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Snore patrol nabs another CTA napper
« on: July 11, 2007, 06:59:09 PM »,1,7747208.column?coll=chi-news-col&ctrack=1&cset=true

Snore patrol nabs another CTA napper

Published July 11, 2007, 11:34 AM CDT

Update: Chicago officials this morning dropped the case against window washer Sam Hardison who was accused of falling asleep on a CTA train, City Corporation Counsel Gerald Szymanski said. The action came at a brief court hearing attended by a bevy of reporters.

Hardison said he was pleased with the decision, but added, "I lost $200 coming to court today because I couldn't work. They must be hurting for revenue. I see people sleeping on the trains all the time."

Window washer Sam Hardison has been charged by City Hall with another crime of the century:

Falling asleep on a CTA train, with a cookbook in his lap. So the poor guy may have to pay City Hall a fine of up to $300 for sleeping dangerously. That's a lot of windows to wash for a nap on the CTA, where payrollers and political hacks have been napping for years, when they're not taking double pensions, golfing and goofing off.

Unfortunately in Chicago, public sleeping is still a crime, if you work for a living and are exhausted and nod off on the train at the end of a long day that began before 4 a.m.

And so, Wednesday is judgment day for Legs of Death 2: The Window Washer's Trial.

"I looked the officer right in the eye and said, 'You've got to be kidding. I have to go to court on this?' And he said, 'Yes, you do,'" Hardison, a West Sider, told us the other day about his June 5 ticket on the Red Line.

The officer's partner didn't like Hardison's attitude, which he says was shock and astonishment, not anger. (Full disclosure: My late father-in-law was a window washer, so I'm prejudiced in Hardison's favor, as is my wife, and she's angry.)

"And the other officer said, 'If you don't be quiet, we will take you to jail right now. We'll arrest you,'" Hardison said. "I let them write their citations. I felt that it was not right, but what can I do?"

Here's what you do, Sam Hardison. You call the Tribune columnist who specializes in cases of sleeping dangerously on CTA trains and you get a good lawyer for Wednesday morning's hearing at City Hall's Kangaroo Court, 400 W. Superior St.

It's not formally called "Kangaroo Court," but it might just as well be, since it's not a real court, with real judges, but hearing officers who consider you guilty until proven innocent, because City Hall needs revenue to make up for all those costly political deals.

John Moran is a lawyer who knows Hardison through Spillin' the Beans, a Wilmette coffee shop near the train station where Moran has coffee and where Hardison washes windows. Moran is representing Hardison for free, another foreign concept at City Hall where everybody pays. Almost everybody.

"I mean, it sounds like the guy committed murder on the train," Moran said, reviewing the ridiculous ticket. "I mean, a fine to this guy is like property taxes. This is one of those deals where you are never going to see the officer in the courtroom. Of course, I am not going to stand for that."

That means he'll demand the officer appear in court, because he's a lawyer and knows the law, unlike the thousands upon thousands of the rest of us, who receive tickets and surrender and bleat and pay our fines like happy sheep.

Shelly Dahl, owner of Spillin' the Beans, at 1154 Central Ave. said Hardison has been washing his windows for more than a decade. It's the kind of coffee shop I might like, since they don't charge you four bucks per cup.

"It's a ridiculous situation," Dahl said of the sleeping ticket. "Every single morning, he comes and washes my windows. He is a professional window washer and does a great job. He's always been very dependable."

The regulars at the coffee shop have been speculating that their friend's untrimmed beard and worn-out work clothes may have had something to do with the charge of sleeping dangerously. They figure police may have thought Hardison was homeless.

"Absolutely, absolutely, if you look at him, you might think he was homeless, a black guy with a pretty scraggily beard," Dahl said. "If it was me, a short Jewish guy, sleeping on the train, they are not going to write me a ticket."

As a loyal reader, Hardison knew about my friend Gaurav "Legs of Death" Bhatia, a chemical engineer who became famous a few years ago for getting a similar ticket for sleeping dangerously, and fighting City Hall and winning, with the help of your humble servant and a top-notch law firm.

"His name was 'Legs of Death,' but they said his legs were out in the aisle," Hardison said. "My legs weren't out in the aisle. I dozed off, but I wasn't endangering anybody."

"Legs of Death" Bhatia is now an engineer living in California, searching for a beautiful young woman to marry before his mom sends him back to India where they'll match him up with someone whether he likes her or not.

"I've been there, man," Bhatia said. "Tell him, I wish him good luck. Tell him to walk with his head high. Tell him he is going to sleep again. Tell him that it is his constitutional right to sleep, yeah!"

