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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #125 on: October 31, 2012, 09:52:45 PM »
I caught it, and did you know Tom T. Hall wrote that one?

I did not know that.  But that makes sense; as far as I know JCR was not a songwriter, and someone had to write it. If Dolly or Loretta had written it (and who else, June Carter?), they would have recorded it first.
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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #126 on: October 31, 2012, 09:59:14 PM »
I caught it, and did you know Tom T. Hall wrote that one?

Of course I knew that  =)
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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #127 on: November 01, 2012, 06:27:19 PM »

I got to hand it to you, man. A real tour de force. Let me see if I can keep up.

I tend to try to get everything responded to at once. That sometimes results in long posts.

Um, this is one school system here. They're not in charge of teachers "in various locations in this country." Unless there is some incompetent or abusive teacher in her district that they know about and haven't dismissed, those other teachers aren't relevant.

Guilty of generalizing to some extent, I suppose - but this is so much LESS of a problem than so many things that could occur in the realm of teaching that it boggles my mind that it's even an issue.

The "so what" is in the article that you quoted:

You can claim that "they just got the creepy-crawlies," but they have given a much different reason. They say it would be a distraction. You may doubt that, but that is only speculation by someone far removed from the situation. (Unless you live there, maybe?)

It's a distraction, largely, because they MADE it one. They have no right to make a problem and then fire her because of that problem of their own creation. And when you send out a letter to the entire district saying, "Tell your kids not to look up their teacher's sex films," what do you REALLY think is going to happen? :facepalm:

And when they base {ALMOST} their entire argument around the fact that she used to do porn? I kinda have to believe that that's their real overriding issue.

Because it isn't. The fact that something bad happens does not make it a punishment. Punishment implies that someone is being brought to justice, or is being taught a lesson. This lady (rightly or wrongly) is just being let go, by an organization that no longer feels she is an asset.

As I think I said, I might not have all the information - I'm going on what I've read in several articles. But I recall reading *ONE* allegation that she lied on her resume, which she may or may not have actually done (and I *KNOW* I stated that if she did in fact put down a lie on her application, as opposed to merely omitting stuff she might have seen as irrelevant, she almost certainly doesn't have any grounds for complaint), and the district apparently does NOT have any sort of BS "moral turptitude" clause in their contracts, I don't see that they ought to be ABLE to fire her for having done porn.

Although, FWIW, she did work in porn while holding a previous teaching job.

Yup. I think that's the article where I got that she decided that she'd enjoyed it. And I don't especially think that THAT was wrong of her, either.

According to the articles in huffpo, the students did the original "tattling."

Misread that one, then. I did, I mean, I'd thought it was other teachers coming forward with the links. I don't believe it really changes things at all, myself.

That right there could be evidence that her private life is affecting student education. (It could be. Might not be. You and I don't know.) And what planet do you live on, if you think the administration had any choice but to inform parents?

Been a lifelong resident and native of Sol III, thanks for asking.

Did they feel it necessary to inform the parents of other teachers' former jobs? That John had been in the military, Jesse drove a garbage truck, Sara worked at the local bar?

No? Hmmm...

In the most litigious society on Earth? And you blame the school for the fact that the students found out? The students were the ones that told the admins. If any of the kids found out from the letters that went out to their parents, sounds like the parents are to blame for that one.

Oh, I'll agree substantially with that - though you might be surprised at what kids will find out, perhaps, even when their parents fondly imagine they're being stealthy and crafty about keeping secrets. But if you think something might be a distraction issue, the way to keep it from becoming one is NOT to send out letters to every family in the county.
??? They ARE claiming that she lied. They are also claiming that her past is a distraction. So...???

From the information that's come out, they don't have a leg to stand on, and yet again, if her past is a mass distraction, it's because THEY MADE IT SO.

Again, just speculation on your part. Those on the scene say otherwise.

No argument is being made that she is incompetent; the district is responsible for having made this into a major distraction issue and thus has no right to use that against her. I maintain that my original statement was and is correct.

Below is a collection of beliefs you accuse me of holding.

Not guilty of saying or thinking those things.  =|

Fair enough - I've been taking your statements as being morally-disapproving and judgmental. If they were not intended that way, you have my apologies.

I don't think sex is icky, either. I know about sex. I have done it before.

Where's that Orson Welles clapping gif...  =D

Porn is harmful, and many people disapprove of it for good and valid reasons. Failed analogy is failed.

Disagree.  CAN it be harmful? Of course, in many different ways. Of course, that applies to basically anything and everything else in the world, as well. Pornography is not, in and of itself, inherently harmful or something which violates anyone's rights. Her having done porn, so long as she did so of her own free will, harmed *NO ONE*.

