Author Topic: How did you meet/marry your spouse?  (Read 18326 times)


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How did you meet/marry your spouse?
« on: March 05, 2005, 09:20:49 PM »
I thought that with the diversity of members we have here, the story of how you met your spouse and/or married him/her might be fun.  I don't have a spouse, but my parents provide an interesting example.

My parents met when my Dad fell on top of my Mom in a Birmingham (UK) bus during a German air-raid in 1940.  He flattened her, of course, and insisted on walking her home as an apology.  He proposed to her the same afternoon - to which she said a firm NO!  He kept on proposing, for several weeks, until he told her that he'd been drafted overseas to fight the war (he was an officer in the Royal Air Force).  He said that if she refused him once more, he'd never come back.  She said yes...

They were married in January 1941, and had a long weekend for a honeymoon near the Scottish border.  He still claims it was perfect weather for a honeymoon:  they'd wake up each morning, look out of the window, see it was still snowing, and go back to bed!  Wink

Shortly thereafter, he went overseas.  His draft was due to go around the Cape to Singapore, but he was offloaded in Durban, South Africa, to sort out some problems the South African Air Force was experiencing with its newly-delivered Bristol Beaufort torpedo-bombers.  All the rest of his draft arrived in Singapore just in time to surrender to the Japanese.  One out of seven of that draft came home alive...

Dad fought on through the North African campaign, Sicily, and Italy.  He got back to England in 1945.  He and Mom realised soon after that they were not really all that madly in love with one another, but they were both raised in the school that if you made a commitment, you kept it, and worked at it until you got it right.  This year is their 64th wedding anniversary.  Cheesy

What about your stories?
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How did you meet/marry your spouse?
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2005, 09:39:30 PM »
Another enjoyable wartime love story is by Lenore Rickert in the book "Pacific War Stories", an anthology of survivor's tales of the war.  She was a nurse at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese attacked.

She was going out (strictly against regulations, as she was an officer and her boyfriend was an enlisted man) with a Marine.  He was shipped out to Wake Island just before the war broke out, and was captured there by the Japanese.  She stayed faithful to him all through the war, receiving only a few postcards with his name and signature (he never received any of her letters).

She served in the South Pacific, and was transferred back to the USA just before the end of the war.  In her own words, this is what happened next.

"I arrived at Bremerton (WA) the day the Pacific war was over.  So no one was around at the base and everybody was out celebrating.  There was no room in the hotels, and people were out in the streets.  I reported in to the hospital, and they said 'We got a call from Washington, D.C. for you to go to the airport.'  So I said 'What's at the airport, and where is it?'  And they said 'All we were told was that you were to go to the airport as soon as you checked in.'

"So I went out to the airport and I'm standing around, and there were no planes on this field and no one around, but I can see a man clear across the field coming toward me and he's in a Marine uniform.  And I'm looking at him and he's walking toward me.  And as he got closer, I suddenly realized who it was, and I couldn't believe it - it was Bud, my boyfriend from Hawaii who had been captured at Wake.  At the end of the war he'd been in Tokyo ... When the Japanese were getting ready to sign the surrender documents, Governor Stassen (of WA) was sent over to Tokyo, and he had something to do with organizing the capitulation papers.  And while he was there he met this Marine, and so Stassen put him in the plane with him and brought him back with him, and the plane landed in Bremerton.  So there he was in Bremerton, coincidentally where my new assignment was.  That's the way life has been for me.  I don't have to make decisions, they're made for me!  So when he came walking up to me I couldn't believe it.  He's six feet tall and was standing there weighing 117 pounds and looking terrible, but at the same time he looked great to me!  He came right up to me and put his hands on my shoulders and said 'We've got so much catching up to do.'  And I thought, 'What he's been through, if he can have this kind of spirit, he'd be all right for a husband!'

"So we decided to get married that very day and went down to get a license.  During the war, some women were marrying more than one man so that they could get their stipends from the government.  When the authorities found this out, then they started checking up.  You couldn't get a wedding license until they had checked that you didn't have three or four of them already.  We had to go to the judge there in Bremerton, and he wanted to know why we wanted to get married, you know, that sort of thing, and we told him about our story and Bud being a POW and just getting back, and that judge couldn't sign the papers fast enough!

