Author Topic: Heh Heh, my wife.....  (Read 10132 times)


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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« on: March 07, 2005, 04:21:27 PM »
was looking over our new campfire here at APS and she says we sound like a bunch of women in the beauty parlor.  BBBwwwwwaaaaaahhahahahahahaha.

She says she wonders if the bunch of us have pms.  Bwwwwaaaahhahahahaha.   Er,  I think she means me too. :shock:
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2005, 05:06:56 PM »
Beauty parlor eh!??

We both probably need it!! Tongue  Cheesy

"Speak fer yerself P95!!"

Oh - OK then - I'll go on my own!! Cool
Chris - P95
Guns don't kill people - people kill people.
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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2005, 05:10:26 PM »
Dear Mrs. grampster,

I commend you on finding a Beauty Shop where such topics as :

-"Hey, anyone else out there like guns"

-"Sold the Boat Today  Like a Death in the Family"

-"American WWII Generals"

-"Best sport bike under $10k?"

are discussed over  "whirl" of the hair dryers .


Now I believe Dick could use another Cognac....Please ma'am.



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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2005, 05:15:21 PM »
Ah but Steve - that list would NOT be complete - without "9mm vs .45" LOL Tongue
Chris - P95
Guns don't kill people - people kill people.
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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2005, 05:26:50 PM »
Chris -

Women discuss "measurements", "metric vs standard measurments" , "fast, slow".... and embarass the hell out of  the newlyweds , and the UPS guy that happens to walk by....

- ha, you want to get embarrased - forget deer camp, listen to the jokes and stories women tell.


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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2005, 05:39:27 PM »
Steve, Chris,

     Wish you had not mentioned the UPS driver.  SWMBO is a foundation member of QVC and UPS is like a step child.  I was puttering in the yard one day and the driver stopped in the street, looked at me, shrugged his shoulders as if to say, " I don't know why I don't have a delivery today" and drove on.  Once we were driving by the huge UPS warehouse area along the tollroad in Chicago (the one than goes north off I80 to Wisconson) and they had a huge banner stretched between two ten story poles that said, "Have a good time in Chicago, SWMBO"  Sigh.....
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2005, 05:40:36 PM »
Chris -

Women discuss "measurements", "metric vs standard measurments" , "fast, slow".... and embarass the hell out of  the newlyweds , and the UPS guy that happens to walk by....

- ha, you want to get embarrased - forget deer camp, listen to the jokes and stories women tell.

Hey sm, I take offense at that... not all of us females talk about measurements or metric vs standard measurements *confused on why anybody would talk about that* and I'll have you know the last conversation I had with a female friend of mine was on what guns to buy if Hiliary Clinton ever gets the 2008 Democratic party nomination for president (god help us all)
Nothing like a couple hundred rounds down range to make a girl feel better.  


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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2005, 05:43:57 PM »
She says she wonders if the bunch of us have pms.

You know, I made an amazing discovery a few weeks back. I found that if you are having dinner with a bunch of gun nuts and you're the only woman present, if you make a PMS joke, you can make them all shut up really fast.

I am retaining this bit of information for future use.


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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2005, 06:01:55 PM »

PS, but east of Colon?
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2005, 08:10:40 PM »

My most humble apologizes.  

I should have used "J/K" or smiles ( which I am still getting used to this Forum).

I will be the first to admit there a LOT of women that know more about Guns, Ammo, State of World affairs - you name it - than I do.

I keep telling you folks I ain't that smart.

My record will bear out - I hate this sterotype that is applied to gender and everything else.  

I do tease and poke fun at myself, when I do so to others I mean no offense.

That said [tm] my ex used to come home and tell a joke some nurse told...Jiminey!  

I have worked in the main OR of a hospital. About 4 hrs into a 8 hr surgery, the music gets old, everyone is caught  up on familes, politics, world events...some of the stuff the girls would come up with - including the lady surgeons...Well lets just say it was " lets see how red-faced we can get the guys in the room" .   :oops:

You really don't want to know what all is said and goes on in a OR room.

One Srub tech actually cracked a rib one night laughing so hard at some funny stuff one lady shared about med school.


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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2005, 12:29:36 AM »

PS, but east of Colon?

Hehe, yep. Much east of Colon. Smiley


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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2005, 02:24:55 AM »
sm... no worries... I really don't get offended by anything... I was mostly joking when I posted that (should have used j/k too now that I think of it)... I realize that the majority of females are that way my roommate included... just wanted to point out that there are some of us out there that have our heads on straight.... Cheesy
Nothing like a couple hundred rounds down range to make a girl feel better.  


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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2005, 04:50:31 AM »

Okay, we are on good terms then.

You did hear about the new dealie I came up with didn't you? TBRU - NOT gender specific, or anything else - yeah I know, another acroynym- this one has a place though. *smirk*

Tacky ____ R Us . The "B" ain't for "boys" or "babes" either. *grin* . Tends to work well when dealing with Antis, and such folks with certain mindsets.


Sean Smith

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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2005, 05:35:34 AM »
ha, you want to get embarrased - forget deer camp, listen to the jokes and stories women tell.

There is an element of truth there.  Yes, it is a generalization, and so is per se suspect.  But, um,  :shock:

The assumption by women is that guys' "locker room/boy's night out/etc." talk is just an avalance of explicit awfulness and excessive relationship detail disclosure.  Men, generally, don't think of that being true of "girl's night out/hairdresser chat/etc." type conversations.  Based on knowing alot about the former, and a wee bit about the latter, I'd just say that perhaps women are at least as good as men at that, too.  


