>Propensity of those who practice male homosexuality to also practice pedophilia, going by measurable actions, is roughly 8x-9x relative to those who practice heterosexuality.<
(1) Bullscat. Pure, unadulterated bullscat.
(2) Pedophiles tend to appear more heterosexual to the outside world than homosexual. (3) Like rape, pedophilia is more about the power over their victim, than the sex. (4)And young boys are FAR less likely to report being touched by a man than young girls
Sorry Strings, but your post is fit to burst with failure in every sentence. And your last sentence buttresses my point.
(1) Not bullscat, just numeracy WRT measurable actions. I've run the numbers before if you want to search for them. ~8-9X, depending on which year's FBI crime stats and proportion of the population is homosexual you use. Based on reported/convicted crime stats. IOW, folks' actions. Life has a math component, even if one is unable or unwilling to cypher.
(2) See, here is one of the most serious problems with your post.
You count appearances and what people say as more authoritative than what people do. This is the thing:
People lie. They also hide their preferences and actions from others for fear of being caught outside the herd. People are so willing to lie and fear being caught, they will lie on
anonymous surveys. Marketing folk and economists have been driven nuts by this for years. For instance: "WTH can we not sell the brown cars? The surveys say brown is the Xth favorite color, we build cars in proportion to what folks say they like, yet we always end up with extra brown cars on the lot we have to discount to move," or some such. Then, some bright guy figured, "Why don't we stop the surveys and just record peoples real-life choices?" The preference that folk choose when they think no one is watching is what economists call
revealed preference. When hypothetical Coach Macho D. Masculine, who married a cheerleader out of college, is caught buggering one of the boys on his team, his revealed preference is homosexual pedophilia.
(3) The banality is strong in this one. Does it matter if it is power or sexual desire? I don't think it matters much to the raped child. Besides, discounting sex as a drive is to discount one of the most powerful human drives. People like to get off. People generally seek to experience pleasure and avoid pain. Given that the majority of rapists are not that swift, discounting simple sexual pleasure and assuming a more complex motivation is unwise.
Also oozing of failure is the inability or unwillingness to categorize. Male/female, child/adult. These are not mutually exclusive categories. When an adult male has sex with a boy, it is homosexual pedophilia. When an adult male has sex with a girl, it is heterosexual pedophilia. You can work out the rest of the matrix I am sure.
Homosexuality is not some pure state of being set apart from all the other complex human behaviors. "It is not POSSIBLE for a homosexual to be a pedophile! Because: homosexual!" Yes, our society has degraded to the point where we have replaced the magic negro* with the hallowed homosexual and made made homosexual congress a secular sacrament. Those still able to reason do not have to go along with the damnfoolery.
(4) Thanks for the backup. In the ratio measurable [#homosexual pedophiles]/[#heterosexual pedophiles] given their respective population sizes (8/1 or so, recall), an assumption that boys are not reporting and thus fewer homosexual pedophiles are caught would make the ratio larger. Again, thanks for the support.
To sum up, your post relies on faith-based propositions and logical flights that, when examined, can not withstand the light of data or logic.
Really, what would you use as a metric other than chomos caught & convicted? It is about the strongest data to be found. What do you want to use? Surveys? Dartboards? Chicken entrails? Marxist-Feminist critique? Or would you prefer we not worry our little heads about it and make even the discussion of it forbidden for fear we might learn something and allow data and logic to have an effect on our actions & attitudes?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magical_negro The Magical Negro is a supporting stock character in American cinema who is portrayed as coming to the aid of a film's white protagonists.[1] These characters, who often possess special insight or mystical powers, have been a long tradition in American fiction.[2]