"Then I said I didn't care what church it was, but I wanted to get married in a church.  We found out that the ministers were all somewhere at a conference, and we could only find one minister.  I said, 'I don't care what church it is, I just want to be married in one.'  So we got married in a Lutheran church, and the executive officer stood up with us.  And this all happened on the day Bud got back, so I knew it was meant to be.  Luckily Bud came back okay, and he wasn't sour or bitter or anything, even after all he went through.  Everything just worked out right.  These things were just supposed to be."

If you don't get a lump in your throat reading that story, then you should be ashamed of yourself!  Smiley
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How did you meet/marry your spouse?
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2005, 09:50:24 PM »
I met my wife early during our first year of college.  I had gone to high school with another girl in her suite who, unbeknownst to me, had had a crush on me in high school.  Anyway, she invited me and my roommate up to her suite for dinner.  I had no more than stepped into her suite when another girl caught my eye.  To make a long story short, that "other" girl and I dated all through college, then married.  23 years later, we're still happy together.  Our oldest child now attends that same university.
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How did you meet/marry your spouse?
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2005, 10:29:01 PM »
I met the dearly Beloved when he came to serve me a subpoena!
He worked in the D.A.'s office and I was a parole officer. One of my miscreants had committed a new crime and they needed my testimony as to his criminal history.

We dated off/on for 14 years and finally married 12-31-02. We are deliriously happy and end our days with kisses and "I Love Yous". Yeah, we're just a couple of sentimental saps!
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« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2005, 03:07:48 AM »
My wife and I met during a party in college.  It was my sophomore year and her junior year.  She was from out of town and I was friends with the hostess of the Halloween Party.  I was dressed as Hunter S. Thompson aka Raoul Duke from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.  My wife was dressed as a 'hippie'.  She actually didn't have a real costume when she came out so she had borrowed some of her friends clothes.

We had both had a few beers and making eyes at each other for a while before I asked her to dance with me.  To my surprise she actually came out and danced!  After a couple of songs another friend called me outside for a smoke and a chat (I was Hunter Thompson after all so I had a little cigarette extension/filter and some smokes even though I am generally not a smoker...anything for the costume).  I was still thinking about my wife as I chatted with my friend.

When I went back inside Tarzan started dancing with my chick!  There would be none of that in my jungle, so I grabbed my wife, pulled her over to me and started dancing away...much closer than Tarzan ever was...Tarzan got the hint and got lost.

Then...well we kinda made fools of ourselves by making out on the couch (where the party was going on) for like 3 horus straight.  The hostess yelled at me like I was taking advantage of her friend.  Bah...the night ended and when I said goodbye to her she didn't have her glasses on and thought I was someone else and wouldn't talk to me...I was devastated.  I hadn't gotten her phone number, her friend thought I was too forward and the chances of seeing her again were pretty close to zero.

Then my friend the Hostess had a birthday party about 4 months later.  I was invited and going to supply the music and told that my wife would be there but I was under no circumstances to repeat what happened last time.  I showed up early to set up and who should be there but my wife!  I said hello and she was surprised that I remembered her name.  A couple of sappy lines together and we once again were making out on the couch during the party  :twisted:

This time I wasn't going to screw around so I got her email address and after waiting the requisite 2 days so you don't look too desparate I sent her an email.  About 7 days had gone by and I hadn't heard from her at all.  All of a sudden I got an email that had her last name but some unknown first name.  It turns out that her email server and my email server were having a little fight and wouldn't communicate.  She had sent me an email that very day when she got home and I hadn't receieved it.  

We finally got a chance to start talking to each other without a party going on.  That was a little more than 6 years ago, we got married last year.

Dave Markowitz

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« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2005, 06:52:06 AM »
Blind date, believe it or not.  My wife and I were introduced by mutual friends on Halloween 1996.  We all met for dinner at a local restaurant.  I got there a little early and when she walked in, she looked at me and said, "You must be Dave."

My wife and I hit it right off.  After dinner and our friends left for the night, we wound up talking for a couple hours over drinks at the bar next door to the restaurant.  I got her phone number and then a 5 minute goodnight kiss.  Cheesy

We dated for a few months and then she broke it off.  She wasn't ready for a committent.  By chance I ran into her a few months later and asked her out without thinking.  Fortunately, she said yes, and we dated for four years until we got engaged.  We've been married since June 2001 and now have two amazing daughters, one 2 Y.O and one who turned 8 months old today.


