born/baptized/first communion/confirmation Catholic.
However, I have not attended a Catholic Mass since the early 2000's - for a few yrs very serious in small evangelical church - now simply reading the Bible because
no fellowship from AA to Christianity ever makes me feel really welcome.
Should religious leaders report "child abuse"
it depends on quite a bit, if you're in the Catholic Church and the Priest is hearing confession?
nope, that Priest needs to keep his mouth shut. If its really horrible, the Priest should forgive him and hire the local mafia to kill the abuser ( I'm reasonably certain this has happened before ) or kill the S.O.B himself - but he needs to keep his mouth shut, because that's the deal.
the big book of AA talks about this too, "find someone who can keep a confidence" ....
I'm no lawyer or theologian - but I'm sure that its presumed the confessor feels tremendous guilt, is certain he is condemned, desperately wants to change or already has.
When I was baptized as an adult, the Pastor heard my confession but warned me before hand that he would tell the cops if it was of a criminal nature.
if the deal is "your confessions are secret" then that has to be the deal.
Yeah, it really sucks, but if your God can't change you into some one better, your God did not have the power to create the universe, create light, raise people from the dead etc.
let the cops be cops let the Priest be Priest