things out.
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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2006, 03:57:23 AM »
Husband points have an expiration date.  Do things frequently, in smaller amounts.  My wife and I had a similar discussion about 9 years ago.  Seems like she had forgotten how important she was to me, probably from me not telling her.  I won't let her forget again.



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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2006, 04:20:05 AM »
I can heartily recommend "Pathways Lifestyle Management".  I am a proud graduate of Class 227 - my fiance was in class 226.  It was started by Dr. Phil -

It saved my relationship.  ONe word of advice - DO NOT both go in the same class.
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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2006, 04:25:15 AM »

I'm sorry to hear that you're in this position, but I have to second what Stand_watie said; you're in a heck of a lot better position right now than you could have been;  at least now you know where you stand.  You found out that (whether it's fair or not) your account was overdrawn before some other guy came along to repo your wife.  So to speak.

But I don't necessarily think it's about "Husband Points" as much as I think it's about goals.

Excerpted from a (much) longer post I wrote on this basic subject on my home Grove forums:
So it is with relationships as well; if the two partners have incompatible goals, but insist on remaining together, the resources of the relationship will be spent pulling in opposite directions, and one of two things will happen: One partner will win the tug of war, thus causing the other partner to fail to reach his or her goal; or neither partner will win, and, therefore, both lose.

If one loses, there's resentment, and jealousy, and bitterness. If both lose, there's all of that plus assignment of blame. Either way, the relationship falls apart.

There's a simple question you can ask yourself: "Are my partner's goals compatible with my own?" If the answer is yes, then the relationship will likely not suffer this kind of stress. If the answer is "no" or "I don't know", then there's some conversation, honest conversation, that needs to be done.
It sounds to me like the goals that you and your wife have (or maybe just the ones you're focusing on) are pulling in different directions.  Maybe that's what you and she need to discuss...

Just a thought, and worth exactly what you paid for it.

Good luck.
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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2006, 04:41:12 AM »
Husband points have an expiration date.  Do things frequently, in smaller amounts.
Very true!

"Yeah, but what have you done for me today." is the way humans (not just women) work.  You may have done some wonderful things for her in years past, but the distance you create in the intervening time taxes those points away - faster than you'd think.  Little things - I mean, tiny little things like a short note planted where she'll find it while you're gone - done with greater frequency help maintain your account in a way that one or two major things a year just can't do.  Also, compliments, sincere appreciation and a little bit of time are sometimes more valuable to a relationship than a car or a little metal doohicky for the garden.

If you've decided one of your goals is more important than your marriage, your wife may decide to put the marriage behind one of her goals too.

It's a wakeup call and a rough one, but as others have said - it could have been a whole lot worse.

w turner

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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2006, 05:07:32 AM »
Like another poster responded, you have committed the cardinal sin of putting your wife on the back burner.  You have pretty much told her that she is not as important to you as the WCCA or the flyer you're working on all weekend.  If you keep telling her this long enough, she will eventually find someone who will put her first.  Buying things is a nice gesture, but women need intimacy, and intimacy only comes with time.  It's not for sale on a car lot, at a travel agency, or at Wal-Mart.  You have to build it and learn it.  

There is a great book my wife and I are reading right now.  It's called "Captivating" and it really shows a great picture of what most women really need and want out of a relationship.  The Amazon link to it is below.  It's a little touchy feely and some of the references are scripturally based, but even if you look past the religious stuff, it offers a good perspective on the female psyche.

If you don't want to fix things with your wife, keep doing what you're doing.  If you want to fix you are going to have to make the decision to put her first and to let her you know that she is first by your actions, not by the things you buy for her.


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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2006, 08:34:09 AM »
Quote from: Barabara
Hell, there's days when if I came across a significant amount of money *I'd* be out of here, and I'm single!
That's pretty much everyday for me.

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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2006, 09:00:53 AM »
Husband points last as long as you are in the direct line of sight or hearing, then they go in the negative direction.
My Wife comes first...

Phantom Warrior

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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2006, 09:04:11 AM »
Well, being chronically single, I'm not the best person to dispense advice.  But there are two things that I immediately thought of.  They've already been mentioned, so I'll just summarize.

1.  What have you done lately?  You have done a great deal of nice things to her in the past.  But it sounds like your wife feels like you haven't done much to let her know you appreciate her LATELY.  My parents make a point to go out together every couple of weeks just to spend some time together.  Thta has always seemed to work well for them.

2.  TIME!  I read an interesting book a while back with the premise that there are five basic ways to express love: physical touch, kind words, quality time, gifts, and...I forget the fifth.  (The book is here if you are interested.)  And different people have different "love languages."  You may be speaking a different language than your spouse.  The point is basically what everyone has been saying. gifts may mean a great deal to you, but your wife may feel like your time speaks louder.

I hope these thoughts are helpful.


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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2006, 09:11:15 AM »
PW, my wife and I read that book back when we got married (was a wedding gift).  Good book...


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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2006, 09:21:37 AM »
My ex refused to acknowledge the ability to earn, or even the existence, of husband points, but absolutely demanded that she get wife points for simply breathing.

In the single counseling session we had after she told me she wanted a divorce she dredged up amazingly inconsequential stuff that had happened years before. It made me realize that she was incapable of letting anything go, but was very capable about lying about letting things go.
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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2006, 11:23:51 AM »
Thanks for the advice, everyone.