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How did you meet/marry your spouse?
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2005, 07:12:19 AM »
Though I am Single Now - I have been married twice. I'll use Hair Color to distinguish the tale.

  I was just out of HS and not having a car of my own, I hitch-hiked to work most of the time since I needed to arrive earlier than the bus schedule. The Zipper on my Field coat busted. I needed  a coat, being wintertime. Around the second week of January.

I went to JCPenney , they didn't have much selection with the Holiday's , and Inventory coming Up.  " Try our Catalog Dept" suggested the Salesperson.

"May I help you Sir" - Brunette asked, she had to ask again- I was awe struck. Brunette, Hazel eyes, The voice, the smile, that miniskirt...

She assisted me in picking out a coat, two days later she called " your coat is in" - I could not get down to Penny's fast enough.

I asked her out. She said no. I asked again. She said no. "How about we just have coffee or something when you take a break" - I asked .  Catalog manager came up pulled her aside said something to her...she came back.

"In fifteen minutes I get a break, if I am at the snack bar - we will have coffee, if not, then No."

Longest fifteen minutes I ever spent. I handled chain saws, every tool, socket set....10 more minutes ....argghhh...

FINALLY - "you gonna buy me a Coke or not" . She said with a smile, that voice and head tilt".  I tripped over the  chain saw I had put back on the floor display...
We visited, me in jeans, longish hair, my NEW coat....she in Mini-skirt, ....FINALLY after find out about other...I asked her out again.

"My manger when she pulled me aside said " he's cute, go ahead, he won't bite, not  too hard - maybe".  

Steve You are the most polite, persistent,  fellow that has ever hit on me....Okay, we will go out and have that "burger or something' you keep mentioning....Dated about 3 yrs.


Attending a New Years Day Pot-Luck with one of my Shooting Pards. Met his red- headed daughter, who invited me to come over and watch a movie she rented.  We were married for awhile.  My pardner warned me about marrying his daughter...

Brunette - again:

I get a call from my Step-Sister and the Brunette's younger sister. They knew each other .

Anyway since we both were divorced , the sisters had been thinking. Seems as if everyone -from the time we met back in '73 had thought we should have stayed and married. I mean everyone.

I was informed she had a son, they told me his name. He has the name she and I had discussed back when we dated, and you go thru "what-if" questions and discussions. He has my middle name - spelled exactly as I do.

The sisters decided a coin flip would decide which one of us would call the other. I made the call.

I arrived with a small ceramic plant holder with Viloets. We went to a local Subway for lunch and then back to her place. We acted, communicated, everything like we did back some 20+ years earlier.

We dated at first when the kid was at his dads for visitation. The first time I met the kid, we were going to cook together a meal. The kid said " you guys, I heard the stories from Grandma, Grandpa, and the Aunts and guys are like you have known each other forever. So like when you guys gonna marry and give me a Stepdad?"

Talk about 'deer in the headlight looks" from two adults...

After we dated for a bit, the kid and I did "guy stuff" he had not had with his dad...

"You know, you are the most polite, persistent fella, my son says you are the dad he never had, most likely never will. The Dog...the dog thinks you  hung the moon, he minds  you and not us. So since the DOG thinks you are a pretty good fella, and the dog has great insticts-  wanna be a husband and Stepdad?

We married. Small ceremony with just the 3 of us, with a JP. Dog was pissed he couldn't come.

I had to take the dog out for a burger ( yes he barked into the speaker at  Sonic) and let him chase rabbits for forgiveness after the ceremony...


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« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2005, 07:44:34 AM »
First marriage - 1972.  For all the right reasons.  She was a receptionist in the practice where then I worked as an osteopath.  We had my two best friends - the kids - but things went gradually sour - what some folks call ''growing apart'' ... complex but unstoppable process it seems, looking back.  Divorced 1988 - but still had and relished a whole heap of time with the kids - who got thru it all with no scars.

1988 thru 1999, two major relationship girl friends ...... both pretty close. First one died from kidney disease, second - didn't work out. Also 1992 thru 95, went back to Uni to get another degree.

My present wife I met thru the internet, almost a chance thing - it's a long story but suffice to say - we got kicked off on communication thru email - and then added phone ... all the while growing closer and finding out more about each other than any conventional dating would have done.  In the end, ostensibly to visit my son who was already working over here - (a mere 30 miles away I might add - pure chance) .... I flew over for first time from UK and met my Bonnie, and we found that there was chemistry to add to the already quite profound friendship.