Correction - people can and do disapprove of it for good and valid reasons, I'll agree with THAT part. But even there, their own "good and valid reasons" may or may not be good and valid for others, and they cannot be permitted to FORCE those "good and valid reasons" on others. If they have personal issues with it, they can remove themselves from the field without harming anyone else.
I can't help but read that in an Al Gore voice. :laugh:  No one's saying she shouldn't be forgiven, or that she can't be redeemed. But forgiveness is not a magic wand that does away with consequences, at least not on this earthly plain. And no one's saying that she can't have a good job somewhere. She's just made it difficult for herself. Besides, forgiveness is a function of individuals; not school districts; certainly not government schools. The individuals in charge can forgive her; the parents can forgive her; but that doesn't necessarily mean they should pay her to teach their children. That whole distraction thing, and the honesty thing, again. These are their kids, you know?

And her past job has *NO BEARING* either way on her ability to teach their kids. But the district - as embodied by the individuals in question - is seeking to destroy her livelihood over something which is irrelevant to her performance as a teacher. 

Once again, I stand on my earlier statement here. Those moralizing about how she's unfit to teach their kids should, IMO, do a little soul-searching and act a little more in accordance with the religion they're using as justification for their position.

There's a reason why American families don't sit down together and watch Polly Does Plymouth Colony, every Thanksgiving. It's because we think sex is icky and wrong. What else could it be?

Might be because it doesn't have much to do with the holiday?

Of course, neither does football - but I don't watch that either.

Trying to argue that we as a people AREN'T still prudish? There's a weird dichotomy at work here in which it (hypersexualized behavior) is so popular BECAUSE we regard it as naughty and dirty. Do you think we'd be as fascinated by it as we are if it were more matter-of-fact? I really don't think so.

I mean, look at this thread for an example!

{Edited to fix quote tags}
« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 03:58:19 AM by erictank »

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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #128 on: November 01, 2012, 09:42:49 PM »
It's a distraction, largely, because they MADE it one. They have no right to make a problem and then fire her because of that problem of their own creation. And when you send out a letter to the entire district saying, "Tell your kids not to look up their teacher's sex films," what do you REALLY think is going to happen?

You seem to be speculating about a scenario in which there was not a problem at the school until these letters went out. You seem to further speculate that the letters were responsible for students finding out about the issue. Maybe it happened that way. Maybe not. And since you agreed that the school had to inform the parents, then why do you blame the school for causing a distraction?

The fact that students were viewing their teacher's porn videos on the internet, and then telling adults about it, may indicate that there was already a problem. The fact that teachers decided they should prove the students' point by looking up the videos on their smart phones may indicate that the teachers were just "prudes," or that they didn't like Ms. Halas. But maybe it means that they found it to be a problem and/or distraction as well, and thought it needed to be discussed.

If you're right, and this was all stirred up by the parents finding out about it, then it only shows that the school is responsive to the input of the parents to which it should be ultimately accountable. You are being one of those people that disregards parents' judgment, thinking that you know how to take care of their children better than they do.

No argument is being made that she is incompetent;

That is one of the main arguments being advanced. If her past choices are too much of a distraction, and the school thinks it is, then she is not competent. She is not able to do her job. But, of course, you won't accept that that could actually be the case. For you, it has to be puritanical zealotry at work. Oh the noes!

Those moralizing about how she's unfit to teach their kids should, IMO, do a little soul-searching and act a little more in accordance with the religion they're using as justification for their position.

You think people have to be religious to not want their kids watching their teacher do porn?  ???

Besides, the idea of forgiveness is not just something you get to guilt people with, when you don't agree with their value judgments. It's easy to say that others should forgive, when you were never offended in the first place. And when your children aren't involved.

And as I already explained, forgiveness is not a magic wand that takes away any consequences a person may face in life. Nor does it mean that you pretend nothing happened. You can forgive a person for, say, making fun of a retarded child. But it doesn't mean you recommend him, if your retarded-child-having friends are looking for a baby-sitter. Does that mean you're punishing the guy?
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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #129 on: November 01, 2012, 11:53:14 PM »
. You are being one of those people that disregards parents' judgment, thinking that you know how to take care of their children better than they do.

Decisions have consequences, remember?

The consequences of people making silly decisions is that they get mocked on the Internet.
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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #130 on: November 01, 2012, 11:56:11 PM »


You are obligated to mock people whom you consider "silly."
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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #131 on: November 02, 2012, 12:54:03 AM »
Decisions have consequences, remember?

The consequences of people making silly decisions is that they get mocked on the Internet.