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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2005, 06:07:24 AM »
True Story:

My ex was a nurse, raising a boy by herself. Well even when married to his dad - the dad not 'teach' the boy " guy stuff".

The boy is hearing all this stuff at school about girls, it is time for the "talk".

Mom comes in and tosses the condoms onto the kitchen table, and said I'm going to use this bananna and show you. Then you are gonna do it".  :oops:

He was not expecting "Mom" to know all this stuff...sure didn't  jive with what the guys at school were discussing.

He gets a bit older, more talk with guys about 'girl; stuff at school, So while at the local small town Grocery store - "Well one of these days you are going to buy them, so go over there and buy a pack of condoms, I'll be outside".  She said he hummed, hawwed, bought candy, pencils...and just wanted to get out of there....he put them under the seat of the car.

Now by this time I am his Stepdad.  He is in the band, talk of a party with some 'loose girls" comes up.  He never figured out how adults got wind of this stuff.

"Well honey, you best learn and practice some skills" . We were sitting on the couch, he sitting across from us. Steve, kiss me and undo my bra. I did and she had the knack to take off the bra from under her shirt.

The boy is beet red.

She then grabs a pillow, fastens the bra and said " undo it"  . He fumbles around with both hands, he "finally' gets it undone. "Honey - by the time you get that bra off the girl is gonna be out of the mood" . Now he is really red faced, fumble fingers , and can't sit still.

She suggested he practice more before this "big party" and would be a really good idea to be able to undo a bra one handed.

He decided he really didn't want to go to this party with "loose girls".  A combination of having to practice undoing a bra ( she really did have him practice) giving him money to buy condoms, and "oh honey you do realize  you will most likely be naked around folks and they around you".

I can't recall if he used the condom money to pay for the rental movie we all watched or not. He may have put it toward some new drumsticks.



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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2005, 06:08:21 AM »
sm we're on great terms... friends? Wink Anyways yes I have a feeling I know what goes on in ORs... it can't be as bad as hanging around with 10 firefighters or running the shift I did when I ran rescue squad. Too much information was definitely a real issue comming form both the men and the women
Nothing like a couple hundred rounds down range to make a girl feel better.  


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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2005, 07:15:12 AM »
Yes there is some sick humor, one has to do something to cope with all the stuff they see. It keeps them "sane" and the abilty to go on.

It is kinda funny to put "Beety Boop" the CPR doll in a EMT vehicle to suprise a EMT guy about to get married though. Our version of a Bachlor Party was kinda weird. Ever heard a grown man trying to get out of an EMT vehicle and a firefighter, his lady partner, and a Policeman are holding the door closed?

He exits ( finally ) and the Fiance' is standing there . She calmed down once she met "Betty".  :mrgreen:

Maybe it was the leather whip that Betty had that scared him. Young couple, naive ( to say the least) . Guess you had to be there.  ummm


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« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2005, 09:59:40 AM »
Cough, ahem, er...ah.. swmbo says she is starting to smell permanent wave solution, sm and uvakat.  heh heh heh.

barbara, I was hoping your "Michigan" hat was on re:Colon.  South of Paradise, west of Hell.  Heh heh.
"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw


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« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2005, 10:02:30 AM »
lol sm that sounds like some of the stuff we pulled... I think I tripped over a blow up doll in my bunk for the night one day....

and permanent wave solution? do I want to even know what that is?
Nothing like a couple hundred rounds down range to make a girl feel better.  


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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2005, 10:16:48 AM »
Never hear of the Ladies in Beauty Shops ...having fun with the supplies.

Penrose drains make great sling shots, you can make water pistols with them too.  Saline bottles make great 'bowling pins". Cart races are fun, and the big thick mitts used to get into the "freezer' ( - 65* F) makes a pretty good catcher's mitt.

You get funny looks using a IV filled with Tea, Cranberry Juice like a Camelback tho'.

Sometimes the OR is quiet. Very Rare. Snow + holidays and skeleton crew. The girls stole all the scrubs from the guys locker room. Only fair we steal back all the scrug tops....and every roll of toliet tissue in their locker room.

Women get real testy about stealing all the TP.  I mean they stand there in scrub bottoms and maybe a T shirt ( maybe not) and inform everone your parents were never married. *grin*

Even the on call Surgeons are in on all of this.  Who do think brought in putters for the "Putt Putt Golf" game at 3am. ?  

Not me...I was the only one "working"....I just heard about this stuff....*ahem*....


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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2005, 10:20:24 AM »
LOL sure you were the only one working? I don't even know you and somehow already I do not believe it...

Thankfully on RS nobody figured out to steal our TP that would have been the worst... though you guys sounded like you had too much fun... need a tech in that OR?
Nothing like a couple hundred rounds down range to make a girl feel better.  


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Heh Heh, my wife.....
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2005, 10:34:38 AM »
I left that OR. In fact I decided I was not cut out for medical stuff. That hospital soured me.

So being the older returning student I am - I changed directions in college.

I really really like the children's hospital here. I have done some work there, did some volunteer work, my ex may still be there - don't know due to some health problems - she may have retired after 26 or so years.

Out of Repect for her -  I didn't  seek a job with them after the divorce.

I am being taunted with the idea of medical stuff again. One of my classmates is a Dr at the children's hospital.  I have been invited to check into thier IT dept since that is the direction I am headed in as far as College now.

I knew computers and such were going to play a bigger role in the OR - and other areas. This lady Dr  said I could come visit the OR - scrub in and take a look around.  I'm afraid I'll want to do that work again - in a different capacity. are unique patients. She is taking more IT stuff becasue of the bigger role it plays in the OR and rehab.

Sure put many a mile on that hard tile floor in the OR....