Other trips followed and I made the decision to sell up and clear up ... and move. We married June 9 2, Winchester VA.  I have not had a second's regret - and feel blessed.
Chris - P95
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« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2005, 07:52:18 AM »
well we ummm yeah i guess that story has yet to be told.
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As my conscience seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
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« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2005, 08:05:14 AM »
Things learned from this thread:

1. Fall on women on buses and demand they marry me. Lots of time to do that.
2. Meet women a university. Tried that, didn't work out. Have to go back.
3. Get subpoenaed.
4. Don't shout at people who suggest they could get me blind dates.
5. Meet women on the internet - so spend less time at APS and THR.

More please.
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« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2005, 08:07:59 AM »
Darn it Iain - just cottoned on - it's you.  Glad to see you are still around. Smiley
Chris - P95
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« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2005, 08:17:15 AM »
Met SWMBO on the net!

I'm just a condescending, supercilious,  pompous ass .But then again, my opinion is as irrelevant as yours, and keep in mind kids, it's only the internet! If I bug ya that much, ignore me. Anyway, need something? Call me at 800/992-4570.
?If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers?


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How did you meet/marry your spouse?
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2005, 09:30:31 AM »
Playing the online first-person shooter game Unreal.  We spent more time talking to each other vs. shooting at each other. After about a year, we took the time to meet each other face-to-face.  We've been married about 3 years now.  Cheesy
"Bother", said Pooh, as he chambered another round...

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« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2005, 09:39:34 AM »
we took the time to meet each other face-to-face.
So - it wasn't a 'shot in the dark' then!! Tongue  Cheesy [/quote]
Chris - P95
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« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2005, 09:55:06 AM »
Back in late 1965.  My partner and I had a guy pulled over for going the wrong way on a one way street.  As we were writing him a ticket, a car load of kids threw a beer bottle out the window of their car at a wino.  (talk about stupid)  We made a U turn and started after them with the overhead's on.  They got ahead of a taxi and another car and as I pulled around the taxi, the car in front of him made a left turn.  I tried to avoid the car but struck it as she continued her turn.  Well the chase was over and now we had to call a supervisor to police our accident.
Anyway, I get out of the patrol car and approach the other vehicle and out steps this beautiful blonde.  She takes a look at her car, places her hands on her hips and says, "You dumb son of a (ahem) look what you did to my car."

I won't bore you with the mundane procudure that followed.

About three months later in February or March, I'm in the local watering hole after getting off the Job and I see this blonde.  She looks sort of familiar, so I saunter up and deftly say, "you look familiar, where do I know you from?"  She looks me up and down and says, "I ought to look familiar, you're the dumb son of a (ahem) that smashed up my car."

We got married that October.  Still going strong and she is more beautiful than ever.
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw

Bruce H

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« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2005, 10:56:25 AM »
Back before the internet. My wife worked saturday nights in a pool hall. Just a casual deal from being familiar with each other. Been a great going on twenty eight years.
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« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2005, 11:44:54 AM »
My wife and I were high school sweet hearts, kind of. I met her the end of my freshman year, and she was a year ahead. We broke up three seperate times, and one time, as a just because we aren't talking, I figure we are broken up time. So of course, I spent my free time going out with other girls.  I went to her senior prom with her, but we were broken up again later. So my senior prom, I went with someone else, but ended up leaving the prom with her to drop her off at home. (That was the last time we started together before the lets not talk thing) Lots of other fun stuff in between all this.

So when I went to college, we wrote to each other a lot, and when I came back, we spoke even more and actually stayed together after that. I proposed a while after that, while I was still living with my mother. That was about 5 years ago I believe.


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« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2005, 01:18:27 PM »
Another high school sweetheart case here, circa 1968.

Met her when my buddies and I were just hanging out on the main drag in downtown Milwaukee. I was hit by the "thunderbolt" right away. We dated constantly for about two years.

Then she got the idea--can't say that I blame her--that she could get somebody better. She left me for another guy.

We spent the next couple of years trying to find someone better for each of us, and getting back together again, then splitting up, then back together...

The other women I dated were certifiably insane. The guys she dated were first-class jerks, or worse. There's one guy that to this day I'd kill if I thought I could get away with it.

By 1973 or so, we realized that we were the only ones who were right for each other.

We fought so much that I was hesitant to get married. By 1977 things settled down enough that I bought her a ring.

