Author Topic: John Podesta knows why Hillary lost ...  (Read 3104 times)


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Re: John Podesta knows why Hillary lost ...
« Reply #25 on: November 14, 2016, 04:01:22 PM »
Eh, low voter turnout and DNC corruption for Hillary won him the election.

The interesting thing is the "other" category. over four million votes for Johnson. I can't imagine many of those were libs....with that it's tough to tell if overall conservative turnout is stagnating, or if they turned out and did a protest vote.

Perd Hapley

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Re: John Podesta knows why Hillary lost ...
« Reply #26 on: November 14, 2016, 04:03:33 PM »
College kids protest everything, that isn't unique.

As far as when Obama won, I've seen eight years of Facebook posts about death panels, "get ready to water the tree of liberty with the blood of patriots", hang that monkey from a tree, Obama's the biggest racist on the planet, Michelle Obama is nasty/ugly/dumb/likes rap/looks like a monkey, Obama's kids are miscreants, Obama's a Muslim terrorist, Obama's going to take away our (medicare, guns, freedom, military pay, xxx).

Now my Facebook is full of posts on Trump is going to make gay people illegal, and America's going to have food riots, and Hillary won the popular vote so let's post on Tumblr about it, and Trump's a racist, lots of talk about Trump grabbing Lady Liberty by the you know what, this isn't my america, and Hillary lost so I'm going to cry, and America is full of racist hicks, and Trump hates Mexicans, and anyone that voted for Trump is a monster.

So far the liberals haven't gotten as nasty as the conservatives did (less talk of violence)--they're just angry and a bit in denial but I think that's just because there hasn't been enough time to get started. After a few years I'm sure they'll have plenty of nasty memes built up. His wife will be interesting--she's easier to criticize than Michelle Obama, but liberals usually shy away from direct criticism of women so I'm curious how that'll shake out.

It's different in delivery methods though. Obama was eight years ago, and conservatives are older, and not as likely to be in college, so it's factually more likely to see YouTube comments and college classes being cancelled because of protests/riots or whatever. YouTube is only 11 years old, after all.

There's just no way you're going to be able to make an equivalence between conservatives grousing on the internet; versus people rioting, and beating up the opposition. I'm not sure why you're trying. The "liberals" aren't as nasty? Seriously? How many riots were there in the American spring of '09? ???
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Re: John Podesta knows why Hillary lost ...
« Reply #27 on: November 14, 2016, 04:04:51 PM »
I thought they actually went after him like they would any other Republican.  Only Trump didn't back down and immediately beg for forgiveness as soon as someone said he was a meany.  The media didn't know how to handle that.  Their publicizing what they viewed as bad statements helped Trump.  Between that and Trump realizing what issues were important to Republican voters got him the nomination.   

Trump understands the SJW social Mau-Mauing process and how to short circuit it, in fact he was masterful at it.
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