Author Topic: Illegal immigrants there, not here  (Read 38566 times)


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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #325 on: March 11, 2024, 04:17:15 PM »
If only they would use those free cell phones to track them down so they could deport them ...

The phones are probably set up so tracking them is not possible.
If there really was intelligent life on other planets, we'd be sending them foreign aid.

Conservatives see George Orwell's "1984" as a cautionary tale.  Progressives view it as a "how to" manual.

My wife often says to me, "You are evil and must be destroyed." She may be right.

Liberals believe one should never let reason, logic and facts get in the way of a good emotional argument.


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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #326 on: March 11, 2024, 06:18:01 PM »
The phones are probably set up so tracking them is not possible.

Zero chance the gave up the chance to track that many people.   CBP might not have it, but someone has that list.


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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #327 on: March 11, 2024, 11:43:17 PM »
Thomas Crapper, alleged to be the designer of the first "flush" toilet.
What goes in the toilet? "Crap".
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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #328 on: March 11, 2024, 11:45:47 PM »
Interesting result.  >:D  :rofl:

We could always go back to the old term for those that cross the Mexican border illegally - wetbacks.
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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #329 on: March 18, 2024, 09:24:05 PM »
Illegal migrant from Lebanon caught at border admitted he’s a Hezbollah terrorist hoping ‘to make a bomb’ — and was headed for NY

Basel Bassel Ebbadi, 22, was caught by the US Border Patrol on March 9 near El Paso, Texas. While in custody, he was asked what he was doing in the US, to which he replied, “I’m going to try to make a bomb,” according to a Border Patrol document exclusively obtained by The Post.

But Ebbadi later claimed in an interview that he had been trying to flee Lebanon and Hezbollah because he “didn’t want to kill people” and said “once you’re in, you can never get out,” according to internal US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) documents.

Border agents continue to see a surge in migrants whose names appear on the terror watchlist entering the US illegally as crossings continue at record levels.

Probably should keep this one in custody instead of buying him a bus ticket.  ... probably not the only one though.
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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #330 on: March 21, 2024, 05:52:56 PM »
This is all fine. Nothing to see here.

They need to deploy water cannons or tear gas grenades (I would argue for bullets, but I know that won't fly). This is not people politely waiting in line to enter and get their free phone and stuff. This is invasion.
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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #331 on: March 21, 2024, 05:59:36 PM »
I would be OK with towers (or other elevated positions) and guards bouncing birdshot off of the ground in front of them to slow them down or to disperse them. If it is good enough for dispersing prisoners getting rowdy it is good enough for these guys.



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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #332 on: March 21, 2024, 07:54:07 PM »
I'm starting to come around to the "two fences and a minefield" border plan.

I pointed this out in a different chat, but look how many of them are charging the ECP with their hands raised so they can play the "Hands up, Don't Shoot" narrative.  They used to do that in Iraq too, right before they triggered the vests.


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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #333 on: March 22, 2024, 04:35:48 PM »
This is all fine. Nothing to see here.

They need to deploy water cannons or tear gas grenades (I would argue for bullets, but I know that won't fly). This is not people politely waiting in line to enter and get their free phone and stuff. This is invasion.

KJP knows exactly who to blame  :facepalm:

   REPORTER: "Has the president seen that dramatic video of migrants surging past national guardsmen in Texas...?

    JEAN-PIERRE: "The Republican Governor of Texas...This is something that he should address!"
    — (@townhallcom) March 22, 2024
SHAMELESS: KJP Stomps on Another Rake Deflecting Blame for Illegals Overrunning TX Nat'l Guard
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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #334 on: March 22, 2024, 05:37:46 PM »
I'm starting to come around to the "two fences and a minefield" border plan.

Pretty much where I've been at with it.  Or, open the border and create a process for all the immigrants.  We need to either decide that the open border is okay, and deal with that accordingly, or decide that it is not, and shut it down accordingly.  It's not like we can't do area denial.  This middle ground is worse then either.  As it stands we have a de facto open border with no structure to deal with it because it is de jure closed. 

This and a fair number of other things I think are victim of a no long term strategy; a consequence of our political system.