Weak.  :P

It was obviously not mockery I was talking about (don't know what the parents can be mocked for, in this case), but the attitude that schools don't input from parents, and that govt. institutions are more competent to make important decisions about children's education.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 01:48:33 AM by fistful »
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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #132 on: November 02, 2012, 01:06:32 AM »

You are obligated to mock people whom you consider "silly."

Yes, this comes with my Internet connection.
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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #133 on: November 02, 2012, 11:52:12 PM »
As far as I can see, that could only be when a person claims experience/education/etc that one does not have.

But what do I know  :facepalm:  Maybe she sucks as a teacher, too  :lol:

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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #134 on: January 16, 2013, 06:41:59 PM »
Snohomish County, WA  USA

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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #135 on: January 16, 2013, 06:50:39 PM »

The courts have spoken.  She does not get her job back.

I hope she appeals.

As I said before, eventually you'll have an entire generation with "young, dumb and internet proof", so I don't much see the point of going after her.
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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #136 on: January 16, 2013, 07:23:41 PM »
What a dumb reason to put someone out of a livelihood. 

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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #137 on: January 16, 2013, 10:31:25 PM »
What a dumb reason to put someone out of a livelihood. 

What is this weird feeling...I absolutely agree with de selby

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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #138 on: January 16, 2013, 10:37:24 PM »
What is this weird feeling...I absolutely agree with de selby

 =D. Simultaneous intellectual...
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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #139 on: January 16, 2013, 10:38:15 PM »
What is this weird feeling...I absolutely agree with de selby

Wow, me too.  Must be contagious.


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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #140 on: January 16, 2013, 10:39:57 PM »
She should have become a minister south of DFW instead of a teacher. 


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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #141 on: January 16, 2013, 10:49:03 PM »
What a dumb reason to put someone out of a livelihood. 

I agree, too. She should have thought twice about doing something that dumb before she put her future at risk.

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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #142 on: January 16, 2013, 10:51:24 PM »

I agree, too. She should have thought twice about doing something that dumb before she put her future at risk.


Maybe she didn't think it was the biggest deal on the planet - just like many libertarians.

Religious and conservative types are supposed to help people out of joblessness, not put them into it because they once got naked on film.
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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #143 on: January 16, 2013, 10:52:50 PM »

I agree, too. She should have thought twice about doing something that dumb before she put her future at risk.


Finding employment that pays extreamly well, for a limited amount of relativly undemanding work with plenty of perks is dumb?
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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #144 on: January 16, 2013, 10:55:31 PM »
Finding employment that pays extreamly well, for a limited amount of relativly undemanding work with plenty of perks is dumb?

You don't get it - she's supposed to take account of everyone else's hang-ups about sex. 

How dare she not plan her life as if other people's religious views would someday determine her paycheck!
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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #145 on: January 16, 2013, 10:58:23 PM »
You don't get it - she's supposed to take account of everyone else's hang-ups about sex. 

How dare she not plan her life as if other people's religious views would someday determine her paycheck!

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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #146 on: January 16, 2013, 11:05:00 PM »
How odd that parents want those that teach their children to share similar values, or at least respect them enough to not flaunt indiscretions in their faces.

For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity, that they may be without excuse. Because knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, and didn’t give thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #147 on: January 16, 2013, 11:10:35 PM »
 :laugh: indeed, liz.

Cause only people who read the Bible for a living would be bothered by her past life. People who only go to church for Easter are just thrilled that their kids' teacher used to pleasure dudes for money.

Maybe she didn't think it was the biggest deal on the planet - just like many libertarians.

If she's a libertarian, she understands that other people disapproving of her choices is not the biggest deal on the planet, and not really something she has any grounds to complain about.
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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #148 on: January 16, 2013, 11:23:34 PM »
How odd that parents want those that teach their children to share similar values, or at least respect them enough to not flaunt indiscretions in their faces.

Values like what exactly?

Forgiveness for past sins?

Oh, wait, not that one. That doesn't work if you've had sex outside of marriage, right?
I guess God forgot to tell that one to Jesus, because he sure wouldn't have been friends with that Magdiline chick.
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Re: Fired for working in the adult film industry in the past
« Reply #149 on: January 16, 2013, 11:33:19 PM »
Finding employment that pays extreamly well, for a limited amount of relativly undemanding work with plenty of perks is dumb?

Well, in college many years/pounds ago I managed to think through an offer to work as an escort for older professional ladies desiring public male companionship.  I figured it might not look too good on a resume or a background check, even if I didn't get to know them in a Bibilcal fashion.  I managed to do this as a functional agnostic.

Just because you can do something doesn't mean you ought to.  Also, "easy money" might have strings attached or leave an unpleasant residue on your fingers.  Money earned the hard way may leave you stinky & sweaty, but that washes off in the shower purty quick.


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