"If the Rs win they will sabotage the economy"
You know, no matter what kind of response any of us come up with, it will never be funnier than the desperate *expletive deleted*it the Democrats are coming up with...
I don't know if this is funny, but it's a reply I left on YouTube.
I hope a lot of far-left voters hear that Republicans are going to out-Herod Biden in sabotaging the economy. They'll all vote Republican at least twice.
If the other Dem media is clever enough, they'll also run with this, just to set up the narrative that whatever else goes wrong with the economy is GOP "obstruction." They will also use that to pressure Republicans into giving them bipartisan cover for the Dem agenda, next term.
And no sooner did I have that thought, than I saw a clip of Biden claiming a GOP House would make inflation worse.