My wife's statement may have been, as one poster suggested, simply the result of a bad mood that evening. When I asked her later if she'd really leave me, she more or less shrugged off what she'd said, and jokingly replied that I'd know where to find her (meaning New Orleans).

Whether she meant it or not, though, I'd better take it seriously and start giving her some of my time.

Mike Irwin: "she told me she wanted a divorce she dredged up amazingly inconsequential stuff that had happened years before."

Tell me about it. Back in 1995, I rode my motorcycle from Knoxville, TN back to Milwaukee in a very cold rain. I was braindead when I got home.

And I suggested to my wife that she lose some weight...

That one still comes up every year or two.


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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2006, 11:38:36 AM »

Well, dude..there's no statue of limitations on that one, so you'll be hearing about it for 30 years, minimum.

As far as the other stuff, we all have bad days and say grumpy things..still, if she said, its nagging at the back of her mind, so take it seriously.


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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2006, 12:51:34 PM »
>And I suggested to my wife that she lose some weight...

That one still comes up every year or two.<

Good gods, you got off easy. If I came with something like that, and Spoon took it wrong, I'd be recieving lead therapy!

 Silly idea: have you tried involving her in small ways with what you do? Not talking about working a show, or anything like that, but maybe bring her to one of the dinners? You were stag at every Fendry dinner I went to, and that just MIGHT relieve some of the tension (Spoon'll be at the Ayoob dinner with me: she'd have at least one lady to talk to!). That's what keeps Spoon and I from drifting due to interests: we're each involved in the other's activities...


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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2006, 01:35:53 PM »
Yeah, Barbara, I really stepped in it with that one. Bear in mind, though, that I made the comment after riding some ten or eleven hours in a cold rain with no faring or windshield. When I got home, I felt like I'd drank a case of beer (never drank a case of beer, but I'd imagine that's what it feels like).

I also made her what I thought was an attractive offer: she wouldn't have to hold down a job. I'd book in more work for myself, and she could have time to spend at the gym and do whatever else she liked. Seemed like a good idea, at least in my then-dead brain.

Hunter Rose, Debbie has a minor interest in guns, but no interest in gun politics, banquets, or anything like that. She wants to go shooting soon, but when she gets a day off where she has the time, she just wants to lie around and relax. Can't say that I blame her. Between her job and the work she does around the house and all the running around she does, she deserves every do-nothing day she can get.

One of the oddities of our marriage is that we have few interests in common. In fact, just off the top of my head I can only think of two: cooking (Cajun and Mexican) and New Orleans.

But it's always been that way. It's that way with my parents as well, and they've been happily married for 69 years this August.

After reading this post, I think it's about time I took her out for dinner and then drinks at a blues club.

Standing Wolf

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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2006, 01:52:00 PM »
My kitty informed me this morning she's reported me to the Great Cat for not serving scallops often enough. Earthquakes, fires, floods, and tornadoes to follow P.D.Q., I'm assured.
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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2006, 02:00:53 PM »
Standing Wolf: ?


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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2006, 02:50:26 PM »
Read the book Men are from mars women are from venus
then read it again.
women work differently.
The thing, the gift counts the same no matter how big or small.
A little love note with a post it counts the same as buying a car.  I swear, I know this is alien to your man thinking (i.e. logical normal thinking. :-) ) but it's true.
Leave little notes here and there.  Cards at a 1.50 do wonders
Leave messages on the phone.
These all generate the same amount of points as buying a car.
Crazy but true.

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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2006, 03:43:37 PM »

     Your wife should be your passion.

     CCW should be something that you do.

Sounds like you had 'em a little backwards, but I think you just caught on.

Oh, and there is no such thing as husband points.  0 is the highest you can go.  Every point after that has a minus in front of it.  Tongue
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Art Eatman

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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2006, 03:48:58 PM »
Some little thing every week is a helluva lot better than one big deal every year or two.

Un-Day presents work wonders.  Un-birthday.  Un-Christmas.  "Just 'cause it's you." stuff.

She's not interested in your gun-politics.  Fine.  Shut up about it.  My wife thinks shooting is fun, but she's uninterested in the internet or gun politics, so other than LawDog tales, I don't talk about it much.

And listen to her when she gets into what interests her.  I know a lot about my wife's business (she's retired, now) and while it's no burning big deal to me, I don't mind being a sounding board and tossing out the occasional idea.

But, regardless, and you can quote me:  Marriage ain't 50/50.  It's 100/100.

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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2006, 04:12:21 PM »
>Hunter Rose, Debbie has a minor interest in guns, but no interest in gun politics, banquets, or anything like that. She wants to go shooting soon, but when she gets a day off where she has the time, she just wants to lie around and relax. Can't say that I blame her. Between her job and the work she does around the house and all the running around she does, she deserves every do-nothing day she can get.<

Wasn't suggesting you ask her to help, just ask if she'd like to attend: it IS gonna be a decent dinner, right? Heck... tell her you have a couple friends that want to meet her ('cause Spoon and I WOULD like to, ya know)...

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The "shot across the bow" from the wife
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2006, 05:11:59 PM »
I'm praying for y'all, Dick.

Mine told me the other night at this point we don't have a relationship, we have an 'arrangement'.  That can't be good.