During Bhatia's ordeal, an angry mob of chemical engineers, physicists, mathematicians, organic chemists and other frightening rowdies were ready to storm the hearing, shouting, "Hai, CTA!" which means "Shame on you, CTA!"

"That's true," Legs of Death said. "Tell them, yes, fight The Man. We should all get together in Chicago and sleep and tell the city, 'Yeah, we are going to sleep here!' Like a sleeping group."

Legs of Death can't make it to the trial of Legs of Death 2. But I'll be there, just waiting to see how City Hall uses the political squeegee to wipe this one clean.



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Re: Snore patrol nabs another CTA napper
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2007, 07:10:37 PM »
Things are getting pretty bad when everytime a thread like this pops up I have to ask, "Are you sure this isn't from 'The Onion'?"
"I'm a foolish old man that has been drawn into a wild goose chase by a harpy in trousers and a nincompoop."


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Re: Snore patrol nabs another CTA napper
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2007, 09:34:12 PM »
I guess they couldn't find any tiny barmaids to beat up.
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Re: Snore patrol nabs another CTA napper
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2007, 11:16:52 PM »
Typical for Chicago, but the writer of that article needs to be beaten over the head with a manual of English grammar and style.

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Re: Snore patrol nabs another CTA napper
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2007, 02:58:56 AM »
I'd like to say again that I am soooo glad I left. grin

Nap City Police=> police
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Re: Snore patrol nabs another CTA napper
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2007, 03:39:57 AM »
Is it just my imagination, or in recent years are more intrusive laws being passed all the time that are starting to intrude and harm ordinary people?

I mean, it used to be that laws would ensnare stock swindlers, violent criminals, companies that dumped toxic waste illegally, drunk drivers, and that sort of thing . . . but now it seems that goofy laws - with expensive consequences - are ensnaring John Q. Public, Joe Sixpack, the guy down the street, your colleague at work, just for going about their business in a normal, everyday manner . . .

I've seen it at work, where a colleague who lives in Austin wants to add about 500 square feet to his modest home . . . but he ran into Austin's new "McMansion Ordinance" and had to get a variance . . .

There was a recent thread about police roughing-up & arresting a 70 year old woman for not watering her grass . . .

There was the Kelo case, on using eminent domain to take property from one private party in order to give it to another private party . . .

For this kind of cr@p to keep popping up, we're really going off on the wrong track as a country . . . and it's getting worse. angry
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Re: Snore patrol nabs another CTA napper
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2007, 03:46:37 AM »
There are a lot of things going on that make this kind of thing happen.

One is the insane hunger for revenue our political masters have.

Another is that most of them are control freaks, and think they can decide how we live our lives better then we can.

From the enforcement side, say you are a cop. You have a choice between going after violent criminals (and the associated risk) or giving out tickets to people who nod off on the bus. Is it even remotely difficult to tell why one choice might be more attractive to an average cop than the other? Especially when you get major brownie points for writing citations that generate revenue.

Disclaimers: I am not a lawyer, cop, soldier, gunsmith, politician, plumber, electrician, or a professional practitioner of many of the other things I comment on in this forum.


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Re: Snore patrol nabs another CTA napper
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2007, 07:24:42 AM »
ilbob hits the nail on the head. Money, power and safety motivate the average public employee.

RT Refugee

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Re: Snore patrol nabs another CTA napper
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2007, 09:26:19 PM »
This reminds me of the time our First Sergeant yelled at us for going to sleep while waiting in the company area.  It was one of those things where they emptied the barracks at five in the morning and made us all come downstairs for urinalysis, health-and-welfare check, etc.  So we were sitting in a classroom, waiting to be called, and some of us were asleep.  Sleeping at odd places and times is a vital skill of the infantryman, and well-worth practicing.  But Top was not savvy to such refinements.  Moron.   rolleyes
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Re: Snore patrol nabs another CTA napper
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2007, 04:34:08 AM »
It's easy to beat up on LEO's. But a lot of this crap starts with local moral crusaders looking down their noses at others and pushing through ordinances to drive their utopian visions. Government is happy to have new ordinances to enforce because it increases their responsibilities and wages, especially if it's light work. And politicians get bragging rights for having "fixed" another disaster soon to befall us all.


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Re: Snore patrol nabs another CTA napper
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2007, 12:19:26 PM »
I fell asleep on a BART (San Francisco area) Rapid transit train once.

A BART officer nudged me, waking me up, asking where my stop was.
He came through before my stop to make sure I was still awake.

Amazing, huh?
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