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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #335 on: March 23, 2024, 08:49:34 AM »
Quote from: Ben
Holy hell. It's like giving a loaded gun to a chimpanzee...

Quote from: bluestarlizzard
the last thing you need is rabies. You're already angry enough as it is.

OTOH, there wouldn't be a tweeker left in Georgia...

Quote from: Balog

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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #336 on: March 24, 2024, 05:13:19 PM »
"... and now I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination.  Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin."
                          - Joe Biden, July 11, 2024


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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #337 on: March 28, 2024, 07:42:37 AM »
I guess this could have gone in the squatters thread as well, but more on this Venezuelan asswipe who has been telling illegals to confiscate homes:

So this guy cut off his ankle monitor, makes no bones about letting people know where he can be found, and ICE has no comment? That better be because they're quietly planning to nab him. Seems like this crap he does should be making the pro-illegal immigration lefties as mad as those of us against illegal immigration, since he's a glaring example of what we complain about that the left says doesn't happen.
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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #338 on: March 28, 2024, 08:36:35 AM »
I firmly believe that American Society is not entrenched in racisim, and reject the "All white people are racist, either covertly or overtly" crap.  THat said, there are SOME racist aholes in America still, and there are Small pockets of Neo-Nazis.

As big a name as this guy has made for himself, and as open as he is on how to find him, ICE picking him up might be his safest course.

He's quoted in the Daily Mail as saying he and his family have received threats, and I believe that.  Holmes is going to tick off a lot of aholes with antics like this.  I hope the rage baiting on Tik Tok/Instagram was worth it.


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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #339 on: March 29, 2024, 07:08:48 PM »
Looks like ICE got him. Of course if they drop him in Mexico, he'll be back as a gotaway.
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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #340 on: April 01, 2024, 05:20:09 PM »
This is all fine. Nothing to see here.

They need to deploy water cannons or tear gas grenades (I would argue for bullets, but I know that won't fly). This is not people politely waiting in line to enter and get their free phone and stuff. This is invasion.

Released back into the wild
    This is Insane. The illegals, who were arrested following scene at the border where they ambushed the National Guard, tore down razor wire, and knocked over guards, were released "on their own recognizance" by an El Paso judge yesterday.
    — Kambree (@KamVTV) April 1, 2024

Mob of Illegals Who Overpowered Texas National Guard Released by Judge
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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #341 on: April 01, 2024, 07:32:29 PM »
I'm starting to come around to the tinfoil conspiracy that some folks in the are actively hoping for vigilante violence against immigrants to use as a cudgel in the press before the election.


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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #342 on: April 01, 2024, 09:29:20 PM »
I'm starting to come around to the tinfoil conspiracy that some folks in the are actively hoping for vigilante violence against immigrants to use as a cudgel in the press before the election.

I am as well, and for more hot button issues than just the illegal immigration. They are practically goading people at this point.
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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #343 on: April 04, 2024, 01:53:57 PM »
Took over a tennis court, pitched tents, and raised the Venezuelan flag

Seattle scrambles to raise $5,000 DAILY hotel cost for 240 'threatening' asylum seekers who overtook school play area, erecting tents and flags and complaining of being 'traumatized'
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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #344 on: April 04, 2024, 02:57:48 PM »
Just put bike locks on the gates into the tennis court.  Ta Da, instant detention cage.


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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #345 on: April 09, 2024, 11:38:59 AM »

Interesting video out of NYC on some of the second and third order effects and issues now that NYC is giving asylum seekers 30 days to GTFO.


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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #346 on: April 16, 2024, 10:28:09 AM »
Nothing to see here. Just an NGO instructing illegals to vote for Biden once they get across the border.

Oh, and apparently Mayorkas has had meetings with this NGO.
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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #347 on: April 16, 2024, 10:46:01 AM »
What do you suppose happens when a plurality of the people in a "democracy" do not think the elections are legitimate?

Nothing good, I'd bet.


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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #348 on: April 16, 2024, 10:50:16 AM »
I'm drawing a blank here, what's an NGO?
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Re: Illegal immigrants there, not here
« Reply #349 on: April 16, 2024, 10:53:16 AM »
I'm drawing a blank here, what's an NGO?

Non-Government Organization.  In this context a non profit that operates independently from governments to address social or political issues.