Best $500 I ever spent. Wink


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« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2005, 02:50:56 PM »
I came down to Nashville from Ft. Campbell, as one of the designated drivers for a bunch of my Army buddies.

She was attending Vanderbilt University and was showing a friend from back home the Nashville nightlife.

I walked into Lonnie's Western Room on Printer's Alley, saw her sitting there, and thought to myself "Wow, she's hot.  There's no way she'd even give me the time of day."  So, I turned around and went to the bar next door with two of my friends.  Luckily, the other three stayed in Lonnie's.  The bar next door wasn't my cup of tea, so we returned to Lonnie's.  Well, my friend Shaun was talking to the most beautiful woman on Earth and Jeff was talking to her friend.  Knowing that Shaun was engaged and wasn't trying to 'hook up', I mosied over and sat down, figuring the worst that could happen would be that I'd get ignored.  

Well, we hit it off pretty well and I had her laughing the rest of the night.  At eh end of the night, her friend had invited Jeff to go back to my wifes' dorm room with her.  Being the gentleman that I am, I offered to give them all a ride.  (Jeff might need a ride home right away, right?  Or, he might stay and someone would have to drive back down and pick him up in the morning, so if I knew where he had gone it would be that much easier, right?)

I ended up staying and visiting with my wife until 8 in the morning, when she and her friend had to get ready to meet my in-laws for breakfast.  They were driving down to pick up my wifes' friend to take her home.  That was November 7th, 1999, and we've been together ever since.  We'll celebrate our first anniversary on June 19th.


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« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2005, 06:15:16 PM »
I'll tell that story when it happens, but if things go my way, hopefully someone of Asian descent.


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« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2005, 06:35:04 PM »
The internet!

I needed tickets for a Dave Matthews concert and posted a request on a hippie message board.  My wife responded, I met her, bought them from her and we hit it off pretty well.  I moved about 150 miles to be closer to her.  We got engaged about 5 months later and married 4 months after that in Vegas.  

On may 24th it will be 2 years.  It's goin pretty darn good.


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« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2005, 02:23:17 AM »
I didn't count but it seems like at least half of the relationships that turned into marriage were pretty much random encounters where the guy (or girl) actually took some initiative and they hit it off.  

I have always said that you can't find love it finds you...


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« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2005, 03:10:46 AM »
I met Mrs Jamz right before moving to Florida.  She was the roommate of a friend of mine.  I thought she was hot, so I found a lot of excuses to hang out over there.  I was too shy to really move on anything though.

I moved to Florida, but thanks to airline reciprocity rules, I could usually grab a jump seat on US Air or someone and get a ride back up to Boston to visit family, etc.  I'd do that every month or so.

A relative passed away (this was a Good Thing, incidentally), so I went up there for a long weekend for the funeral.  THe day after, my friends were having a party, so I joined them, and Mrs Jamz was there.

We got to talking, and it turns out that she was as interested in me as I was with her, but she was also too shy to do anything about it!  We made out on the couch for most of the night.  

Oh, as I was making my 'move" to make out with her, I was inadvetently stroking my best friend's leg thinking it was hers. :p (it was a crowded couch at that point)  He wondered what the hell I was doing.  :shock:

So, we wrote and called back and forth for a couple of months till I decided I wanted to be back north with her.  We dated for a couple of years, moved in together (into a boat for a couple of months, then a small apartment in the North End), and got married a couple years later.  Happily ever since!

Love, James
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« Reply #23 on: March 07, 2005, 05:00:53 AM »
I tackled Jon in a frisbee game.  (joke is I hit on him first)  We started going out a week later.  A month after that he proposed.  We got a ring and told my parents a couple of days later.  We got married 13 months later.  If I could do it again we would have eloped shortly after being engaged.

We are coming up on our 1 year of marriage in July.  We hope to be newly weds forever, and always end our days with kisses and "I love yous".

Leigh Ober


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« Reply #24 on: March 07, 2005, 05:29:43 AM »
Oh boy, blind date here, friends left, we argued for six hours about Tudor politcs and haven't stopped since. Moved in together within two weeks, or as she put it "you left some of your stuff here and I haven't thrown it out yet".

That was three years ago, getting married in two weeks and I am nauseatingly in love with her and she I for some reason. May have something to do with me not minding sharing my bed with several cats.
Just so happens Satan's behind the bar pulling the late shift for a buddy...